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DV 2011 AOS Only

Probably need to wait. Do you know if your KCC file was transfered and received by USCIS?
btw: you case moved so fast (thanks to the super fast San Jose FO), so you can "afford" to wait couple of more days/weeks

Hi everybody,

Have anyone been asked to submit an additional evidence (I-134) during the interview?
I've done my interview on 6/14 at San Jose, and the officer gave me a notice and gave me until 7/14 to submit my I-134.
I've sent the I-134 package by USPS Priority Mail on 6/27, and by Track & Confirm, shows that it has arrived on 6/28.
However, as of this moment, I still didn't get any reply from them and case status check on uscis.gov indicates the case is in "Initial Review".
I've made an infopass appointment and visited the office on 7/6, but they just told me that there is nothing they could do.

Did anyone been through this? How long does it take to process? Thanks!
Yea wats up with that?? I wish i lived around San Jose, this is regional discrimination by the USCIS, ppl should be processed by the order in which they submitted their application, not where they live. Im sorry for the ranting, just so angry about the unfairness.
You help me a lot and everytime I have questions you always responses to me so quickly.
I will still praying for you hope you will get your IL very soon!
btw, when is your infopass appointment?

Congrats Karen127,
I'm really happy for you. I'm glad all the prep work and the forum have helped you to be ready and not miss a thing. I knew you'll get good news especially since your KCC file was transfered...
This forum is a great tool to everybody to get information and to provide info to others while learning from each other.
Quick update:I got an email yesterday about I-765, production FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION card.
I also just called KCC and they said that my KCC file was transfered and received by USCIS on July 5th. However, I haven't received my IL. Is it good or bad news ?
Good luck to everybody!!
Hey guys, I haven't received the interview letter so far. It's now 83 days after biometrics and 123 days after arrival of my AOS in Chigaco. My Field Office is Jacksonville, Fl. Is anyone else in the same situation?!
I think its GOOD news and I think you will get your IL maybe in a month.

Quick update:I got an email yesterday about I-765, production FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION card.
I also just called KCC and they said that my KCC file was transfered and received by USCIS on July 5th. However, I haven't received my IL. Is it good or bad news ?
Good luck to everybody!!
Yoni has the same situation as you do, and I think maybe you can make an appointment(infopass) to talk to them.

Hey guys, I haven't received the interview letter so far. It's now 83 days after biometrics and 123 days after arrival of my AOS in Chigaco. My Field Office is Jacksonville, Fl. Is anyone else in the same situation?!
Thanks Yoni, You got it. The petition was filed for work permit through job/professional by a restaurant owner. actually I m worried about the IL letter which states "Evidence that you have not violated your non-immigrant status". May be I had 4 I-20s but submitted only 2 of them while filing 485.. and I did not submit my copies of SEVIS. Oh, another thing, Does that petition on belaf of me means violation of non-immigrant status and does it appear in SEVIS record? I think SEVIS record is F1 visa's total records with all the information .right??
Congratulation! Karen,
Do we need to take SEVIS and All the I-20s and I-134? The form I-134 can be from anyone like is it ok if I get it from another resident foreigner rather than my country?
Thanks, yastin.

Yes, I think you should take SEVIS and ALL OF YOUR I-20s with you, buz my IO did ask from me.
Yep, I think its ok.
Congratulation! Karen,
Do we need to take SEVIS and All the I-20s and I-134? The form I-134 can be from anyone like is it ok if I get it from another resident foreigner rather than my country?
Same here. 90 days, but current on May, as yours. Looks like all may cases are on hold. We call Uscis they told interview is not scheduled yet.
Hey guys, I haven't received the interview letter so far. It's now 83 days after biometrics and 123 days after arrival of my AOS in Chigaco. My Field Office is Jacksonville, Fl. Is anyone else in the same situation?!
I don't think so...There are people here that are current in June that not only got their IL, but also already got their interviews....
There is also a case from current in July that got their interview...
In my case, current in June, still I didn't get IL...I have about 90 day from AOS in Chicago, and 60 days after my BIO was done...
I guess we haven't yet figured why some case progress (much) faster than others...

Same here. 90 days, but current on May, as yours. Looks like all may cases are on hold. We call Uscis they told interview is not scheduled yet.
OK guys, so I've been doing some researching online and reading the threads. Here is what i think how the processing works, we sent the I-485 to Chicago, regardless of 245i or whatever, if there is nothing missing it goes straight to NBC for processing in order of submission, from there it goes straight to the local FO, this is where the processing time starts to differ, the FO requests your DV files from KCC for the interview.

