• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

M-Power, your analysis is over-simplified. Don't forget that no one get interviewed until your number becomes current. Each region has a different dates for that. That is how USCIS keeps track. Also, don't forget people can do either CP or AOS. They are processed through two completely different process. Hence, many said if you have a high number, you are better off doing CP because AOS takes longer time and higher risk that you don't get your visa issued before September.

So what you said about "if you're living in the last region that KCC sends the NL, you have no chance to get a GC, because by the time you receive the NL, everyone else from previous regions will have received their NLs and will have scheduled their appointments" is just not true.

I take no position on the other part of your post or for that matter, purity's.

Very interesting... I have yet lots to learn. I thought your number is your number and when it's current you have to go for an interview being CP or AOS.
So what you said about "if you're living in the last region that KCC sends the NL, you have no chance to get a GC, because by the time you receive the NL, everyone else from previous regions will have received their NLs and will have scheduled their appointments" is just not true.

I didn't say that. That paragraph starts with "In your theory" addressed to purity. Here it is one more time:

In your theory, if they send everything single region, the first region, let's say Africa, would receive their NL's earlier than other regions like EU and this would be unfair. As we all know, lower case number is a better chance to get an appointment and eventually get a GC. So, if you're living in the last region that KCC sends the NL, you have no chance to get a GC, because by the time you receive the NL, everyone else from previous regions will have received their NLs and will have scheduled their appointments.
I disagree.

KCC draws the lottery randomly and the case numbers are issued consecutively.

In your theory, if they send everything single region, the first region, let's say Africa, would receive their NL's earlier than other regions like EU and this would be unfair. As we all know, lower case number is a better chance to get an appointment and eventually get a GC. So, if you're living in the last region that KCC sends the NL, you have no chance to get a GC, because by the time you receive the NL, everyone else from previous regions will have received their NLs and will have scheduled their appointments.

One more time, KCC draws the lottery randomly. Everything is printed - processed electronically, the envelopes are stamped electronically and sent out immediately.

The DV is fair to everyone that are eligible to participate. Receiving a NL is not a guaranteed GC and the case # plays a vital role in getting a GC.

You say KCC is using automated computer system and it works better when they're in order. What is your source of information if I may ask? Because what I know is, the DV winners are selected automatically and the computer prints - processes every single form and paperwork including the address on the envelope and prints the correct postage amount depending on the location it is going to.

We are talking about computers. It is not difficult for a software to check digitally entered address and print correct postage amount for a pre-specified letter weight. One letter goes to the US, it reads the US address and prints let's say $1.75 postage on it, the next envelope has a Kenya address, it calculates the postage rate to Kenya and prints $3.95 on it. The next address happens to be Germany, it calculates the postage to Germany and prints $3.15 postage on it. All these letters fall into same box/tray/bucket and USPS picks them up end of the day.

Eventually, US winner gets his NL in 3 days, Germany gets it in 8 days, Kenya gets it in 13 days. The numbers / amounts are imaginary, but you get my point.

You can have a better understanding if you have ever used a shipping software like Shipstream Manager, UPS Worldship, Pitney Bowes etc. I used to send out some new year's greetings in my company and all I needed to do was showing the Outlook address book file to the shipping software and select the names. You select weight, type of postage (regular, priority, express etc) and with one button, it would print out envelopes with address and correct postage amount for every US state and country.

You are right that KCC draws the lottery randomly
but then their categorized each winner into their specific region, and each region had their owned number.

here is a copy and paste about it:
How will winners be selected?
At the U.S. Department, all entries received from each region will be individually numbered. After the end of the registration period, a computer will randomly select entries from among all the entries received for each geographic region. Within each region, the first letter randomly selected will be the first case registered, the second letter selected the second registration, etc. It makes no difference whether an entry is received early or late in the registration period; all entries received during the registration period will have an equal chance of being selected within each region. When an entry has been selected, the applicant will be sent a notification letter, which will provide visa application instructions. Those who are selected will be instructed to appear for visa interviews at a U.S. consular office.

so you can see that they have different separate numbering procedure (categorized) for each region.
again I give you example, There will be OC region #1 but there will also be AF region #1, so they both have number one but at the front of their numbering they will have it say OC or AF.
so after you got selected by the computer, you will drop into your region... and from then on sort based on your region free of interference from other region.

that mean when KCC print the NL, they will print them for one region first and another region later.
when they print within a region, of course they will print from the most lower case number first.

and don't forget that each region have DIFFERENT Quota.
Do you remember that Asia Region and European Region and African Region and Oceania Region and South America region all have different size of winner ?

and again you can look at visa bulletin cut off number. you will clearly see what I mean there.

