• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 winners from Bangladesh

আসসলামু আলাইকুম,

সবার খবর কি?................... অনেক দিন পর ফোরামে এলাম.................সবাইকে দেখে ভালো লাগছে।
আসসলামু আলাইকুম,

সবার খবর কি?................... অনেক দিন পর ফোরামে এলাম.................সবাইকে দেখে ভালো লাগছে।

I am very happy to see you. Pls, stay with us & give us your valueable advise. oh! how is your parents!
@all; today is day for ttania we r waiting for a good news! insha-allah!

Thanks kabir, naz and to everyone who is directly or indirectly involved with this forum section! Today was my day ... I got there at 6:30 in the morning .... The bad thing was I had to wait more than 4hrs! Anyways, after the waiting good news came across the hall!

Interviews was successful and they will issue my visa tomorrow 2:30pm. Interview was so simple ... CO just ask my SSC and HSC passing year and What kind of job I'm doing! That is all .... then she said congratulation, your interview was successful, please take this token and come tomorrow at 2:30pm.

Never imagined it will be just it, so far I had lots of confusion but still I'm going to get it! Hopefully, everyone get the visa soon! My prayers are always be with you guys! May Allah help us in life ahead!

And last but not least, this forum help me a lot! And you guys are amazing friend! Every post was valuable for me! Special thanks to AMIT who created this section! I wish your dream come true this year! Be blessed all!
Thanks kabir, naz and to everyone who is directly or indirectly involved with this forum section! Today was my day ... I got there at 6:30 in the morning .... The bad thing was I had to wait more than 4hrs! Anyways, after the waiting good news came across the hall!

Interviews was successful and they will issue my visa tomorrow 2:30pm. Interview was so simple ... CO just ask my SSC and HSC passing year and What kind of job I'm doing! That is all .... then she said congratulation, your interview was successful, please take this token and come tomorrow at 2:30pm.

Never imagined it will be just it, so far I had lots of confusion but still I'm going to get it! Hopefully, everyone get the visa soon! My prayers are always be with you guys! May Allah help us in life ahead!

And last but not least, this forum help me a lot! And you guys are amazing friend! Every post was valuable for me! Special thanks to AMIT who created this section! I wish your dream come true this year! Be blessed all!

Many many Congra8s............:)
Thanks kabir, naz and to everyone who is directly or indirectly involved with this forum section! Today was my day ... I got there at 6:30 in the morning .... The bad thing was I had to wait more than 4hrs! Anyways, after the waiting good news came across the hall!

Interviews was successful and they will issue my visa tomorrow 2:30pm. Interview was so simple ... CO just ask my SSC and HSC passing year and What kind of job I'm doing! That is all .... then she said congratulation, your interview was successful, please take this token and come tomorrow at 2:30pm.

Never imagined it will be just it, so far I had lots of confusion but still I'm going to get it! Hopefully, everyone get the visa soon! My prayers are always be with you guys! May Allah help us in life ahead!

And last but not least, this forum help me a lot! And you guys are amazing friend! Every post was valuable for me! Special thanks to AMIT who created this section! I wish your dream come true this year! Be blessed all!

What a viva! Congrats dear sister:D

So, I have Two Q. to u
1) Have you any Lawer/consultent? & how did you fill up your DS-230, & DSP-122.?
2) Did you submit Additinoal ques. sheet?
ttania. Congrats. at last i saw someone who got visa without ap in this forum. Yes did it. Many many congrates. plz decide when you go to usa. Now the usa weather is good. So try to go early and do you have any relative in usa? Contact with them as early as possible. We are going to usa next 23rd april. If you need any kind of help you can mail me on noman0725007@gmail.com. Thanks . Takecare. Btw plz go to embassy tomorrow at least early. They will call dv visa lately around 3 to 3.30 pm.
Thank you guys (naz, kabir, mobarak)! :) Hopefully, your cases will be another successful cases for this forum very soon! May Allah (SWT) blessed us!

@Kabir: NOPE, I had no lawyer, this forum helped me a lot and I, myself filled up DSP forms. And YES, I've submitted additional questionnaire paper!
@Nomanrupa: Thank you brother for your coordination and suggestion, I will definitely go to Embassy early! I'm also trying to fly asap! And YES I think I have some couple of relatives with their families in USA but unfortunately never got chance to meet with them in person, anyways, currently I will stay at New York then If I got manage a good job then most probably I will move on! BTW, about job .... I think you guys can help me! :) I'm also IT related person! Keep in touch, already noted your id! Thanks for the support! :) Be blessed!
ttania to find out job and rent a home plz visit www.newyork.craigslist.org in this website you will find every thing and also it gives you clear idea about vairous living cost at newyork city. try to contact with your relatives at usa. I do it and luckyly managed a home for rent at 500 dollar at newyork. We are also going newyork on 23 april. Plz take as much as warm cloth as you can cause it costs too much at newyork. For job it is little bit difficult but in this case your known relatives can help. And plz try book your flight after consulting your relatives who lived and helped you at newyork. Best of luck.
@Nomanrupa: Thanks a lot, I appreciate your suggestions and help! At first, I will stay at my relatives house (as I referred in DSP form)! After getting SSN, most probably I will move on from their house asap (if they allow me to go early)! Please keep in touch! Thanks once again! :)

ttania to find out job and rent a home plz visit www.newyork.craigslist.org in this website you will find every thing and also it gives you clear idea about vairous living cost at newyork city. try to contact with your relatives at usa. I do it and luckyly managed a home for rent at 500 dollar at newyork. We are also going newyork on 23 april. Plz take as much as warm cloth as you can cause it costs too much at newyork. For job it is little bit difficult but in this case your known relatives can help. And plz try book your flight after consulting your relatives who lived and helped you at newyork. Best of luck.
Cogratz............. to ttania

Hi everybody, what's your update.
specially tasfia007 and nehal
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