• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 winners from Bangladesh

Wao.... Congrets Tania !!! Happy to see such easy and smooth interview. Hope all APs will get the good news soon. Eevery one who is coming to NY/NJ lets meet together one day after Sept 30.

Thanks kabir, naz and to everyone who is directly or indirectly involved with this forum section! Today was my day ... I got there at 6:30 in the morning .... The bad thing was I had to wait more than 4hrs! Anyways, after the waiting good news came across the hall!

Interviews was successful and they will issue my visa tomorrow 2:30pm. Interview was so simple ... CO just ask my SSC and HSC passing year and What kind of job I'm doing! That is all .... then she said congratulation, your interview was successful, please take this token and come tomorrow at 2:30pm.

Never imagined it will be just it, so far I had lots of confusion but still I'm going to get it! Hopefully, everyone get the visa soon! My prayers are always be with you guys! May Allah help us in life ahead!

And last but not least, this forum help me a lot! And you guys are amazing friend! Every post was valuable for me! Special thanks to AMIT who created this section! I wish your dream come true this year! Be blessed all!
First Congratz TTania....i knw the feelings whn got VISA...so ENJOY and be thankful to ALLAH....

@ Zahidul vai....Vai i planned to go NJ and as i hav just finished my BBA for NSU and already prepared for GMAT ...so can U give me some idea abt like what would be the good idea for me GIVING THE GMAT TEST in BD or USA?

another question i m going to NJ Inshalah on 7th MAY....can U give me any suggestion that might useful for me??

thanxx a lot vai

Thats cool.. we are going to get one more from BD in NJ :) Regarding GMAT there is good / better suggestion. If I were you I would give the test in BD before coming to USA because this way I would buy some time. I will not be able to suggest you directly regarding higher study in USA but my wife has some friends studying here (MBA: major - finance/accounting) and I can introduce you with them who are really very good person. Don't worry regarding anything just come you every thing will be alright. As you are coming to NJ and if the place is sub-urban (like majority of NJ places) then its very good to have atleast BD driving licenses. You should bring local & international drivining license from BD (even if you don't know how to drive). Rest of the tips will give you when you will be here :)

By the way, which place in NJ are you coming? I live close to Princeton University.

Take care

First Congratz TTania....i knw the feelings whn got VISA...so ENJOY and be thankful to ALLAH....

@ Zahidul vai....Vai i planned to go NJ and as i hav just finished my BBA for NSU and already prepared for GMAT ...so can U give me some idea abt like what would be the good idea for me GIVING THE GMAT TEST in BD or USA?

another question i m going to NJ Inshalah on 7th MAY....can U give me any suggestion that might useful for me??

thanxx a lot vai

Thats cool.. we are going to get one more from BD in NJ :) Regarding GMAT there is good / better suggestion. If I were you I would give the test in BD before coming to USA because this way I would buy some time. I will not be able to suggest you directly regarding higher study in USA but my wife has some friends studying here (MBA: major - finance/accounting) and I can introduce you with them who are really very good person. Don't worry regarding anything just come you every thing will be alright. As you are coming to NJ and if the place is sub-urban (like majority of NJ places) then its very good to have atleast BD driving licenses. You should bring local & international drivining license from BD (even if you don't know how to drive). Rest of the tips will give you when you will be here :)

By the way, which place in NJ are you coming? I live close to Princeton University.

Take care

Thanx a LOT zahidul Vai....i will stay at berlin, new jersey. its very near to Township of Berlin. and about Driving Licensee i know driving very well unfortunately i didnt get a licensee...here I have a Question one of my frinds told to make a Int. Driving License within 1 and half months.. what do u suggest?
@Zahidal bro: Thank you so much! InshaAllah we will meet together! :) About driving license, is it possible to get the license within one/two months from BD?
@RajuYakub: Thanks brother!
@Tasfia, nahel, Mobarak: InshaAllah good news will come around very soon! Keep faith on your goal! Be blessed!

