• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 winners from Bangladesh

@Zahidul and Kabir: Thanks bro for the clarification! I paid my visa fee today, $819+575BDT (service charge+VAT)!
@Amit: Glad to see you man. I wish your dreams come true!
@tasfia:do not worry.u must get visa.i consulted with an immigration lawer who has been working for 21 years with dv case.he said that those who will not get visas will be rejected on the day of interview.ur visa is approved.do not mail to the embassy frequently.at this they become annoyed.
Please,does anyone in the house know the cheapest airline to travel with from europe to the usa?
Also,is there a particular port of entry every green card winner must pass through before going to the final destination in the usa or there is the point of entry in all cities one decidesd to enter in through?
hello,please i see you are in here now.could you kindly answer this bothering question on my mind?
can anyone tell me the cheapest airline to take from europe to the usa?also,is there a particular port of entry for all green card visa holders,or you could fly into any city of usa?i once heard one has to first get to new york for checking,and the n procedd to your final destination.is this true?
@kabir007....No update boss.I am still under AP since 27th February 2011.Please pray for me.I want to get out of this pain.

So you got the visa :) Congratulations !!! Its even better that you are coming to NY. I live in NJ but daily comes to NY. Hopefully we will meet oneday.

Take care ...

Wow Zahid vi got VISA. Congratulation brother. B blassed.
Congratulation Kabir007 for ur 2NL.
And very best wishes to ttania for ur upcoming interview. Lets all we pray for ttania and those who r waiting for GOLDENDEER, may allah accept their hands in prayer.
Thank you so much naz, that was so nice of you! I will do the same! Be blessed all! :) Will write soon about my interview experience whether it goes well or not! I hope our dream will come true someday (InshaAllah)! There's the old line so far I can remember ... "we shall over come, we shall over come .... we shall over come someday ... oh deep in my heart I do believe that we shall over come someday!" Never mind! :D

Congratulation Kabir007 for ur 2NL.
And very best wishes to ttania for ur upcoming interview. Lets all we pray for ttania and those who r waiting for GOLDENDEER, may allah accept their hands in prayer.
Hey Amit,

Its nice to see you around after a long time. Alhamdulillah I am almost close to the end of this journey. I had my interview on 30th March and now waiting for the GREEN. Wish you all the best for 2012.

Take care ...

Hey zahidal & Kabir007, how are you bro. Hello everybody. Long time after I m visiting this thread. How is going all? Hope all of you are doing well. :) I was very busy and couldn't communicate with you guyz. Any ways, this year again I am waiting for my DV 2012 result. This time please pray for me guyz. I am very worried for my result. God knows what will happen. :) Plz pray for me....
Green Card

Few minutes back my wife called me and told me that GC is waiting for me :). What a great relief !!! I still cannot believe how smooth the process was.

Thank you all for all the good wishes and wish you all the very best luck.
Alhamdulillah, CONGRATULATIONS! :)

Green Card

Few minutes back my wife called me and told me that GC is waiting for me :). What a great relief !!! I still cannot believe how smooth the process was.

Thank you all for all the good wishes and wish you all the very best luck.
Now the thing depends on the day ''May 1''....anything can happen :)

Congratulations to everyone who have already got the GC and my best wishes to who will appear to GC interview!

Anyways, pls everyone...don't forget to pray for us as well!
Green Card

Few minutes back my wife called me and told me that GC is waiting for me :). What a great relief !!! I still cannot believe how smooth the process was.

Thank you all for all the good wishes and wish you all the very best luck.

For June, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2011 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 49,300 Except: Egypt 34,300
Ethiopia 28,525
Nigeria 17,150

ASIA 28,600
EUROPE 29,450 Except:
Uzbekistan 27,800

Entitlement to immigrant status in the DV category lasts only through the end of the fiscal (visa) year for which the applicant is selected in the lottery. The year of entitlement for all applicants registered for the DV-2011 program ends as of September 30, 2011. DV visas may not be issued to DV-2011 applicants after that date. Similarly, spouses and children accompanying or following to join DV-2011 principals are only entitled to derivative DV status until September 30, 2011. DV visa availability through the very end of FY-2011 cannot be taken for granted. Numbers could be exhausted prior to September 30.
Green Card

Few minutes back my wife called me and told me that GC is waiting for me :). What a great relief !!! I still cannot believe how smooth the process was.

Thank you all for all the good wishes and wish you all the very best luck.

Congrts bro Zahidal and ur wife. woooow :)