Ok back to the way they send their letter.

When I say PER BATCH per region that mean...
ok hear I give your real world example.
First day NL sent, KCC sent one batch of AF region.
Second day NL sent, KCC sent one batch of AS region
Third day NL sent, KCC sent one batch of OC region and so on and so on.

What you thought I was reffering is like for KCC to sent one region for example AF region from day one till all AF region is finished...
no, that is NOT what I mean by that.

again I mean that each single day, KCC will send different batch per region.

You want proof,
Search the past post on DV Lottery NL received.
you will see that for the first few days, only one region NL received and posted by the member here.
I clearly remember that there is one year where only OC region report here they had received their NL, and later AF region.
on another year, I remember that AF region where the first one who got the NL for the first few days, and after that first few days, OC region start to receive theirs.

What amaze me is most of the time Asia region is the last one, probably because they have large number of participant.

This is just to simply logistic.

Remember KCC is posting to ordinary postal service.
this ordinary postal service do not just serve KCC but serve other user too, and KCC do NOT pay premium for their service.
so KCC should help the postal service so they do NOT need to carry the extra burden of sorting the mail too much.
regarding sorting the mail, I am talking about the postal service in Europe where KCC used to deliver the international mail too.

Again the proof is in the past post,
you should remember that there is always one region ahead of the other region.

you can also check the NL that sent to US.
Now US mail should be able to deliver every mail to every US address within 3 days.
but how come some region always way behind to report,
eventhough they have US mailing address ?
that is because KCC sent their region later.

again I am NOT saying KCC will only sent one region for several days in a row until that region letter is out completely.
No that is not what I am saying,
but KCC do send one region in one batch in one day.
and the next day they will send another region in one batch in one day.
and so on.

Your example about sending with shipping software is true but that is because you are PRIVATE sender,
and they had to accept the private sender custom request each time.
but then again, you maybe only sending 100 mail or so ?

KCC is NOT private sender, they are institutional sender, and they have to send at least 1000NL per day if they want
all the NL to be send by July.

1000NL (a thick large envelope) will be a burden to any post office if they do NOT sort them correctly.
example if KCC sent all those letter for all region and mixed them together,
the European Post Office who KCC subcontracted to distribute the letter to the rest of the world,
will have to sort it back again,
and this can be prevented if KCC sort them from the beginning.

Look, I can try to explain to you, but
you might as, how do I know ?

well, I do NOT ask KCC about it,
but I look for pattern after years of playing DV Lottery.
That is the best way to see it.

Now, 2011 DV Lottery should start to come in quickly in the next weeks or two.
You will then see which region will get first, and there will be a day or two days before other region start
posting they got their NL.
this is especially true for international recipient.
because for international recipient, you would think the closer the country to that European Post office,
the faster it should get the NL,
but NOPE, some country that are farther actually got their NL faster.

I had been playing since DV2005, and I always follow everything closely.
I use to feel it is unfair for AS region to get the letter last most of the time, while AF or OC always get their's first.
but it does not really matter in the end because KCC will not start that year DV until October anyway,
and when it came October, every region will start their interview with the embassy (or AOS) at the same time.
so in the end it is FAIR again.

