• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2014 european winers here

The first obvious objection is that none of this is different to before so why should the outcome be?
yes, this issue is pretty obvious, in past years EU had no enough selecties to get equal visas , but tis year it has.

But also there is faulty logic in your last sentence - as the countries with lower cut-offs in AF are those with the high rejection rates, so the success rate of the remainder (or what you call real winners) will be higher, not lower.
did you agree with idea , that 12500 cut off for EU has more real applicants then 18000 cut of for AF?
if yes , please note that among AF first 18k case numbers there are lot of people from countries which have special low cut-off, so from the number of real applicants in 18000 AF we must minus this persons too.
what is wrong now if i say that EU with 12,5cut has much more interviews then AF with its 18k cut-off?
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yes, this issue is pretty obvious, in past years EU had no enough selecties to get equal visas , but tis year it has.

did you agree with idea , that 12500 cut off for EU has more real applicants then 18000 cut of for AF?
if yes , please note that among AF first 18k case numbers there are lot of people from countries which have special low cut-off, so from the number of real applicants in 18000 AF we must minus this persons too.
what is wrong now if i say that EU with 12,5cut has much more interviews then AF with its 18k cut-off?

I'm tiring of this conversation.... As I recall Europe went current before Africa last year so you're either assuming too few selectees (what was the number last year - why are you so hung up on 10 years ago?) or too high rejection rate. Why didn't Europe fill up and prevent all Africa going current later? You're assuming it did and the selectee number was just too low, but this is a guess not a fact.

What is wrong with your second bit is simply, again, you don't know what the numbers are, you're just guessing. That's not to say that you're wrong - but there's nothing to prove that you're right.

As I said before, I do think Europe will have more winners than in the past already judging by how fast the numbers are going. But by the same token you would still have predicted a similar outcome last year and it didn't happen.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm tired of going round in circles.

Hello. Sorry for the incovenience but I have one more question.I 'm married after the selection Dv lottery 2014.My husband is the principal winer.We were in a relationship since 2007.we are married at the end of May. On June we send the document in KCC together.There a problem in selection? What do I need to prove that we love unites us and not interest?
Case nr 36***
Thank you!
I'm tiring of this conversation.... As I recall Europe went current before Africa last year so you're either assuming too few selectees (what was the number last year - why are you so hung up on 10 years ago?) or too high rejection rate. Why didn't Europe fill up and prevent all Africa going current later? You're assuming it did and the selectee number was just too low, but this is a guess not a fact.

What is wrong with your second bit is simply, again, you don't know what the numbers are, you're just guessing. That's not to say that you're wrong - but there's nothing to prove that you're right.

As I said before, I do think Europe will have more winners than in the past already judging by how fast the numbers are going. But by the same token you would still have predicted a similar outcome last year and it didn't happen.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm tired of going round in circles.
frankly speaking i'm tiring too....
so i will not reply just to stop this tiring conversation
ps. in near future things will come very clear
Why should AF have 120K numbers for 60K winners? :confused:
i guess , with same reason , that EU has 54000(here they said up to 59K) with just 46,5 winners.
at least in dv2013 there were 97K case numbers for AF , while number of its winners was much more less.(50k or something)
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Hello. Sorry for the incovenience but I have one more question.I 'm married after the selection Dv lottery 2014.My husband is the principal winer.We were in a relationship since 2007.we are married at the end of May. On June we send the document in KCC together.There a problem in selection? What do I need to prove that we love unites us and not interest?
Case nr 36***
Thank you!

Since i'm albanian too i will explain all in albanian language so you can understand me better :p

Bej gati cfare do lloj dokumenti qe verteton qe keni qene te lidhur perpare se burri juaj te fitoj llotarine!
1- Fotot e dasmes me te ftuarit!
2-Foto te vjetra pepare se burri te fitonte llotarine!
3-Mesazhe qe keni shkembyer kohe me pare!
4-Ndonje dokument nsq se keni shkembyer para ose ai te ka nisur para nga jasht shtetit !
5-Gjithqka qe mendon qe mund te ndihmoj qe te te vertetoj qe keni qene te lidhur perpara llotarise!

