• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 AOS Only

Response below:

I sent:
2 forms to KCC together with the 2 passports >> waiting for reply
$330 Fee to KCC >> waiting for payment confirmation

> Do I have to do Medical in the US? (I read somewhere that I have to do it outside??!!??) I am based in SF on an H1B. Yes, for AOS, medical can only be done in the US

> Do I have to do 'all' vaccinations in the medical? (i saw a list with 12 vaccinations) - No, you don't need all. Only the age appropriate/medically necessary ones will be administered to you, which should be like 2-4 or so

> Does the medical usually take 1 visit or more? - Minimum of 2 visits. You will be doing the TB skin test which will require your visiting the doctor's office again in order for the result to be read.

> How come I don't find a doctor on the list for SF?? Would any doctor for the medial be ok? - You can only use a doctor on the USCIS designated surgeons list. There are tonnes of them in SF. Open the following link and enter your ZIP code, you will find tonnes of USCIS designated surgeons in SF


Thanks for your help!
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rnotk, I am relieved that you got the same letter.

A note about the TB test: it doesn't have to be the skin test, there's another one done with blood draw and more accurate. At any rate, the doctor knows better which shots you'll need, and most probably you'll have to go back again to collect the sealed envelope. Some doctors won't administer the shots, you have to get them from somewhere, they'll tell you though.

By the way, DVAOS13, AOS2013, we should start a club for the most creative login names.
he does not have to be there (unless you need a translator for yourself during the interview?).
But he has to go to the public notary with you and show his id to get the translations and copies certified.
i appreciate and thank you very much.
Question for people who filled as a couple. I won d lottery and send my DSP as single and later got married and updated my status with KCC. But DV adjustment letter has only my name and dont mention my spouse's name. Is that normal?
I am sorry if tas been answered before n i missed it. Thanks.
Thats normal! just make sure to get the receipt from Department of state for two of you, $330 for each = $660

Question for people who filled as a couple. I won d lottery and send my DSP as single and later got married and updated my status with KCC. But DV adjustment letter has only my name and dont mention my spouse's name. Is that normal?
I am sorry if tas been answered before n i missed it. Thanks.
Question for people who filled as a couple. I won d lottery and send my DSP as single and later got married and updated my status with KCC. But DV adjustment letter has only my name and dont mention my spouse's name. Is that normal?

Yes, it's normal.
Please spend some time and see previous posts. This question has been answered at least three times in the last 5 pages!

I firmly second that. I find it irritating when people ask an exact question which has just been answered. It's especially worse when someone asks a question and without going back to their previous post to see if it's been answered or not, they re-post the same question! I understand some people may consider the entire thread too long to go over, but it really help if they do!!
I firmly second that. I find it irritating when people ask an exact question which has just been answered. It's especially worse when someone asks a question and without going back to their previous post to see if it's been answered or not, they re-post the same question! I understand some people may consider the entire thread too long to go over, but it really help if they do!!

First, I totally agree with you. But, by the time one writes "this question was answered before, please go back and read the whole thread", one could have easily written "April 1st". A good alternative would be not to answer at all.

In this specific instance, it's a pity that OP asked the same question twice, and the answer to his first was already in the previous page :) In general though, people get panicked, confused and want to confirm what they already know. I sympathize with that.
Yes, a good alternative would have been to not answer at all, but I believe in calling a spade a spade, so ...........

And anyway, in this particular instance, the OP's original question, post #1515 (which, by the way was immediately answered by you) and the repeat question, post #1525 are actually on the same page. I don't have an issue with people asking the same question that has probably been asked and answered a gazillion times by others (and which are probably spread all other the thread). My beef is with those who never bother to check on the answers provided by others to questions they've asked and they continue to ask it all over again. It's a different thing if they find the initial response confusing, inadequate, unsubstantiated, etc. At least, they should show some sort of acknowledgment of those responses. That's my personal opinion.

I don't go about picking holes in people's postings and I certainly don't appreciate others doing same to me!

First, I totally agree with you. But, by the time one writes "this question was answered before, please go back and read the whole thread", one could have easily written "April 1st". A good alternative would be not to answer at all.

In this specific instance, it's a pity that OP asked the same question twice, and the answer to his first was already in the previous page :) In general though, people get panicked, confused and want to confirm what they already know. I sympathize with that.
thefe trunnel

Yes, a good alternative would have been to not answer at all, but I believe in calling a spade a spade, so ...........

