• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

i called the KCC number and asked when can we expect the letters.

I was told that they will start shipping the letters out on April 15th .

Wondering wether the 2 people who said they got the letters , really got them .

Anyone else here who has applied through oman ?

Hi neilfed!!
Thank you so much to have called the KCC!!!
Tha told me they wil send the 1st NL on the begginning of April, I do think they sent some and will send again tomorrow....
As u said It could be a joke for the second guy who i ve read in a french forum but Im pretty sure Flag is not lying ....
Will see this week...
Thankkkssss Again!!!!
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case number: 2010XXXXX31343
Pa name: Kamara,emmanuel japhet
preference category: Dv diversity
foreign state changeability: tanzania(tazn)
post: Warsaw
sent ;from kcc: 22 .April.2009
received by Emmanuel Japhet Kamara:12.May.2009(Ukraine)
Sent back a package to kcc: on 22,may,2009 (from tanzania)
Received immigration visa appointment, Wednesday, 3 March, 2010 11:01(Poland)
Interview conducted: on Tuesday 6 April 2010, 8:00am (Poland)
I got immigration visa of u.s.a: Wednesday 7 April 2010, 3:00pm(Poland)
"God Bless America"
Hi ,
Im a newby on the forum but just like you guys Im also looking forward to the mail every day afther work,
So nothing to report out of Louisiana for now.
Maybe we get some good news tomorow.............
Keep our fingers crost
Our dear favorite diafa! Don't worry! We're all somehow here. Its just that we can't see each other and therefore cannot easily tell who is from where. I'm kenyan and am praying and just as anxiously waiting as you are. The quietness is for a reason - nothing has come up from my end. I'm trying not to keep my mind so much on the post office boxes here all the time but i do check them everyday! Let us all have faith and not lose any hopes. Without hopes there are never dreams and without dreams there is never ambition and without ambition there is never success. If my prayers could be answered then i would pray that everyone on this forum wins so that we could all celebrate together having our dream come true!

You are such an active member of this forum that i always look out for your meaningful posts. Keep up the good work! I would nominate you as mayor of this forum!
Our dear favorite diafa! Don't worry! We're all somehow here. Its just that we can't see each other and therefore cannot easily tell who is from where. I'm kenyan and am praying and just as anxiously waiting as you are. The quietness is for a reason - nothing has come up from my end. I'm trying not to keep my mind so much on the post office boxes here all the time but i do check them everyday! Let us all have faith and not lose any hopes. Without hopes there are never dreams and without dreams there is never ambition and without ambition there is never success. If my prayers could be answered then i would pray that everyone on this forum wins so that we could all celebrate together having our dream come true!

You are such an active member of this forum that i always look out for your meaningful posts. Keep up the good work! I would nominate you as mayor of this forum!

Hi Shihabmh!!!
I hope u r prayers get real!!!
I count on u to keep us posted from ur beautiful Country as Kenya!!!
Hi ,
Im a newby on the forum but just like you guys Im also looking forward to the mail every day afther work,
So nothing to report out of Louisiana for now.
Maybe we get some good news tomorow.............
Keep our fingers crost

HI Cookie!!
Welcome !!!! really hope u ll get it !!!! From wich part of the world r u playing?? ( AS SA OC EU AF????)
Thank u !!
Wish u the Best!!!
sent date

Those claims of receiving may not be false.

I got 2008 1NL for my parents in late 2nd week of March and the letter was dated 10th March.

Impatiently waiting one for myself though !!! , every year since 98.
Hi Everybody,

Don't worry too much about the claims some people make about receiving their NL early !

They could be telling the truth, or they are just playing with you :)

but one thing for sure,

We all know that historically, by first week of May, people will start receiving NL for sure.

beside it does NOT matter much (to you) whether NL had been sent by KCC or NOT,
unless you are the one who receive the NL :)

May is just 2 weeks from today :)

I also notice that some people here try to create an image that they are a good devoted Christian mentioning God repeatedly all the time on almost every post they made.

just want to let you know that KCC do NOT monitor your IP address, and they do NOT monitor this website.
KCC do NOT have the resources, do NOT have the budget, and do NOT have the man power to do that.
and mentioning God or posting about how a devoted Christian you are, won't help you win the DV Lottery.
Because the KCC Computer who choose you randomly had done that months ago,
at the moment they closed the lottery.
When you fill up the DV Lottery form online, it do NOT ask for your religion :)

so again, to people here who thinks that their IP is being monitored by KCC, and think that by showing their religious belief
can help KCC choose you to be the DV winner, should forget about it :)

Look, even if KCC monitor your IP address, they could not identify you,
because some Internet provider give you random IP everytime you log on.
and some fixed IP address can be originated from a company Network,
where thousand of employee use the same IP address simultaneously :)

Good Luck to everybody !

ps: I understand how everybody is so excited, trust me I know that, just look at my "JOIN DATE" :)
Been there, done that, and obviously I am NOT a newbie here :)
Hi Everybody,

Don't worry too much about the claims some people make about receiving their NL early !

