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DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

do you know anybody recieve dv 2011's letter?

I didn't receive the letter yet...

I am in Asia area. I wish I can find the letter at my post. The letters fly to the people who expect to win sooner or later !!!

I will be patient.

I hope you guys have a happy moment with the white envelope.
Well great Diafa, so you already know someone who was freaking out like we do and anticipating every single day and it finally happened—that is quite a relief, thank you for this info.

It is the same case with me when it comes to the period I applied—all 3 times I applied, I couldn't wait for the online application process to start so, as you probably guess, I applied the very first day. I think I won't do any more contemplation or analysis, I'll just try to be a little bit more patient hoping that April can bring some good news which would be awesome as April is almost here.


Definitely April will be great !!!!! being patient is something realllyy hard on us specially right now .... waiting is driving me CRAZY!!!
I hope I can too dont make any analysis or comtemplation but it definitely tough when it comes to the lottery ...and the worst is we cant get any infos in plus by the KKC except what is write on the government about the lottery...And that is sooo frustrating coz they dont give that much infos...!!!
1st April is on Thursday sooo I m sure we will hear some very very very gooddd newsss sooooonn!!
A huge prayer for u USA!!, Im sure u do deserve this GC !! I really do hope u ll get it!!!!
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Hi everyone!!
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr everyone!!!
Thank you Diafa—I wish you, from the bottom of my heart, the same and much, much more. It's incredible how much positive energy you bring everywhere you go and you never hesitate for a moment to spend it on anyone that seems to be in need of support. You're definitely the kind of person everyone should look up to. You're simply the best and only the best is what you deserve! I never thought this thread would bring anything special when I started it back in February, but thanks to you Diafa (with the help of other friends in this thread of course) I can honestly say now that I wouldn't mind really even if I didn't win because I realize that the most important thing is true friendship, love and respect. Without that all the material things and personal gain are completely worthless.

As a sure winner I'd like to ask if it possible to use downloaded forms DS-230 Part I & II and DSP-122 and fill them on-screen or do I have to wait first NL and use handfillable forms in it? Have collected all other documents required except those which have to be newer than six months and translations. I just want everything to be ready when The Letter arrives.
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As a sure winner I'd like to ask if it possible to use downloaded forms DS-230 Part I & II and DSP-122 and fill them on-screen or do I have to wait first NL and use handfillable forms in it? Have collected all other documents required except those which have to be newer than six months and translations. I just want everything to be ready when The Letter arrives.

As I know, filling out forms do not too long so I would suggest to wait for the envelope to come. In addition, I would also suggest to relax in order not to cause a disappointment at the end.
let the count down begins for the first recipient of the great white envelope!good luck to u all.

I am a woman from Europe waiting for NL for about 10 years. I have been reading this thread since its beginning but the reason to register now is to share that I found a winner for DV 2011 received his letter 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately there is no more info about where he is from, case number and etc. Here is the link where I found him
It doesn't seem to be a fake because the person is asking for help about filling the forms.
It's strange that nobody else has reported about receiving NL.

To all who wants to be ready with the document before getting Nl. Please, don't do it. I did it 7-8 years ago and the disapointment was enormous. Keep your peace of mind and just live your life without getting in obsession.

Hope to hear happy news very very soon. :)
Thank you Diafa—I wish you, from the bottom of my heart, the same and much, much more. It's incredible how much positive energy you bring everywhere you go and you never hesitate for a moment to spend it on anyone that seems to be in need of support. You're definitely the kind of person everyone should look up to. You're simply the best and only the best is what you deserve! I never thought this thread would bring anything special when I started it back in February, but thanks to you Diafa (with the help of other friends in this thread of course) I can honestly say now that I wouldn't mind really even if I didn't win because I realize that the most important thing is true friendship, love and respect. Without that all the material things and personal gain are completely worthless.

Thankkkkkk UUUU SOOO MUCH USA!! Ur words really mean the world to me!! specially that i really feel its 100000% genuine!!!
I definitely can say better than u did!!!
Im really glad I start to write on your thread! just to meet people like u !!!! Coz u r Fantastic!!! And it just a relief to know that still good people as u exist!!!!!
I hope at the the end of this Lottery we still talk to each other winning or not, coz as u said friendship, family, love & respect r the most important thing!
SOOO GLAD & Happy to be here talking with u really put a huge smile on my face !!!!!!