And anyway, in this particular instance, the OP's original question, post #1515 (which, by the way was immediately answered by you) and the repeat question, post #1525 are actually on the same page. I don't have an issue with people asking the same question that has probably been asked and answered a gazillion times by others (and which are probably spread all other the thread). My beef is with those who never bother to check on the answers provided by others to questions they've asked and they continue to ask it all over again. It's a different thing if they find the initial response confusing, inadequate, unsubstantiated, etc. At least, they should show some sort of acknowledgment of those responses. That's my personal opinion.

I don't go about picking holes in people's postings and I certainly don't appreciate others doing same to me!

I thought the forum is to ask questions. I needed fact on when can I apply, not recommendation. Like I said KCC gave me two answer: one said I can file a month ahead, other said April 1.

aos13 provided recommendation to go for APril 1. That's why I reposted to get the fact. I have seen in this blog that people have sent I-485 way before the month when their case is current.

If you do not have answer, do not reply and criticize. SOmeone who knows will post... Again NOT RECOMMENDATION, ALL I NEED IS FACT n TRUTH....

If you are current in April send your file on April 1 or later, if you are current in May send it on May 1 or later, and so on. I don't remember anybody in this particular thread sending their I-485 "way before" they became current as you mentioned. We discussed this several pages ago, and apparently, from previous years' experiences, USCIS started rejecting the files if they arrived too early in advance. However, sending the I-485 before the end of the month and timing the arrival on or after the 1st of the month you become current is OK.

Pryanik :)

I thought the forum is to ask questions. I needed fact on when can I apply, not recommendation. Like I said KCC gave me two answer: one said I can file a month ahead, other said April 1.

aos13 provided recommendation to go for APril 1. That's why I reposted to get the fact. I have seen in this blog that people have sent I-485 way before the month when their case is current.

If you do not have answer, do not reply and criticize. SOmeone who knows will post... Again NOT RECOMMENDATION, ALL I NEED IS FACT n TRUTH....
Please spend some time and see previous posts. This question has been answered at least three times in the last 5 pages!

Could not help but second what loladvas13 and sms1mom posted. I consider them to be the seniors in this forum as they are and have always been willing to post. Going through the whole DV 2013 AOS forum will answer many posters questions. Many scenarios have been posted and answers provided.

This been an open voluntary board does not obligate anybody to respond but it would be be in those seeking information best's interest to go through previous posts.
I still have a question regarding the affidavit of support or bank statement for applicants who are on F1, was anyone asked at the interview??

No affidavit of support. Take your bank statements and if you're a GA, a letter of employment verification from your school's HR Department. In our case they didn't ask these documents to verify financial situation but to verify relationship.

Pryanik :)

I still have a question regarding the affidavit of support or bank statement for applicants who are on F1, was anyone asked at the interview??
Name on passport and DS-230

This has been posted elewhere but I am putting here hopping that you guys (aos13, Sm1smon and others) can provide advice to help me solve this problem.

I entered DV2013 with my family of 4. In the e-form I put my wife's maiden name (ex. JOHN Isabella) as it is written in her short form birth certificate; the one we used for all administrative issues. We are married for about 10 years, her passport issued in 2009 has the following name JOHN EPSE JOE Isabella. In my country (francophone) EPSE stands for SPOUSE and it is common to fill married women's passport this way and JOE is my last name.

I already sent DS-230 forms to KCC using my wife's maiden name (JOHN Isabella) but I put JOE where it says Other names used or Aliase.

The worst thing is that we just discovered that in her long form birth certificate (needed at the embassy) she was named after her mother (BAIRD Isabella) with a notice saying that she was recognised by her father JOHN Daniel James 4 months after her birth, hence her normal birth certificate (the short form one) has her father's name and her first name.

What shoud we do then?

1. Should we carry a new DS-230 for my wife with her name as it appears on the passport (JOHN EPSE JOE Isabella). Would that be an issue during the interview? Personally, I am not comfortable with the "EPSE"
2. The correct format wouldn't has been JOE Isabella and JOHN for other names used or aliases?
3. What should we do with the name BAIRD that she never used?

Please I need your advise badly as the interview is scheduled for next month.

Thank you,
Thanks Pryanik777!

I submitted a letter from my Boss with the I-485 package, I am hoping it will substitute the letter from HR. What did they ask to verify relationship. We got married after my wife won the lottery, although it was planned before. We are planing to provide the joint accounts, joint assets and travel itineraries together with photos for the past few years. Any other suggestions?

if you're a GA, a letter of employment verification from your school's HR Department. In our case they didn't ask these documents to verify financial situation but to verify relationship.

Pryanik :)
Please I need your advise badly as the interview is scheduled for next month.

I think a letter from the local municipality about the name correction and also separate affidavits from parents, explaining the mistake, should help with this issue. Other members on this thread may have an input.