I don't know about NY but in NJ there are some places where you can get a driving license without giving a road test (only need to pass the knowledge test which is very easy) if you aready a driving license from BD. Most of the places require BD local license and some of the places requrie BD international license. Thats why my suggestion is try to get both if possible. If not possible that is also fine the only problem is you will have to spend some time and money. I think in BD everything is possible if you have proper link.

Berlin is further south from my place around 1 hour drive.

@Tania: I am not sure about NY. But you don't have to worry if you are coming to common places in NY where most of the BD live. You will find subway and bus service available.

@AP: Even though it is taking time you will get the visa thats for sure if there is not anything wrong with your information. Even if you have some minor mistake in your information that also should be fine. I had gone through the same thing when I came to USA first time back in 2008 and it took me around 5 months.

শুভ নববর্ষ ১৪১৮! শুরু হোক জীবনের নতুন হালখাতা!
Shuvo Novobarsha.... start your Bangla new year with DV2012!

Just praying so hard to get one this upcoming May 1 or maybe earlier then that.

May Allah fulfill everyone's wish... All the best :)
Dear All,
I need a sample of additional questionnaire form.

(Answer all the questions in English. Add additional pages when required. Failure to provide complete information may result in lengthy delays in visa issuance.)
1. List all international travel by country in the past 10 years. Please specify month and year.
2. List all passports that you now hold or have previously held. Please include passport number, issue date, expiration date and place of issue. If you have ever had a passport lost or stolen, please indicate that as well.

3. List all educational institutions you have attended. Please specify month and year.
4. List all occupations you have held. Please specify month and year. If you own a business organization, please list that also. (Please Note: "Private Service", "Government Service", and "Business" are not acceptable answers. More details are required.)

5. List all political, social and charitable organizations to which you have ever belonged. Indicate how long you have been a member of each organization.

6. List all telephone numbers that you have previously used and also the one/s you are currently using.

7. List all previous residences. Please give full address, specify month and year. By "residence" we mean, any location that you have ever lived since birth.

8. Have you ever applied for immigration or citizenship of any, country? If so, which country? Date of request? Status of application?
9. Height and weight.
10. List the names and dates of birth of your parents and all of your children, siblings (brothers/sisters).

(For Non-Immigrant Visa Applicants) (For Immigrant Visa Applicants)
Name of Applicant:........................................... Name of Applicant: .....................................
Passport Number:........................................... Case Number: ...........................................
or you can choose this http://dhaka.usembassy.gov/uploads/images/Iz09z0sQB_nwX-KzTg35yw/Additional_Questionnaire_Form_for_IV.pdf
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Dear All,

I am one of the irregular member of this forum. Me and my wife faced interview at 12th December 2010. my wife was a principal applicant. they have issued her visa that day after tomorrow, i mean 13th of December and put my case on so called Additional Processing. I left hope because i was waiting for last all most four months. but amazing thing is that 13th April, 2011 my got a call from Dhaka consulate. They were looking for me but i was in office. They said to my wife my AP has completed and i must go to US embassy 26th April,2011 at 2:30 PM (get in by gate no 2) and also told to sit over there. I hope they will let me know the result. Am i right? i know many people have got visa after additional processing. is the procedure same?

Anyway, if possible let me know what is going on? I am curious.

@Mehedee... you will get the visa, just have faith on Allah :)

Dear All,

I am one of the irregular member of this forum. Me and my wife faced interview at 12th December 2010. my wife was a principal applicant. they have issued her visa that day after tomorrow, i mean 13th of December and put my case on so called Additional Processing. I left hope because i was waiting for last all most four months. but amazing thing is that 13th April, 2011 my got a call from Dhaka consulate. They were looking for me but i was in office. They said to my wife my AP has completed and i must go to US embassy 26th April,2011 at 2:30 PM (get in by gate no 2) and also told to sit over there. I hope they will let me know the result. Am i right? i know many people have got visa after additional processing. is the procedure same?

Anyway, if possible let me know what is going on? I am curious.
