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DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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Hello Family2133,
Thanks for the post! The info is rich and so helpful. Nice to meet you and JONGE! Have never thought of the possibility of doing Medicals and then returning to Uganda; that sounds brilliant! But would it not be costly if am travelling with a family of 4, including myself? I don't know... but maybe it's cheaper than staying in Nairobi for about 2 wks. What do you guys think? Let's troubleshoot. Thanks guys... am blessed to be on this forum.


Well staying 2 weeks looks like it will be very costly. It means one needs to acquire leave for 2 weeks and probably rent a house as opposed to staying in a hotel. Then feeding for that period. However the cost of travel for a family of 4 plus accommodation & feeding for the days when you're there can be high as well. It also takes a toll on you and your family members physically unless you decide to travel by air. A cheaper option is to get someone who can host you at least for that period or for half the period. I guess we have to carry out a cost benefit analysis of each of the options.
Thanks, JONGE, for this. I think the best way out is to find someone that can host us for some days and then we could pay/move to a hotel for a few days. Nice ideas. Am grateful.
YEAH WE R READY for our ride for all my brothers(DANI) and sisters GOING for their interview tomorrow wish u success and may the almighty father pour his blessing upon u. peeps you can check on this its great mighty help in our journey.Got it from dv 2013.DANI MAY GOD BE WITH YOU BRO


Patience is part of this DV process mates.
Lets all Pray for each other as we wait for our turn to face the CO !JONGE how r you doing the race has started .
How are you mates? welcome to all new members, we're one family, please update your signature and keep this thread alive.
Pray for me, I need some moral support now that the D day is coming in few hours. I feel
As you said from the beginning ...
Don't fear nor Worry; God is in control
Cool stuff man, we are here to support one another. Wishing you all the best in your interview. you'll get the visa(s).

indeed lots of patience and preparation and favour from The Lord are needed one to go through. People keep Dannyden in your prayers as he faces the CO tomorrow.
Lets all Pray for each other as we wait for our turn to face the CO !JONGE how r you doing the race has started .

Akelloh I am good...excited over here although our turn will be next year...this give us enough time to prepare
How are you mates? welcome to all new members, we're one family, please update your signature and keep this thread alive.
Pray for me, I need some moral support now that the D day is coming in few hours. I feel
good, all documents ready, today i'll go for translation of bank statement. It's cold in Moscow (about 3 degres) so I don't know how long to wait before gettin in and how to wear.
Danny we have been praying for you and we are still praying for you. God is faithful just go and pick your visa
Hello Family2133,
Thanks for the post! The info is rich and so helpful. Nice to meet you and JONGE! Have never thought of the possibility of doing Medicals and then returning to Uganda; that sounds brilliant! But would it not be costly if am travelling with a family of 4, including myself? I don't know... but maybe it's cheaper than staying in Nairobi for about 2 wks. What do you guys think? Let's troubleshoot. Thanks guys... am blessed to be on this forum.
In my opinion, adding an extra journey is cheaper than adding an extra day in Nairobi, this city is very expensive its not like our Kla. Are all the family members adults? The good thing is that if you use the bus, its only 70,000 for an adult. Me I calculated both options and I found out that the option of travelling twice is better. Besides, I want to avoid the possibility of rescheduling the interview, going at once (a week before the interview) and do the medicals then interviews the week that follows has a risk in that if your medicals happen to present any problem which delays the final medical report, you will need to reschedule bcs you will not have enough time to rectify the problem. Its true that some times the embassy can allow you to do the interview without the final medical report but that one also depends on the gravity of the problem. So even if the option of going twice turns out to be more expensive but it is buying me some time to rectify any medical problem which may arise. This sam problem happened to Catchme(2013) who is our fellow Ugandan, the fiscal year has ended when she has failed to get another interview slot good enough that she was again selected for 2014(May God be with her).
More so guys with high case numbers, do not risk doing your medicals just a week before your interview, you may not like it.
All the best to the first batch of 2014 which will face the CO tomorrow. Our man Danny I wish you all the best, just know that all the forum members have said prayers for you and they have reached heaven.
Wow, after few hours I come back to give you some news. I'm very happy that i've been selected and at 8:00 moscow time, i'll get in the US Embassy, do you think?
Thanks to all of you ( Family2133, Akelloh, Skache, JONGE, mutu14, Jorj, ...) for your moral support, it's 0:00 but I can't sleep. I will be watching some serious films, it help me not to think about the interview. alarm, okay. docs, okay. every thing is okay and I'm ready to open the GC season 2014 in the name of Jesus
A nice day to all of you and good luck Dannyden!!!
Wow, after few hours I come back to give you some news. I'm very happy that i've been selected and at 8:00 moscow time, i'll get in the US Embassy, do you think?
Thanks to all of you ( Family2133, Akelloh, Skache, JONGE, mutu14, Jorj, ...) for your moral support, it's 0:00 but I can't sleep. I will be watching some serious films, it help me not to think about the interview. alarm, okay. docs, okay. every thing is okay and I'm ready to open the GC season 2014 in the name of Jesus
A nice day to all of you and good luck Dannyden!!!

Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.God bless you all and remember he loves you !good luck mate cant wait for you miracle tommorow
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