Thjesht mos e merr me stres se fitorja eshte e sigurt! E keni visen ne xhep :D

(Nqs ke pytje te tjera mos hezito te pyesesh si ne shqip eshe ne anglisht fat te mbar:p)

Since i'm albanian too i will explain all in albanian language so you can understand me better :p

Bej gati cfare do lloj dokumenti qe verteton qe keni qene te lidhur perpare se burri juaj te fitoj llotarine!
1- Fotot e dasmes me te ftuarit!
2-Foto te vjetra pepare se burri te fitonte llotarine!
3-Mesazhe qe keni shkembyer kohe me pare!
4-Ndonje dokument nsq se keni shkembyer para ose ai te ka nisur para nga jasht shtetit !
5-Gjithqka qe mendon qe mund te ndihmoj qe te te vertetoj qe keni qene te lidhur perpara llotarise!

Thjesht mos e merr me stres se fitorja eshte e sigurt! E keni visen ne xhep :D

(Nqs ke pytje te tjera mos hezito te pyesesh si ne shqip eshe ne anglisht fat te mbar:p)

Shum faleminderit per informacionin.

Nga keto gjerat qe me ke shkrojtur me siper une kam :
1.Foto qe kemi qene bashke qe nga 2007 ketu perfshihen dhe disa nga familjaret
2.Email qe nga 2009
3.Sms facebooku dhe dedikime qe nga 2011
4.Sms telefoni
5.Tabulate telefoni 2 vjet perpara
6.DVD dasmash (perfshihen dhe ftesat)
8.DVD te ceremonise se ndrrimit te unazave.

Dasem nuk kemi bere.Mund te jete e nevojshme?Di ndonje rast te ngjashem?

Shum faleminderit per informacionin.

Nga keto gjerat qe me ke shkrojtur me siper une kam :
1.Foto qe kemi qene bashke qe nga 2007 ketu perfshihen dhe disa nga familjaret
2.Email qe nga 2009
3.Sms facebooku dhe dedikime qe nga 2011
4.Sms telefoni
5.Tabulate telefoni 2 vjet perpara
6.DVD dasmash (perfshihen dhe ftesat)
8.DVD te ceremonise se ndrrimit te unazave.

Dasem nuk kemi bere.Mund te jete e nevojshme?Di ndonje rast te ngjashem?


Te jem i sinqerte kam aplikuar per here te pare dhe kam fituar po kam disa muaj qe jam antarsuar ne kete forum dhe kam lexuar raste te ngjashme here pas here , nga kete qe keni shkruajtur:
1.Foto qe kemi qene bashke qe nga 2007 ketu perfshihen dhe disa nga familjaret
2.Email qe nga 2009
3.Sms facebooku dhe dedikime qe nga 2011
4.Sms telefoni
5.Tabulate telefoni 2 vjet perpara
6.DVD dasmash (perfshihen dhe ftesat)
8.DVD te ceremonise se ndrrimit te unazave.

Mendoj se jan me se te mjaftueshme per te vertetuar lidhjen tuaj. Fat te mbar!
Hi Everybody,

I was selected and have a good EU number just below 6000, sent my forms in June and KCC confirmed, but no interview letter yet. As I understand from the bulletin, they process up to 8000 in October and I think they mean a calendar month, so on 31st of October they will be around 8000? Does anybody know when they started processing DV2014? I'm just trying to do math.

Is there anybody out there who is in the same shoes, or just me? Maybe from Hungary too?


ps.: yes I'm a little impatient and starting to stress because I already gave them a good couple of weeks...
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Since i'm albanian too i will explain all in albanian language so you can understand me better :p

Not sure why you would start communicating in a language other than English on this forum, especially since Elona's English seemed fine to me! You can private message each other in any language you like, but I think public posts should be in English so everyone can benefit. Would you agree? :eek:
Hi Everybody,

I was selected and have a good EU number just below 6000, sent my forms in June and KCC confirmed, but no interview letter yet. As I understand from the bulletin, they process up to 8000 in October and I think they mean a calendar month, so on 31st of October they will be around 8000? Does anybody know when they started processing DV2014? I'm just trying to do math.

