• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

Nothing in Nigeria....well let me say i av'nt heard anything yet though.......lets be focused nd avoid anybody dat will try thier best to distract us......nd lets remember God is greater and bigger than ow worries nd troubles.....success mates.......
DV lottery is completely based on luck. We do not know when luck favors us. If we get selected then we are the luckiest person in the world......
I'v been trying not to comment on this issue but it is perfectly clear that Purity is up to no good.why cant we just ignore his posts?

What part of F-U-C-K OFF YOU F-U-C-K-ING RETARD you don't understand?
This type of language will not be tolerated on this forum. Again, refrain from inflammatory language in posts. Inflammatory posts will be deleted.
officialy KCC start sending NL 15 aprill/
P.S. Friends called.

Hi Aid2001 & everyone!
Just called the KCC and Yes they told me the same...
They started to send the Nl for all regions (AS/SA/OC/EU/AF) in same time yesterday ....
So next week We might have some great news coming from the US......!!!!
Keep it up !!!! POSITIVITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i think in eu we can see nl in the end of april or in the bigining of may. Imho

oh btw when i asked the kcc when europe will be sent, the lady told me that europe was sent too, same as for all the regions ....
So there is no order ....
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Glad to see that this thread is back to DV, it was getting irritating lately. Thanks Diafa and others for calling KCC. Really hope that we will hear good news soooon!!! Good luck everyone!!!
I have a suggestion for thread managers.
Please make a new thread for lottery winners report and only allow winners to have one quote there.
because here there is 746 quote and 3 report !!! and if some body want to explore all of these quotes should in holiday !!!
Thanx for pay attention.