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DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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hallo mates how are you fellow winners ?for those going to have their medicals during the week and for those who will have their interviews remember WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU ,its only appropriate to have the almighty father as our guardian hope with our love for each other success will be for every one on this thread and those who will register in future.FAMILY AND GODIA we wish you all the best and remember God loves you take care

Today devotion

Ecclesiastes 9:11

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

remember this is the love of GOD be blessed mates
Thank you Akelloh, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen
check out new rules on link below

U.S. Embassy, Nairobi Announces 2014 Diversity Visa (Green Card) Requirements
By Mwakilishi | Mon, 10/28/2013 12:34PM -0500
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The U.S. Embassy in Nairobi has announced the 2014 Diversity Visa requirements for the lottery winners who were notified by the Department of State of their selected status in May, 2013.

To qualify for the 2014 Diversity Visa, you must meet the following requirements:

On your initial E-DV application, you must have listed your spouse even if you are currently separated from him/her, unless you are legally separated. If you are legally separated or divorced, you do not need to list your former spouse.
On your initial E-DV application, you must have listed ALL of your living children who are unmarried and under 21 years old. This includes your natural children, your spouse’s children, or children you have formally adopted in accordance with the laws of your country. The only exception is if your child is already a U.S. citizen or a U.S. Legal Permanent Resident.

You must have entered the correct photograph of each individual into the E-DV system. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
You must have completed a formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable to 12 years of elementary and secondary education (high school) in the U.S. Vocational degrees, without secondary certificates, are not considered equivalent to a U.S. high school education. The U.S. Embassy Nairobi consults with our regional embassies to define what the comparable standard is for high school education in your country.

- For Kenya, you must have passed the Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE) with a minimum average score of D – (Minus). For pre-1986, the Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) score must be a minimum of Division IV.
- For Burundi, you must have a Diploma D’Etat or Diploma A2.
- For Eritrea, you must have a minimum of five D grades on the Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate.
- For Mauritius, you must have a passing credit (Grade 6 or above) in English on the Cambridge School Certificate (SC), plus the O-level certificate with a minimum Grade 6 in four other subjects.
- For Rwanda, you must have a minimum of 13 points on the A2 diploma, or Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education (AGCSE). For pre-2008 graduates, a minimum score of 1.5 is required on the Diploma of Secondary Education.
- For Uganda, you must have the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) A-level certificate with a minimum of one principal pass and one secondary pass out of four total subject exams.

5. If you do not qualify based on education, then you may qualify based on work experience. You must have worked for two years within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or experience to perform. The U.S. Department of Labor’s O*Net On-line http://www.onetonline.org/find/ database will be used to determine qualifying work experience. Please be advised that it is very difficult to fulfill the educational requirements based on work experience. Qualifying occupations are defined as those with Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) rating of 7 or above, and are listed as job zone 4 or 5.

Please note the following:

Applicants who are citizens of Somalia are advised that it is not possible for the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi to verify claimed educational or work experiences that occurred in Somalia. Without such verification, it may not be possible to process such cases to completion.
If you submit any fraudulent documents with your application, you will be ineligible to receive a visa. Documents presented are subject to independent verification; do not take the risk of presenting a false document.
Marrying a person in order to confer an immigration benefit through the Diversity Visa WILL result in a permanent ineligibility for both you and your spouse.
Visa fees cannot be refunded. DV applicants must meet all qualifications for the visa. If a Consular Officer determines an applicant does not meet requirements for the visa, or is otherwise ineligible for the DV under U.S. law, the officer cannot issue a visa and the applicant will forfeit all fees paid.

Please be advised that there is no guarantee that Diversity Visas will be available after the month of your scheduled appointment. Under no circumstances can a visa be issued after September 30, 2014.

Courtesy of U.S. Embassy in Nairobi
Thanks akelloh for today's devotion and may God richly bless you.
hallo mates how are you fellow winners ?for those going to have their medicals during the week and for those who will have their interviews remember WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU ,its only appropriate to have the almighty father as our guardian hope with our love for each other success will be for every one on this thread and those who will register in future.FAMILY AND GODIA we wish you all the best and remember God loves you take care

Today devotion

Ecclesiastes 9:11

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

remember this is the love of GOD be blessed mates
I just want to wish you the best as you prepare to complete your final mile to the starting point and all i can assure you is that everything is already in control. All you need is to keep on confessing that the Visa is for you and your lovely family. Good luck bro and we're seriously praying for you here in Uganda. Go and pick that Visa package. Its for us.