They could be telling the truth, or they are just playing with you :)

but one thing for sure,

We all know that historically, by first week of May, people will start receiving NL for sure.

beside it does NOT matter much (to you) whether NL had been sent by KCC or NOT,
unless you are the one who receive the NL :)

May is just 2 weeks from today :)

I also notice that some people here try to create an image that they are a good devoted Christian mentioning God repeatedly all the time on almost every post they made.

just want to let you know that KCC do NOT monitor your IP address, and they do NOT monitor this website.
KCC do NOT have the resources, do NOT have the budget, and do NOT have the man power to do that.
and mentioning God or posting about how a devoted Christian you are, won't help you win the DV Lottery.
Because the KCC Computer who choose you randomly had done that months ago,
at the moment they closed the lottery.
When you fill up the DV Lottery form online, it do NOT ask for your religion :)

so again, to people here who thinks that their IP is being monitored by KCC, and think that by showing their religious belief
can help KCC choose you to be the DV winner, should forget about it :)

Look, even if KCC monitor your IP address, they could not identify you,
because some Internet provider give you random IP everytime you log on.
and some fixed IP address can be originated from a company Network,
where thousand of employee use the same IP address simultaneously :)

Good Luck to everybody !

ps: I understand how everybody is so excited, trust me I know that, just look at my "JOIN DATE" :)
Been there, done that, and obviously I am NOT a newbie here :)

Hi !!
With all my respect !!! U might be not believing in God but some YES and I will just appreciate if u respect that !!!
I believe in God and Destiny so what .....should I hide it ....Im sorry but no!! And specially on things that u have no control and more on things like a lottery .....
And u r just being rude to all religions and on what people believes...
Anyway about the IP adress it was a JOKE ...we laugh about it as it crossed our minds...but nothing serious.....
Just please let people pray and talk about on what they believe even it s on things that u might not accept....
Specially I dont think u know what u r talking about : "also notice that some people here try to create an image that they are a good devoted Christian mentioning God repeatedly all the time on almost every post they made" For people who believe in GOD I dont think nobody will play with this to create an image....For us God is something that we dont play with....And create a image for WHAT???? We r all behind our computers nobody know really each other so I dont thing someone will create an image or a caractere just to talk on this thread......And plus for what create an image ....I dont really get this part....
Some waited over 18 years so joining this forum in 2006 should give us what infos???? That u played since a long time....
SOme Like to talk about god to think god to pry god to do everything with god in their mind ...dont think those people r bad or u r better then them.......
OPen your thread and do not allow nobody to talk about god from the start of u r thread ...and im sure u ll be OK
U r post was for me disrespectful......

Hope u ll get the NL this YEAR!!!
Wish u the best!!!!
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Hi !!
With all my respect !!! U might be not believing in God but some YES and I will just appreciate if u respect that !!!
I believe in God and Destiny so what .....should I hide it ....Im sorry but no!! And specially on things that u have no control and more on things like a lottery .....
And u r just being rude to all religions and on what people believes...
Anyway about the IP adress it was a JOKE ...we laugh about it as it crossed our minds...but nothing serious.....
Just please let people pray and talk about on what they believe even it s on things that u might not accept....
Specially I dont think u know what u r talking about : "also notice that some people here try to create an image that they are a good devoted Christian mentioning God repeatedly all the time on almost every post they made" For people who believe in GOD I dont think nobody will play with this to create an image....For us God is something that we dont play with....And create a image for WHAT???? We r all behind our computers nobody know really each other so I dont thing someone will create an image or a caractere just to talk on this thread......And plus for what create an image ....I dont really get this part....
Some waited over 18 years so joining this forum in 2006 should give us what infos???? That u played since a long time....
SOme Like to talk about god to think god to pry god to do everything with god in their mind ...dont think those people r bad or u r better then them.......
OPen your thread and do not allow nobody to talk about god from the start of u r thread ...and im sure u ll be OK
U r post was for me disrespectful......

