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DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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the DV thing is a waiting game mates so patience is really whats its all about especially when you have a high case number take heart from last year thread all selectee were current before the end of the fiscal year
Yep this is a must wait game though ! Thanks for the encouragement ! Nice Day to u all !!
Hallo mates hope you are all good its another bright monday ,for our members who will be attending interviews and and doing their medicals this week i wish them success and we will be waiting for your interview,

Our daily Monday prayer
Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought us in safety to this new day: Preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Be blessed and remember God loves you! AMEN

Amen...God be with you this week my brother
friend of mine 2014AF00075xxx
expect your interview on July/august,we will be on the same boat
last year my friend from Tanzania with cn00090xxx he just do his interview on September,this year we don't know what will happen,lets wait and see
Hey Partitas and all forumates around here !!!

So I made somehow the same mistake on this question about petitioner ! I wrote the names and addresses of my host family instead of putting mine as own petitioner !! May I need to contact the KCC or I will have to correct it on the interview date ?

Hey Partitas and all forumates around here !!!

So I made somehow the same mistake on this question about petitioner ! I wrote the names and addresses of my host family instead of putting mine as own petitioner !! May I need to contact the KCC or I will have to correct it on the interview date ?


Given your case number you have time to email a corrected form to KCC.
With the high number of winners Dv 2014 of approximately 140,660. Does anyone see the US embassies all over the world processing each and every individual? I have calculated the african winners and the number is 61942 like 40 something percent of the total........
With the high number of winners Dv 2014 of approximately 140,660. Does anyone see the US embassies all over the world processing each and every individual? I have calculated the african winners and the number is 61942 like 40 something percent of the total........

MANY of those 140k will never even send in their forms - so no the embassies don't expect to process every case. They only need to fill 50k visas (about 33k selectees plus derivatives). So - they need to do around 3000 to 4000 interviews per month and spread among 150 embassies - so maybe 40 or 50 interviews a month for the busiest embassies - not too bad really....
The thing is that she can't file for the husband because she won't have one as she declared she was single....it is extremely difficult to file for someone who is not related to you in anyway. Even when one is related to you i.e a child or spouse, the process is lengthy and the interviews seek to punch holes in the interviewees testimony.
There is a type of visa called K1, she can use it to take her partner as a fiancée. I suggest that instead of dropping the visa process, let her go as a single person then the joining of the husband will come in later after consulting the immigration lawyers am sure there is a way how they can do it bcs those guys are professional,,, they helped my sister take her entire immediate family to Canada which seemed so impossible at first
Hey everyone, I have a question, I sent an email so loong ago almost 4 months and did follow ups to confirm receipt of my filled ds 230 dsp 0122 forms. They just kept emailing telling me to give it three weeks four weeks due to the volume of emails they get, its now 5th month.How long did those with high CN stay before getting response upon enquiry at KCC of receipt of their forms? I feel they are delaying due to my high case number.

Under normal circumstances, the inquiry takes 6-7 working days to receive a response but I think that applies around May/June when the volume is not yet too much, so if they tell you that they have high volumes, just bear with them or give them a call. The mails are given attention on a first come first serve basis.
In everything that you have done ,the lord has been with you,may he go before you so that you are granted your heart desires,God never abandons his own,my family and I are praying for you ,welkam to Nairobi bro.
Thank you so much Partitas for the prayers and the best wishes, we hope to meet again, are we using the same hotel or this time you are taking us to another one?
hallo mates how are you fellow winners ?for those going to have their medicals during the week and for those who will have their interviews remember WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU ,its only appropriate to have the almighty father as our guardian hope with our love for each other success will be for every one on this thread and those who will register in future.FAMILY AND GODIA we wish you all the best and remember God loves you take care

Today devotion

Ecclesiastes 9:11

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

remember this is the love of GOD be blessed mates
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