• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

Hello Forumites
I have a friend who had his interview this morning in Manila-Philippines and it was going all good til the CO asked him to send his resume and "List of publications" and he was put in administrative processing, can somebody please tell what this list of publications is ??? My friend is a pharmacy graduate with two master degrees (Manufacturing Pharmacy and Public health) ...
Ps: We are both sudanese ...
Dear Yaso,

List of publications refers to any scientific article(s) (your friend might have) published in any scientific journal(s).
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Dear Yaso,

A publication is something that is peer reviewed work. A thesis is not usually considered as a publication, however you can try.
Dear Yaso,

A publication is something that is peer reviewed work. A thesis is not usually considered as a publication, however you can try.

Some selected thesis are published by the owner or the institution.

If so that thesis becomes a publication.
To! All Friends.

*************HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY*********************

My case number is 2011AS00019XXX(Sri Lanka)
1NL received in july 2010(Through Email)
Forms sent to kcc by dhl on 16th of august-2010
DHL confirmed delivery on 18th august-2010
KCC confirmed receipht of forms by 25th of august 2010 through email message.
Police Clearance - Received on 31st October 2010 from us embassy of sri lanka.
I was told by KCC on 17th November 2010 that, my aplication is completed pocessing and waiting for the allocation of visa interview.
Interview date- 10th May 2011 at Colombo(SL) American Embassy.(10/03/2011 received an email from KCC)
2NL - Received on 31/03/2011.
Medical - Completed on 06/05/2011
Visa Interview - Successful(10/05/2011)
Visa pick-up - Collected on 12/05/2011
POE - NEW YORK- New York City.
Glory, Honor, Praise and Blessing be unto the Name of God
@ all, i have a successful submission of the medicals forms with no questions asked, just the visa pick up slip handed to me. that is on the 15th of July.
Father Almighty i thank you for the break through. also my sincere thanks goes to the entire form members from each and every thread. the Lord Almighty be with us all.
Again i wish the best of success to all those going for their interviews this month and upcoming months and especially those on AP. the Lord's will be done in our lives and at the SET time, we all be smiling.
Glory, Honor, Praise and Blessing be unto the Name of God
@ all, i have a successful submission of the medicals forms with no questions asked, just the visa pick up slip handed to me. that is on the 15th of July.
Father Almighty i thank you for the break through. also my sincere thanks goes to the entire form members from each and every thread. the Lord Almighty be with us all.
Again i wish the best of success to all those going for their interviews this month and upcoming months and especially those on AP. the Lord's will be done in our lives and at the SET time, we all be smiling.

Hi! Popescandy
Congrats. Great news, god will make miracles on us.

My case number is 2011AS00019XXX(Sri Lanka)
1NL received in july 2010(Through Email)
Forms sent to kcc by dhl on 16th of august-2010
DHL confirmed delivery on 18th august-2010
KCC confirmed receipht of forms by 25th of august 2010 through email message.
Police Clearance - Received on 31st October 2010 from us embassy of sri lanka.
I was told by KCC on 17th November 2010 that, my aplication is completed pocessing and waiting for the allocation of visa interview.
Interview date- 10th May 2011 at Colombo(SL) American Embassy.(10/03/2011 received an email from KCC)
2NL - Received on 31/03/2011.
Medical - Completed on 06/05/2011
Visa Interview - Successful(10/05/2011)
Visa pick-up - Collected on 12/05/2011
POE - NEW YORK- New York City.
Hi! Popescandy
Congrats. Great news, god will make miracles on us.

My case number is 2011AS00019XXX(Sri Lanka)
1NL received in july 2010(Through Email)
Forms sent to kcc by dhl on 16th of august-2010
DHL confirmed delivery on 18th august-2010
KCC confirmed receipht of forms by 25th of august 2010 through email message.
Police Clearance - Received on 31st October 2010 from us embassy of sri lanka.
I was told by KCC on 17th November 2010 that, my aplication is completed pocessing and waiting for the allocation of visa interview.
Interview date- 10th May 2011 at Colombo(SL) American Embassy.(10/03/2011 received an email from KCC)
2NL - Received on 31/03/2011.
Medical - Completed on 06/05/2011
Visa Interview - Successful(10/05/2011)
Visa pick-up - Collected on 12/05/2011
POE - NEW YORK- New York City.

Thanks very much, Lasantha Amal, infact more miracles are yet to fall on us. the Lord be with you.
His family all got visa but not for him, his very sad

Dear, Kuhananth
Its so sad to hear about your situation. You have been 19yrs old when your father applied for the dv lottery, now 21yrs plus. it clearly mentioned in the www.travel.state.gov website children under 21yrs-unmarried are eligible for the lottery at time of application submittion.
See things all change and depends on the Consular officer at the time of the interview.(It shows that children's age should be under 21yrs at the interview date)

Do not disappoint try the next dv lottery-2013, god will help you.
God bless you,
His family all got visa but not for him, his very sad

Yes it's a very very pathetic situation, Kuhanath attained his 21st birthday between DV application date and Interview date , hence CO says he is not eligible for DV visa.

I noticed some where that such situations should be brought to the KCC 's attention so that KCC may arrange a early interview for such applicants if possible.

How ever I also noticed this after Kuhanath told me that he was in trouble.

I suggest him to apply for student visa and join with his family.
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Please read what the DV-lottery instructions says about persons over the age of 21 regarding Child Status Protection Act. Kunahath was under the age of 2 when he applied.

NUMBER OF CHILDREN – Entries MUST include the name, date, and place of birth of your spouse and all natural children. Entries must also include all children legally adopted by you, and stepchildren who are unmarried and under the age of 21 on the date of your electronic entry , even if you are no longer legally married to the child’s parent, and even if the spouse or child does not currently reside with you and/or will not immigrate with you. Note that married children and children 21 years or older are not eligible for the DV; however, U.S. law protects children from “aging out” in certain circumstances. If your electronic DV entry is made before your unmarried child turns 21, and the child turns 21 before visa issuance, he/she may be protected from aging out by the Child Status Protection Act and be treated as though he/she were under 21 for visa-processing purposes. Failure to list all children who are eligible will result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of all visas in the case at the time of the visa interview
he/she may be protected from aging out by the Child Status Protection Act and .................

He was not informed regarding this until he received the NL2 from KCC, where his name is not included .
Then he inquired the Embassy and was told that 50% chance was there for him to be selected under above mentioned act.