Hope u ll get the NL this YEAR!!!
Wish u the best!!!!

why you are so upset ? :)
I don't tell people not to believe in God :)
beside if you think God will help you win this lottery,
what if you do not win the lottery,
does that mean God do not want to help you ? :)

I do not intend to stop you from believing in your God or your Faith.
everybody had their freedom to choose their religion.
I just want to inform you that if somehow you do NOT win this year,
don't blame it on God :)

For every 1 person who won DV Lottery, there are 100 that do NOT won.
so do that 100 that do NOT won because they do NOT pray enough ?
or because God do NOT love them ?
I am sure that among those 100 people there are many that are devoted, kind, religious people too.

and I am also sure that among the people who win the DV Lottery there are people who do NOT pray at all.
so Praying here do NOT increase your chance of winning at all.
but if you do believe it will, of course it is up to you.

and if you have an open mind,
try to read this post (again) from the beginning until this post.
You will see there is a trend here, where lot of people thinking they will win the DV Lottery by mentioning about God all the time...
the funny things is some of those poster came from Moslem countries, where they should mention Allah instead of God :)
so tell me if that is NOT projecting an "image" of devoted Christian in the hope of winning the lottery :)
come on, don't be self denial, hahaha

I am NOT against religion,
just want to open your eyes, but unless you had been playing the lottery for years (and not winning) it might be hard for you to understand :)

Just think about it this way...
think about you playing ordinary lottery (the money lottery). do you pray to God all the time hoping you will win the money lottery, after you buy the ticket ?
most probably not, because you know it is just a lottery...
DV Lottery is also lottery, so praying a lot will not help your chance to win the lottery, just like it is with money lottery :)

I see poster like you come and go every year.
They are very active in the beginning, and when they do not get their NL,
they just disappear hahaha

now, do you know what the advantage of joining this forum since 2006?
well, it sure do NOT increase my chance of winning the lottery,
but it sure mean I had read so many post about what to do if I win the DV Lottery.

and regarding the IP things...
it do crossed your mind right ? hahaha :)

you might get so many warm wishes from fellow newbie here,
but trust me,
you also need to open your mind and hear from the old timer,
it will save you from too much disappointment just in case you don't won this year :)
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Green Card or not We just have to ENJOY our life and BE HAPPY like every single day will be the last !!!!
U ll seen , Im sure even, it s not in April Some of us will get this NL and we all be sharing THOSE GOOD NEWS AND BE HAPPY FOR EACH OTHER!!!!

CHeeerrrsss EVERYONE!!!!

why you are so upset ? :)
I don't tell people not to believe in God :)
beside if you think God will help you win this lottery,
what if you do not win the lottery,
does that mean God do not want to help you ? :)

I do not intend to stop you from believing in your God or your Faith.
everybody had their freedom to choose their religion.
I just want to inform you that if somehow you do NOT win this year,
don't blame it on God :)

For every 1 person who won DV Lottery, there are 100 that do NOT won.
so do that 100 that do NOT won because they do NOT pray enough ?
or because God do NOT love them ?
I am sure that among those 100 people there are many that are devoted, kind, religious people too.

and I am also sure that among the people who win the DV Lottery there are people who do NOT pray at all.
so Praying here do NOT increase your chance of winning at all.
but if you do believe it will, of course it is up to you.

and if you have an open mind,
try to read this post (again) from the beginning until this post.
You will see there is a trend here, where lot of people thinking they will win the DV Lottery by mentioning about God all the time...
the funny things is some of those poster came from Moslem countries, where they should mention Allah instead of God :)
so tell me if that is NOT projecting an "image" of devoted Christian in the hope of winning the lottery :)
come on, don't be self denial, hahaha

I am NOT against religion,
just want to open your eyes, but unless you had been playing the lottery for years (and not winning) it might be hard for you to understand :)

Just think about it this way...
think about you playing ordinary lottery (the money lottery). do you pray to God all the time hoping you will win the money lottery, after you buy the ticket ?
most probably not, because you know it is just a lottery...
DV Lottery is also lottery, so praying a lot will not help your chance to win the lottery, just like it is with money lottery :)

I see poster like you come and go every year.
They are very active in the beginning, and when they do not get their NL,
they just disappear hahaha

now, do you know what the advantage of joining this forum since 2006?
well, it sure do NOT increase my chance of winning the lottery,
but it sure mean I had read so many post about what to do if I win the DV Lottery.

and regarding the IP things...
it do crossed your mind right ? hahaha :)

you might get so many warm wishes from fellow newbie here,
but trust me,
you also need to open your mind and hear from the old timer,
it will save you from too much disappointment just in case you don't won this year :)

Hi Purity !
Reading u r 1st post sounds to me ...like I reponds to u ...
U definitely can think this way or an other and I respect that ...Im sure u might be right in a certain way.....But I dont share u thought.....
And The part about God and Muslim country is funny for me coz u dont know what u r talking about.....Anyway muslim, christian, jews or any other religion GOD IS GOD......