@Mia-vn !!!
I really hope u do win coz after 10 year, Keep it up !!!!!
Thank u for the infos!!!
I dont really believe in it coz 4 weeks ago (2nd March) that will mean that the personn have been selected in february or earlier and that the KCC have sent the 1st NL in February or before if he is not living in US...And as u said nobody in this forum or in others forums (I read 2 other forum african, french) and nobody said nothing, plus as all we know that the KCC dont send just one letter but send many notifications in the same time .... So i dont know ....but Im septic...
Keep u spirit up!!!! Im sure the day will come!!!!!! And u ll forget all those 10 years!!!

@Winner_for_sure :
LOL I did it lol I mean I already filled the forms...
I dont think it give that much pression or disapointment neither I win or not, we all know its a lottery and even if some of us r sure to win, i think it s more a positive attitude than to really be sure to win, coz nobody knows and we all know the chances r slim but still here !!!
I did filled them and I will every single year until I get the lottery even it is for ever!!!!
I mean it s just 2 forms (4pages) and plus once u r winner I dont think I will have all my head to concentrate on a paper (specially when u see thenm for the 1st time), and if i loose well i will have a example for the next year or the next next next ....next year.... I dont think it s a waste of time....

I m sure everybody on this forum even if u r all crazy about this lottery , we all have a life and priorities at this instant of our life (work /school / family....)...
The dv lottery is just something that add some spice / dream in our r lifes, we all really do hope & pray to get it but all know that destiny and chance r the points!!
We all can HAve IT u RIGHT winner_for_sure!!! LET S ALL DREAMMMM...coz what is life without DREAMS......

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There are many scam's out there and to me having claimed to received a NL is either a scam from the person claiming it or that person has been scammed since KCC clearly is stating that at that point no NL are sent out...sad if the person believes he/she won:(...you don't mess with peoples hopes like that.
Could be that the guy claiming he had won actually won DV-2010 and got the year a bit mixed up. He didn't state that he received the letter 4 weeks ago.
Could be that the guy claiming he had won actually won DV-2010 and got the year a bit mixed up. He didn't state that he received the letter 4 weeks ago.

He doesnt state it , but the post is wrote on the 2nd of March which is 4 weeks ago....
And he said DV 2011, and plus nobody receive a NL that early or THAT LATE!!!
Dont think there is any excuse or something right on this !!
Maybe someone who wants to fill the form early before he get the 1st NL, and just wrote that he won, for people to help him....
I dont know but everything sounds Wrong !!!
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This guy is a big liar,nobody can recieve NL letter in march 2.the first NL letter i know and saw with my naked eyes is even dated march 20.
This guy is a big liar,nobody can recieve NL letter in march 2.the first NL letter i know and saw with my naked eyes is even dated march 20.

Hi Obama!
U r right , i ve also seen the 1st NL dated March 20 , arrived 31st of March in US and it was in this Forum last year....
Hello guys,

I've been checking you for a couple of years now, especially right before the receipt of NL's, to see when people start receiving them. This year, i decided to register and write here.

I'm Turkish, applying the lottery since 2003. Same story every year. From April to September, checking the mailbox every single day. Last year I checked it on the website and saw that I wasn't selected. Hopefully this year.

I am also following a Turkish forum too. Since 2003, many people won the lottery there, mostly people who applied and forgot about it. Or people who has some type of relation to the U.S., either studying, tourist visa holder, working etc.

I lived in Turkey until 2007 and applied from Turkey until then. In Sep 2007, I came to the US on a student visa and applied showing a US residency (Country where you reside now: US). Did not win. Same for the 2008.

In 2009, I was approved for an H1-B working visa, got a job, moved into a new apartment etc. basically everything in my life is new. Hopefully this year I'll win.

I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I'll be reporting from NJ, USA.

I hope all the winners will be the people who desperately needs the GC and will make full use of it, rather than people who applied and forgot about it next minute.

Good luck,
As you already suspected guys, that report of a DV-2011 winner is most probably a misinformation.

///M-Power, thank you for stopping by, we would be happy to hear some early news about the start of NLs dispatching and you're one of the perfect candidates (considering your present location) for an early reception. Congratulations on your H1-B visa—from what I know, it's pretty hard to find a company that would sponsor you for that visa.