I want to add that KCC used / subcontracted a service of One European Country post office who give KCC the cheapest price to distribute the mail
for international winner (non US address).
I forgot what country that is, but sometime KCC change the country in Europe that they use.
I guess KCC want the lowest bid to win.
but in order for this European to be able to deliver the mail cheaply and profitably,
KCC need to help them with preliminary sorting too.
Otherwise they will NOT be able to be profitable with that kind of low bid.
so for international recipient, your NL will NOT be mailed from US Mail but from a European Country Post OFfice.(the post office stamp show which country)

and the strange thing is, EU Region who live outside USA usually is NOT the first one to get their NL,
but of course they are NOT the last one too...
still don't you think in theory EU region should get it first because they are closed to that subcontracted post office in Europe ?
Well the only answer to that is KCC sent that bulk mail to EU per region too,
and they do NOT sent the EU region to that EU post office first but instead they sent other region.

I really forget the country name, but I clearly remember that when I first played DV the country that KCC used to distribute (from Europe),
is different than the country they use after that...
Let see what country KCC will use for DV2011.
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I didn't say that. That paragraph starts with "In your theory" addressed to purity. Here it is one more time:

In your theory, if they send everything single region, the first region, let's say Africa, would receive their NL's earlier than other regions like EU and this would be unfair. As we all know, lower case number is a better chance to get an appointment and eventually get a GC. So, if you're living in the last region that KCC sends the NL, you have no chance to get a GC, because by the time you receive the NL, everyone else from previous regions will have received their NLs and will have scheduled their appointments.

Again there is NOTHING Unfair about AF REgion getting their NL first ahead of other region (and vice versa)

Yes, I used to think it is Unfair, but after I follow all the step, I realize that it is fair,
as long as each region can start their interview at their embassy at the same time
and that mean they will receive their VISA to enter US for GC at the same time.

no matter how soon you receive your NL, you can only start your interview on October for all region.
so it will be fair again for all region.

and again I do not say they will send one region for a few days(or weeks) until all those one region finished sent,
but they will alternate every single day (or two).
for example on monday they will send first batch of AF region.
on Tuesday maybe they decide to again send second batch of AF region because AF region had large winner,
on Wednesday maybe they decide to sent the first batch of OC region.
on Thursday maybe they decide to sent the first batch of EU region
on Friday maybe they decide to sent the first batch of AS region.
on Saturday maybe they decide to sent the first batch of AS region again because AS region had large winner,

and next week it will be the same.

just check the past winning report.
there will be pause (for a few days) between a slurry of NL reported by one region before another region report they get theirs,
even if they have US mailling address

I think I had explain it in details,
and you will see the proof in the next few days (or few weeks) when KCC start sending,
and a valid claim of NL received will be posted here.

Just be aware that lot of people like to make fun and there will be surely some fake claim again.

so unless they are willing to scan the letter, or unless we had many claims from poster that had been member here for a long time,
you can NOT be sure with their claim that they received their NL.

remember FLAG ?
he had his made up story and everybody believe him,
because at that point KCC said to Diafa that KCC start sending NL beginning April,
and Diafa inform that here.
FLAG notice that, and he used that (first week of April date) to play with you guys.
and now KCC said they had not shipped that early and only ship starting on April 15...
so now it is obvious that FLAG convincing story is a great imagination of FLAG.
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They started to send out the NLs for all regions. Not "all NLs were sent on April 15th".

Instead of Africa first, then Europe etc, they're sending out mixed regions.

I happen to deal with Japan for business and a regular letter gets there around 7-10 days. So, the first Japanese winner will receive the NL around April 22-25 based on my calculations.

Hi M-Power,


I understood that KCC start to send and don't send all regions on same day.

I will wait more weeks.
Waitng Too

:)I definitely Understand U !!
It is soo hard to wait each year!!! specially now that i ve finished my degree the most thing that i want in this world is getting this GC soooo baddd!!!! LOL
4th or 5th time I'm playing every single years were deceptions,hope this one will be the one for everybody who's waiting!
The 1st one getting it in this forum hopefully will post it...
by the way I played as my born country is France Europe!!
Im gonna pray pray ......& pray and hopefully god will listen to my prayer & to everyone too!!!!
Take Care Everybody!!!:):):):):cool::cool::cool:

