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DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

WOW, we are a lot that lives in the US... Which states are you all from?

I think we will start to see letters the second week of April.
Hi everyone!!!
Sounds really Good to have some people living in US, U may receive the letter before us from abroad!!
Let s hope next week one of u will receive the ENVELOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone!!!
Sounds really Good to have some people living in US, U may receive the letter before us from abroad!!
Let s hope next week one of u will receive the ENVELOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let it be me :D
Hi Yes_we_can & ProudT!!
Let it be uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! LOL YES U CAN!!!

@yes we can ! U r sooo luckyy !!!!! Florida is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seems like we r a lot applying for the 4th time!!! Hope its a lucky number!!!!

Im soooooooooooo Glad that it just stays 5 days before March will end!!!!
ThiS month was for me soooooooo long I tried to take my mind off that DV lottery and try to think about something else but it is tough ...I wish to be in July even if I do not win...I will know at least and i will forget about it until at least October 2010....lol....Im not patiente at Allll that is absolutely not my thing!!!

Wishhhhhhhhh to eneveryone soooooo Much luckkk!! A HUGE PRAYER TO EVERYONE WHERE EVER U R!!!!
Im currently in Australia -- although I wish I lived and worked in the US, hehe ( I lived in New Mexico for 10 months, does that count?, lol) - still no white envelope..... I really need it this year.... just like everyone else!
hey guys...I see everyone getting really antsy now hahahaha. I am trying real real hard to just not think about it, I watch my mailbox everyday but I don't collect the mail, my neighbour brings it to my door and I'll be real sorry for him if I ever see that envelope in his hands..he'll probably get a heart attack (God forbid..cus he is about 77). I'm happy that a number of us actually live in the US so we'll know for sure when these letters are released. In the mean time guys.. KEEP SANE....lol!!!
Im currently in Australia -- although I wish I lived and worked in the US, hehe ( I lived in New Mexico for 10 months, does that count?, lol) - still no white envelope..... I really need it this year.... just like everyone else!

I applied last week for permanent residency in Australia, as a backup plan... Crossing fingers.

New Mexico is a fun place, with lots of Tequila ;)
hello everyone!
im currently live in los angeles, i won the lottery few years ago it was dv05 case was 12xxx anyway I applied for my friends, family and girlfriend, still waiting the postman for bring any letters from kcc :)
hello everyone!
im currently live in los angeles, i won the lottery few years ago it was dv05 case was 12xxx anyway I applied for my friends, family and girlfriend, still waiting the postman for bring any letters from kcc :)

Congrats on your win labrea... I drove from Maryland to LA, what a crazy trip.
And I wanted to add a note, I won GC twice, first time it was dv2005 and second one was dv2006, please don`t ask why applied twice, I just tried, and I applied for my friend, he won ;) i think i`m lucky, am I?
And I wanted to add a note, I won GC twice, first time it was dv2005 and second one was dv2006, please don`t ask why applied twice, I just tried, and I applied for my friend, he won ;) i think i`m lucky, am I?

What a coincident! Is there anything special you do? :)
I lived three months in Virginia (Fairfax) I passed Maryland when I was going to NYC, how did you like l.a?

I loved LA, I will move to CA in a heart beat...

And I wanted to add a note, I won GC twice, first time it was dv2005 and second one was dv2006, please don`t ask why applied twice, I just tried, and I applied for my friend, he won ;) i think i`m lucky, am I?

WOW, if I don't win this year then you have to apply for my next year ;) You sure are lucky, and I am glad you are on this forum, cause we need the luck...
Congrats on your win labrea... I drove from Maryland to LA, what a crazy trip.

My dream is to do this one day with my family..my husband and I will quarrel all the way (I hate his driving)but it should be fun..

And I wanted to add a note, I won GC twice, first time it was dv2005 and second one was dv2006, please don`t ask why applied twice, I just tried, and I applied for my friend, he won ;) i think i`m lucky, am I?

You should play the million dollar lottery my friend..that is extraordinary luck...

What a coincident! Is there anything special you do? :)

I too would like to know...lol.lol
Congrats on your win labrea... I drove from Maryland to LA, what a crazy trip.


WWOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHH IM DEFINITELY AMAZED!!!! I M SURE U have seeennn sooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im sure this trip was wonderful!!!!!
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And I wanted to add a note, I won GC twice, first time it was dv2005 and second one was dv2006, please don`t ask why applied twice, I just tried, and I applied for my friend, he won ;) i think i`m lucky, am I?

HI Labrea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG How lucky U r !!!!!!!!! to win twice and not just to win twice but also to live in LA!!!!! I LOVE THIS CITY LIKE CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is ur life in LA right now??? Have u find a job easily??
U R DEFINITELY A LUCKY MAN!!!! Wish u succeed in live and that the luck stay with u all u r entire life !!!!!!!
I LOVE TO SEE SOME DESTINY AS Urs Labrea (it really shows that nothing is impossible)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I wanted to add a note, I won GC twice, first time it was dv2005 and second one was dv2006, please don`t ask why applied twice, I just tried, and I applied for my friend, he won ;) i think i`m lucky, am I?

Like in almost everything else you can always find such extremes where on one side people can't win even after dozen attempts, but at the same time few others win multiple times, even in a row. I don't think it's possible to figure out the math behind such outcomes—you can just hope to have at least a third of luck of the latter.
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Like in almost everything else you can always find such extremes where on one side people can't win even after dozen attempts, but at the same time few others win multiple times, even in a row. I don't think it's possible to figure out the math behind such outcomes—you can just hope to have at least a third of luck of the latter.

USA! this might be an answer to last time debate over Free will Vs Determinism. If we consider that labrea's destiny is to live in the US then no surprise he wins the lottery twice in a row. Whilst other can try forever (I hope not our case :) ) and fail. A known American football coach said "Luck is a residue of design".