As what u have to teach me "you also need to open your mind and hear from the old timer", I played for 4 years now And honestly each year I wish to win but my life doesnt turn around just To win the GC.....And I do think for a lot of people here even if we wrote a lot IT STAYS A DREAM, we all know it s a lottery....

We all do have a life , This lottery is reuniting us around the same dream in this thread but im sure everyone has a life and once it will be july we will just hoep for the next year ....and the next next....and next if not Well sound like god will not wanna me to live in the US.......
I wont be disappointed if I loose ....But If i won I ll be more than happy and thanksful to god to have made my dream become true , but I have a 100000dreams for my future so Dont worry i wont be disapointed ......And I do think that some people may need to win more than me ...So I ll be really really happy if people from this thread win and not me !!!!
i do have other options as Canada and this is a sure option...

ANYWAY Wish u luck
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Green Card or not We just have to ENJOY our life and BE HAPPY like every single day will be the last !!!!
U ll seen , Im sure even, it s not in April Some of us will get this NL and we all be sharing THOSE GOOD NEWS AND BE HAPPY FOR EACH OTHER!!!!

CHeeerrrsss EVERYONE!!!!


if you are always think positive, why you are so hysterical with your post (all those caps lock) :)

beside I thought you are NOT happy every single day in France ?
I heard (from your post) you do NOT enjoy your life in France ? hahaha

Look I understand it completely because I do NOT enjoy my country either :)
otherwise I would NOT want to move to US in the first place... hey it is just logic and common sense :)

and for sure I think you will be more happy if you are the one who win the DV Lottery right ? :)

and I got to be honest,
that everytime I see someone win the DV Lottery, and they share the news about it,
and I still do NOT win, it actually make me sad :)
of course I will NOT give up, but deep in my heart I would say... gee I wish it was me who won the DV Lottery instead of that person :)

come on be honest to yourself Diafa,...

you would rather win for yourself than seeing other win right ?

I know I do... hey I am NOT a hypocrite :)

now let imagine this...

imagine that the US government through KCC is doing a competition for Green Card,
and everybody who can enter their Office building through the front door will win...

I am sure everybody will be fighting and knock every competition just so they can enter that door first.
I mean everybody is selfish, and it is human nature to do that.
heck even God is selfish, because he do NOT want other God to compete with him,
and he want human to only worship Him and only Him ...

so let's cut this "nonsense unreal moral talk"...

I am sure everybody is actually wishing they will win DV Lottery for themselves :)

I know I am :)

again, always NOT in Self Denial and don't be a HYPOCRITE :)
HI Cookie!!
Welcome !!!! really hope u ll get it !!!! From wich part of the world r u playing?? ( AS SA OC EU AF????)
Thank u !!
Wish u the Best!!!

Hi Diafa,

Im native from Belgium so Im playing Europe and because Belgium is a veeeeeeeeeeeery smal country :rolleyes: you dont see alot of winners , if you look at the stats from past years i think DVV2010 there where about 85 winners when you look at Germany i think it was around 3000.
And yes I know there is only a percentage for each country but still.........:(
Every year I keep my hopes up :D
I have lived in the US for over 10 years now and still love it but many people don't like it so much anymore and I understand it...The USA great as it is is changing since the last years and people don't like what is going on...

I was so happy to leave my native country and came to realize how socialist the country was, something I never realized living there....now it is starting to become the same over here, it might take 10 years, but the US is on it's way to become Europe...:(...but still better and hopefully things will stop and stay the same over here but in a better way...like reformed, not socialized.....
Hi Diafa,

Im native from Belgium so Im playing Europe and because Belgium is a veeeeeeeeeeeery smal country :rolleyes: you dont see alot of winners , if you look at the stats from past years i think DVV2010 there where about 85 winners when you look at Germany i think it was around 3000.
And yes I know there is only a percentage for each country but still.........:(
Every year I keep my hopes up :D

Hi Cookie,
85 winners that is definitely not a lot....But Im sure as belgium is very small, not a lot of people r entering the lottery...
On what I ve seen the past years Europe is the last one receiving the NL, so we still have to wait at least until may or middle of may to hear someone getting the NL.....
Keep it up WHo knows this year can be the one .....
Whish uuu lUCK!!