I myself has been trying for the past eight years .i am from the Caribbean so my chances are not good as only six persons per year are selected from my country. I keep praying hard every year, hope this would be our year , lets pray for each other .
hi paulineg I'm from the Caribbean as well and though the numbers are low there's still a chance. A number of countries from our region are not eligible so hopefully the chances are greater(even if minuscule lol). Cuba gets a large number of winners each year..go figure!
I am from Ethiopia
Every year many Ethiopians won DV
But some of them almost 300-400 people didn’t know they won DV
Every year Ethiopian Post office post the winners list that cannot collect their NL’s
They didn’t collect it Cuz they didn’t care about it or they even remember they fill DV
When I see thus lists I really very upset cuz here are lots of people like me
who are eager to win and live a better life. Why they close other person chance if they don’t want.
I don’t know ………………………….
Anyway till now nothing in Ethiopia
Wish z best for everyone!!
hi memma
really, OMG! why do they do that? anyways i'm parlty ethioian .. so, hi there? wish the best for ETH for DV-2011!!
I received my selectee letter of DV 2011. I t came to US address as I indicated during EDV entry form.
Good Luck to Everbody!
Wow, Really ? we have a winner here !
Congratulation spurgunda ! Btw, What Region did you entry

Thanks a lot purity. Those Infos, It really takes time to study. Appreicated !
This is my 6th attemt and wishing can be rewarded as others
Found this forum last year (DV2010) and I was so excited,
But for DV2011 I'm not as 'excite' as last year
Thanks also for all of you, all of posters who share your information, advise and oppinion
I guess most of us (perhaps all of us) are expecting to receive 1st NL in few months (End of Apr - Jun), otherwise we may check electronically in the begining of July.
Good luck everyone !
I am not sure if it's true or not, but I have heard that they send out notifications to people living in the USA first. Anyone aware of this?

Good luck to everyone.

Yeah people here in the US get the Notification Letters first because the letters are initiated from here in the US, letters sent within the US takes between 1 to 7 days, while international dispatch will take a little bit longer....Thats what it is, no preference.
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i really dont agree with u on the procedure u claim the NL are sent out by.......It is only letters of interview that are sent out according to when a particular region is current. The notification letters are sent out according to how they are sorted out, and the reason why people here in the US receive theirs first is because the letters are originated from here as letters take a couple of days to deliver here, so naturally other letters sent out to inetrnational destinations the same day with that of the US will take a couple of weeks.........
Again there is NOTHING Unfair about AF REgion getting their NL first ahead of other region (and vice versa)

Yes, I used to think it is Unfair, but after I follow all the step, I realize that it is fair,
as long as each region can start their interview at their embassy at the same time
and that mean they will receive their VISA to enter US for GC at the same time.

no matter how soon you receive your NL, you can only start your interview on October for all region.
so it will be fair again for all region.

and again I do not say they will send one region for a few days(or weeks) until all those one region finished sent,
but they will alternate every single day (or two).
for example on monday they will send first batch of AF region.
on Tuesday maybe they decide to again send second batch of AF region because AF region had large winner,
on Wednesday maybe they decide to sent the first batch of OC region.
on Thursday maybe they decide to sent the first batch of EU region
on Friday maybe they decide to sent the first batch of AS region.
on Saturday maybe they decide to sent the first batch of AS region again because AS region had large winner,

and next week it will be the same.

just check the past winning report.
there will be pause (for a few days) between a slurry of NL reported by one region before another region report they get theirs,
even if they have US mailling address

I think I had explain it in details,
and you will see the proof in the next few days (or few weeks) when KCC start sending,
and a valid claim of NL received will be posted here.

Just be aware that lot of people like to make fun and there will be surely some fake claim again.

so unless they are willing to scan the letter, or unless we had many claims from poster that had been member here for a long time,
you can NOT be sure with their claim that they received their NL.

remember FLAG ?
he had his made up story and everybody believe him,
because at that point KCC said to Diafa that KCC start sending NL beginning April,
and Diafa inform that here.
FLAG notice that, and he used that (first week of April date) to play with you guys.
and now KCC said they had not shipped that early and only ship starting on April 15...
so now it is obvious that FLAG convincing story is a great imagination of FLAG.
i really dont agree with u on the procedure u claim the NL are sent out by.......It is only letters of interview that are sent out according to when a particular region is current. The notification letters are sent out according to how they are sorted out, and the reason why people here in the US receive theirs first is because the letters are originated from here as letters take a couple of days to deliver here, so naturally other letters sent out to inetrnational destinations the same day with that of the US will take a couple of weeks.........