Is there anybody out there who is in the same shoes, or just me? Maybe from Hungary too?


ps.: yes I'm a little impatient and starting to stress because I already gave them a good couple of weeks...

I guess since you sent the forms in June, your processing got delayed a bit. I think you will be scheduled for December. Did you check on the website for the update on your case? Cause you wont get a mailed letter, you will get an electronic one.

There is a thread for Hungarian winners somewhere here, do a search, they were pretty active.
Not notified yet... what to do??
I have question which may be also disturbs a lot of DV 2014 winners, now question:
and another. if answer is 'yes' can I use photos (my and family) from the previous year?

THANK YOU in advance
Not notified yet... what to do??
I have question which may be also disturbs a lot of DV 2014 winners, now question:
and another. if answer is 'yes' can I use photos (my and family) from the previous year?

THANK YOU in advance


You haven't been notified yet because your number is not current. You won't hear anything until March/April next year.
Yes you can enter DV2015.
You photos are supposed to be less than 6 months old so you should not use the same ones from the previous year.
It rather 'disturbs' me that the same questions and worries are being asked even though a search and/or some reading up on the basics in this forum would reveal answers. *sigh (lol) :rolleyes:
Yeah, looking at how things are going, numbers haven't even reached 10's yet, I'm in the 50s.....

I know there are many, many, many unjust and unfair things in this world for many people, but the feeling of absolute joy I got the day I received the "you have been selected for further processing" notification, to the slow, painful, crushing death of that dream the more information I found out about my actual chances of getting a Green Card, and now seeing how these visa bulletins are going....this is some black, black stuff.
Yeah, looking at how things are going, numbers haven't even reached 10's yet, I'm in the 50s.....

I know there are many, many, many unjust and unfair things in this world for many people, but the feeling of absolute joy I got the day I received the "you have been selected for further processing" notification, to the slow, painful, crushing death of that dream the more information I found out about my actual chances of getting a Green Card, and now seeing how these visa bulletins are going....this is some black, black stuff.

Buffon I would hate to give you false hope because as you know that can be a cruel thing. The truth is, as you know, that EU numbers in the 50's are risky. There is no doubt about that.

However, you will notice that EU is moving faster than other regions and is at 12500 for December. Normally, the first three months are not very fast and it has been estimated that months 1 to 3 normally only account for 10-15% of the annual numbers. On that basis we should not be as high as we are for December. Months 4 to 6 should account for at least another 12500 - probably more, and if that is the case then it is possible we could reach quite a high number.

I believe there is a reason that EU is moving faster this year - and although it is way to early to be sure it may be that the regional quota for EU is going to be higher this year. EU applications are somewhat "easier" to process with less issues of T countries etc. The current cutoff estimates (mine being EU mid forties) assume the regional quotas are unchanged. IF there is a desire to increase the quota for EU, then that cutoff could be raised.

I have NO PROOF for any of that - just a wild guess on my part - so feel free to ignore it. BUT don't give up yet - hang on in there to the last month... you never know...
I believe there is a reason that EU is moving faster this year - and although it is way to early to be sure it may be that the regional quota for EU is going to be higher this year. EU applications are somewhat "easier" to process with less issues of T countries etc. The current cutoff estimates (mine being EU mid forties) assume the regional quotas are unchanged. IF there is a desire to increase the quota for EU, then that cutoff could be raised.

I also got the same feeling about africa this year !
I also got the same feeling about africa this year !

Hey Vladek, just a little tip: If you want to "quote" someone else's comment, there is this "Reply With Quote" Link to the lower right of each comment, if you click that, you can choose what you want to quote in your own reply.
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