All the best
Thank you so much. I need your prayers though.

hi guys , hope every one doing fine , CN AS00005000 , i am happyto enjoy the group , any update regarding why the delay in asia numbers , also if the setuation like this i think my interview will be on may and above , god help us to reach the interview ASAP , thanks

Guys today we just went and were called in by the nurse before going to see the doc....the physical check was kinda embarrasing a female Nurse telling me to get to my boxers was kinda uncomfortable..all in all everything went well results were all negative...though av seen quite a number of guys being told to repeat the Xray one guy was told to pay 7K for two months treatment guess TB or something....now heading back to my base paper chasing has to go on coz I got less than two weeks before the day.

Also yesterday met afew Dv winners two ladies from Kisii in particular told me that they will not go to KNEC for results confirmation to them its not relevant and they avnt seen the requirement anywhere tried to explain to them and even told them to visit the US Embassy nairobi webage but they were not willing...so I played my part if they go and end up being put on AP they will remember my sentiments...KNEC told me that it takes five days for them to deliver the results to the Consulate. Skache I didn't go for any vaccination prior to the IOM just went with the clinic card that I used when I was a kid..just remember that if you have had chicken pox tell them so that u spare the pain of spending more cash and the ainful vaccine....I thank God for bringing us all this far and I ray for the brothers and sisters who are still waiting for the 2nl and medicals. Best luck to all and once again I apreciate forumnites for the rich info that we guys share its sure great to be well informed.
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Guys today we just went and were called in by the nurse before going to see the doc....the physical check was kinda embarrasing a female Nurse telling me to get to my boxers was kinda uncomfortable..all in all everything went well results were all negative...though av seen quite a number of guys being told to repeat the Xray one guy was told to pay 7K for two months treatment guess TB or something....now heading back to my base paper chasing has to go on coz I got less than two weeks before the day.

Also yesterday met afew Dv winners two ladies from Kisii in particular told me that they will not go to KNEC for results confirmation to them its not relevant and they avnt seen the requirement anywhere tried to explain to them and even told them to visit the US Embassy nairobi webage but they were not willing...so I played my part if they go and end up being put on AP they will remember my sentiments...KNEC told me that it takes five days for them to deliver the results to the Consulate. Skache I didn't go for any vaccination prior to the IOM just went with the clinic card that I used when I was a kid..just remember that if you have had chicken pox tell them so that u spare the pain of spending more cash and the ainful vaccine....I thank God for bringing us all this far and I ray for the brothers and sisters who are still waiting for the 2nl and medicals. Best luck to all and once again I apreciate forumnites for the rich info that we guys share its sure great to be well informed.
Glory be to God!now you are almost through with this visa journey now that you have your medical results,all the best and thanx for wishing us luck on the 2nd nl.

Guys today we just went and were called in by the nurse before going to see the doc....the physical check was kinda embarrasing a female Nurse telling me to get to my boxers was kinda uncomfortable..all in all everything went well results were all negative...though av seen quite a number of guys being told to repeat the Xray one guy was told to pay 7K for two months treatment guess TB or something....now heading back to my base paper chasing has to go on coz I got less than two weeks before the day.

Also yesterday met afew Dv winners two ladies from Kisii in particular told me that they will not go to KNEC for results confirmation to them its not relevant and they avnt seen the requirement anywhere tried to explain to them and even told them to visit the US Embassy nairobi webage but they were not willing...so I played my part if they go and end up being put on AP they will remember my sentiments...KNEC told me that it takes five days for them to deliver the results to the Consulate. Skache I didn't go for any vaccination prior to the IOM just went with the clinic card that I used when I was a kid..just remember that if you have had chicken pox tell them so that u spare the pain of spending more cash and the ainful vaccine....I thank God for bringing us all this far and I ray for the brothers and sisters who are still waiting for the 2nl and medicals. Best luck to all and once again I apreciate forumnites for the rich info that we guys share its sure great to be well informed.
Praise the Lord, we are now in the same boat. Congs my brother. Let us pray for each other so that even the remaining part is a success.
I just want to wish you the best as you prepare to complete your final mile to the starting point and all i can assure you is that everything is already in control. All you need is to keep on confessing that the Visa is for you and your lovely family. Good luck bro and we're seriously praying for you here in Uganda. Go and pick that Visa package. Its for us.

All the best
Thank you so much comrade, we shall meet in K'la so that you get the live version of the experience irrespective of the out come
I pray for you my brother, In Jesus name , the visa is already granted and will be issued.

Thank you so much Aimanda7. You asked about the hotels in Gigiri, they are damn expensive don't even think about spending the night there, you rather sleep around Odeon and get the taxi in the morning, it was convenient for us last time on medicals and we are considering the same strategy on the interviews. Good luck
How long does it take for the passports to reach the DHL point in Nairobi after a successful DV interview??????????????
guys guys I've got some news for you...

The U.S Embassy has just called me; they've informed me that my interview has been preponed by 2 weeks!!! So instead of having my interview around the festive season, I'll be having it the first week of Dec.

#Things Just got Real People###
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