Ok I am going to try to explain it once again.

First of all, you are right that People with US mailing address will START receiving their NL ahead of other
with International mailing address. On that one, I agree with you. (again the key here is "START").

You enter DV Lottery based on your region. Could be AS, EU, OC, AF and SA region.
and no matter where your region are, you can have US Mailing Address or Your Local Mailing Address.
For example,
You are applying as participant from Nigeria, so you are from AF region.
Right now you are located/living/ have home address in Nigeria,
but you do have a choice,
you can either put your Home Address in Nigeria as your Mailing Address (or your other current mailing address),

or if you have a friend or family in USA, you can borrow their address in USA as your Mailing address.
If you are LUCKY and win the DV Lottery,
the NL will be sent to the Mailing address you input in the application.
So if you input the US Mailing address, the NL will be sent to that US address,
eventhough you are applying from AF region and your current home is actually in Nigeria.

Now I also want to tell you how they sort the numbering.

Each region have their own number
Meaning there will be AF region with case number AF000001
and there will be AS region with case number AS000001
and there will be OC region with case number OC000001
and so on and so on
That is how they sorted it out.
so there will be winner with the EXACT same number (on the above example that number is 000001)
but with different "region prefix" in front of their
case number to differentiate them.

Take note that TOTAL there are around 100,000 NL selected each year,
but there are NO NL with 100,000 as their case number,... even 80,000 as their case number is NON existant...
why because 100,000 is the total number of NL sent but NOT the number for sorting.
but if you Add the HIGHEST case number from each region, it will add up to near 100,000 total in total.
again let make you and example with made up number.
for example AF had 30,000 winner so the last/highest case number from AF region will be 30,000
for example OC had 10,000 winner, so the highest case number from OC will be 10,000
for example AS had 40,000 winner,so the highest case number from AS will be 40,000
for example EU had 19,000 winner,so the highest case number from EU will be 19,000
for example SA had 1,000 winner,so the highest case number from SA will be 1,000
If you TOTAL the number it will add up to 100,000 winner,
but their case number will not exceed 40,000 in AS case or 30,000 in AF case etc etc...

Now let me also point it out once again that:
a. for DV Winner with US Mailing address, their NL will be sent by US MAIL Service,
and the Post Mark/Stamp on the envelope will show a US Post Office Stamp.
it does not matter what region you are classified, but as long as the mailing address is in US,
US Post Office is the one who deliver your NL to your US mailing address.

b. for DV Winner with OUTSIDE US (International) Mailing address
their NL will be sent from KCC to a EUROPEAN COUNTRY Mail Service, which will later sent it to
the distribution hub in the specific region and then that distribution hub will sent it to the specific country where the mailing address located.

Look, I do NOT know yet whether this year DV will be using European Country Mail Service again,
but the past DV (since DV2005 to DV 2010), always use European Country Mail Service.
What KCC do is open a TENDER, and ask for any Post Office from all around the world,
to BID. KCC will then select which Post Office willing to deliver the NL with international address,
with the cheapest price.(and perhaps KCC also consider whether that post office had the capability
to handle this kind of task too, before awarding them with the contract).

Logically, if you do NOT put US address as your Mailing Address,
then most probably you will put your current home mailing address,
and again most probably your current home mailing address will be inside the REGION you are applying too.
and for some people who use mailing address that is NOT in US, but also not inside their region,
(for example a person apply with EU region but currently work in Japan),
for this special case,
KCC will sort it differently and combine it with the letter going to that particular region where
his/her current mailing address are.This kind of anomaly should be in minority, but it do require
special handling, and I am sure KCC computer system will be able to automatically
redirect this kind of special case.