Now for the reasons of delays for some of you from what i believe are FBI name checks, fingerprints are done in less than two days, but name checks can take at most in some cases 90 days, so possibly for those with common names like John Brown or Vladimir Ivanov, there could be matches in the database which leads to more investigations to find out if that is you or not, that is the only theory i can come up with.

That is the only obstacle where the USCIS have no control over nor anyone else. But if the name check went through, USCIS have no excuses so you have to keep hassling them with INFOPASS appointments. But the good thing from all this is reading the 09 and 10 AOS threads there was no one at the end of the fiscal period that complained about not getting their GC. So i guess we can all take solace in that, but there is a first time for everything. So good luck guys.
my case moved to CPO almost 2 weeks past interview, they did have my file from KKC, so some cases do not move super fast.

Thank you a lot, dv_e,

I called USCIS today. A lady said the decision of my case is still not yet made, and that I called too early. She also asked if the officer told me about the decision during the interview. I said no. dv_e, for my case IO didn't ask me for my passorts, I94, I20s, or any other documents. She just said to me "the visa for your case is available, and I checked it already." And she asked my information and background, and few yes no quesions on I485 after taking an oath. That was it! I think it lasted from 3-5 mins.
my name is NOT John Brown, Jack smith, and not middle eastern name either.
But still maybe there is a criminal with same name as me...and they are investigating this right now...
Who is in charge of the name check? is it the FBI, department of justice, USCIS itself?
Do you think they start with the name check when they receive the app since they get your name ? or do the only start it after the BIO?
You know the phone number that you can call after the BIO, 304-625-5590 to check?
I found the following piece from Capeolive, a great member of the AOS2010 forum of last year. As he suggests, this is to check the "name check"?
I did that 1 week after my BIO, and i was told it was return to USCIS next day with no record...
What do you think?
The piece is below:
Those wanting to know if their name check cleared:
1. Call FBI National Name Check Customer Service @ 304-625-5590.
2. Select option 2 (for individual), then option 2 (Name Check for Immigration Status), then it will give you brief internet details and then it will provide you with the option to repeat the options, go back to main menu or speak with a rep., select speak with a rep. and wait to be connected.
4. Be very polite, don't push if you can't get an answer and try another time. Give your name (as a courtesy) and say you want to check the status of your finger print. They will ask you when you submitted the request. Tell them that it is for Green Card. They will then ask you for your A# (the one on your NOAs). They will only tell you when it was received and when it was returned (possibly cleared as any issues with name check can take weeks/months before it is returned to USCIS with "No Record" result).

This info is only to help those who are curious to know if their name check cleared. Good Luck!

OK guys, so I've been doing some researching online and reading the threads. Here is what i think how the processing works, we sent the I-485 to Chicago, regardless of 245i or whatever, if there is nothing missing it goes straight to NBC for processing in order of submission, from there it goes straight to the local FO, this is where the processing time starts to differ, the FO requests your DV files from KCC for the interview.

Now for the reasons of delays for some of you from what i believe are FBI name checks, fingerprints are done in less than two days, but name checks can take at most in some cases 90 days, so possibly for those with common names like John Brown or Vladimir Ivanov, there could be matches in the database which leads to more investigations to find out if that is you or not, that is the only theory i can come up with.

That is the only obstacle where the USCIS have no control over nor anyone else. But if the name check went through, USCIS have no excuses so you have to keep hassling them with INFOPASS appointments. But the good thing from all this is reading the 09 and 10 AOS threads there was no one at the end of the fiscal period that complained about not getting their GC. So i guess we can all take solace in that, but there is a first time for everything. So good luck guys.
Hey Yoni: As far as i know, the FBI conducts the name check, usually before a new policy was put into effect, the name check could take as long as 2 years, but after 08, it was changed to that most name checks are cleared in 30 days or less and can take no longer than 90s. This is the only thing no one has any power to expedite except the FBI, so base on everything i've read so far, this is the only thing that could be our applications from being processed, anything else is just the USCIS taking its time torturing us.

BTW: name check is not the same as Finger print, finger print takes like one day to check, name check can take a while
Yoni, fingerprint check that FBI returns within 24 hr-48 hr (generally) is different than the name check, I think