So KCC will pack and sort according to the region, and sent it in Bulk to that
European Country Post Office.
After the European Country Post Office received the Bulk mail shipment from KCC,
all they need to do now is to send them to the distribution hub for that region.
and from that distribution hub, it will then be sent to each specific country within that region.

If KCC do NOT sort according to the region earlier during the NL printing process,
European Country post office will need to sort it again, and this cost time and money.
so this will NOT happen,
because it will cost KCC more in the end,
since the cost will be eventually paid by KCC.
Do you want to know how KCC able to sort it for free ?
When KCC print the NL Letter, they print it in Batch for specific region at a time.
They do NOT jump from each region to another region when printing them.
Beside as you recall the case number is sort for each region.
For example when KCC print the NL,
they will print AF00001 then AF00002 then AF00003 and so on until they reach the batch amount
they want for the day.
they will NOT print AF00001 then OC00001 then EU00001 because it will be a nightmare for Logistic.

if I can make a flow chart, it will be easy to understand...

let me start it from the beginning.

KCC will do this kind of IF and GOTO flowchart.
below is the step by step:

They do this for region by region.
Example on Monday, KCC print for AF region
1. IF US mailing address, Print and then stack it with the AF region stack that will be delivered to US Mail
for delivery inside USA. if NOT US Mailing Address, GOTO STEP 2
2. IF International mailing address, Print and then stack it with the AF region stack that will be deliverd in bulk to European Post Office.

then on Tuesday, KCC can decide whether they want to print more AF region (since AF region had lot of participant), or they can choose to different region.
for example KCC decide to print for EU region on Tuesday so,
1. IF US mailing address, Print and then stack it with the EU region stack that will be delivered to US Mail for delivery inside USA. if NOT US Mailing Address, GOTO STEP 2
2. IF International mailing address, Print and then stack it with the EU region stack that will be delivered in bulk to European Post Office.

and so on and so on.

Now for the US Mailing address, they can sent the Printed NL in batch the same day they print it.
but for International Mailing address, they will need to wait until SEVERAL Batch of Region had been
packed and sorted according to different region is ready for One Big BULK shipment.

Once this BULK shipment had arrived,
the European post office will see that they are already sorted (and packed separately) for each region,
and it will make them work faster and easier.
from there the European will sent one batch of shipment to each region (depending on the plane schedule to that region), but most probably they will not be able to sent all the mail (from different region), to their region distribution HUB at the same day...

Now to answer your statement where you said : "The notification letters are sent out according to how they are sorted out"

you need to take notice with the DV winner who have US address as their mailing address.
you can check with the past few YEARS of DV winner post.
You will notice that for the first day or two,
there will only be ONE REGION who said they had received their NL in the US,
and few days latter, another Different Region will start to claim they had received their NL in the US.
That show that for winner with US mailing address, KCC do sent some region earlier than other region.

Simply because they sorted their mailing order based on Per Region.

but again they will not send only one region until that region is finished,
but they will alternate...
example for first day they will sent the first 1000 case of AF region with US Mailing Address,
and the second day they will sent the first 1000 case of OC region with US Mailing Address,
and the third day for other region... and so on and so on...
and the following week they will sent the second 1000 case (case 1001 to 2000) of AF region with US mailing address and so on and so on.
because if they sent MIX region for US mailing address, then why (from historical claim), you see only certain region claim they got their NL first and
other region got it later, eventhough they are mailed to US Mailing Address ?
so that historical data show that KCC do NOT sent mix region or all region in the same day even for US mailing address.
That kind of sorting system explain why even for US address, some region will always got their NL earlier than other region.

All you need to do is to backward engineer based on the past trend of how NL Delivered in the past DV,
to come out with this explanation.

ah I just remember ONE MORE THING,
when KCC PRINT the NL, they do NOT print all 100,000 NL in one single day,
that is why you see people with DIFFERENT DATE on their NL !!!
That again show KCC do print in BATCH with DIFFERENT DATE
and sort it and later sent it PER BATCH according to their region after they print it.

I do hope my explanation above is clear enough but if you still disagree,
well it is up to you.
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