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DV 2011 AOS Only

I am waiting to get my receipt back from DOS, else is ready. I had a self stamped priority mail in the envelope for the return mail.

I am nervous a bit

thks khayat.
you will be current in oct so i don't think you will need the ead. you ready with your aos package yet? get it ready and send it in on the last 2 days of sept.
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Hats off to you for these detailed information, I bet you had do a lot of research......greatly appreciated.
Hi sundaram,

The quantiferon blood test (the one you had) is non-reactive to BCG vaccine than compared to the skin test which may come false positive in those vaccinated with BCG (I was vaccinated with BCG myself but have always had negative skin tests).

Positive quantiferon+Normal Chest X-ray usually indicate latent TB (dormant TB bacteria is present but the person is not infectious to others). Again, as I mentioned earlier, since you are considered Medically Cleared for the purposes of USCIS, you should be fine. Your x-ray is normal and they did not require sputum cultures (for active TB).

I looked up to see similar cases (where the civil surgeon checked Class B Latent TB), and found a few that might interest you, you can see these were from a year or two ago and from their signatures, they were not asked for a RFE:



So, I think you should be fine and I hope this helps you settle down a bit.

Thanks for your reply. No they did not ask for sputum c/s, and yes the doctor has checked the box where it says class B LTBI. As you said, there should not be any problem per the instructions of CDC, but it just made me more concerned. I wonder if there were similar cases in the past(which is widely possible) and if they had to face any difficulties. Anyways, lets hope for the best.
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Now you are making me blush :eek::eek::eek: for letting my little secret out...

Again, guys (and gals), I'm just trying to help with what I know, besides you don't have to believe everything I say, do your own research and trust your gut.

you're welcome izzy!

izzy is a medical professional. so if she says so, regarding anything medical, trust me ... it is so!!
Hi everybodty!

I receaved FL in june my number is eu00017XXX

I have huge problem guys so lets start:

1.I am out of status for 5 months now
2. is 245 (k) working for as guys or that apply only for grin card applicants on basis of emplyment?
3. if I go back home..is the fact that I over stayed going to be bad for my chances to get geen card?
4. am i to late for all of this? do i have chance to catch up on time all dedlines?
5. is my numberti hi?

thanks very very much
is there a phone number I could call to follow up the receipt of the DOS fee and its processing status in case the receipt does not show up in 3 weeks?
Thank You guys

For some odd reason I feel like every body here is a dude. I don't know why. You guys have the same feeling? donna, maybe if I was a girl I would think everybody is a girl.

cheers and good luck all

Wow!!! thats all i can say, thank God my wife does not know my source, i.e. this forum, when i get home each day i talk about the new stuff/requirement and to do for GC processing, she goes "you are now a guru on this matter" like am one expert, not knowing all is from IZZY, KHAYAT, FEEL & others, thanks guys. in a matter of months, we would look back at all these with so much joy and sense of gratitude. Enjoy your weekend. Thank again Izzy.
Hi Sashe,

you case number is ok it should be current around Jan but I don't think you would be able to do adjustment of status since you have been out of status for awhile. You are not late to take action but I would highly encourage you to talk to an immigration lawyer to explore your options.

Hi everybodty!

I receaved FL in june my number is eu00017XXX

I have huge problem guys so lets start:

1.I am out of status for 5 months now
2. is 245 (k) working for as guys or that apply only for grin card applicants on basis of emplyment?
3. if I go back home..is the fact that I over stayed going to be bad for my chances to get geen card?
4. am i to late for all of this? do i have chance to catch up on time all dedlines?
5. is my numberti hi?

thanks very very much
Hey Izzy, maybe you should get a part-time job doing this, cause this info is needed every year by the winners. :)
Good luck to you too, and thanks for all the help and time you spend researching all this stuff in order for us to be informed. Great job.
hey Khayat, regarding your cooment about the feeling that everyone is a guy, you know, I also have the same feeling some time, even though I am not a guy :) Well it doesn't really matter, we all have something in common.
Hey guys, I have a question. It's my second marriage. So do I have send my divorce certificate with my AOS package? As far as I'm currently in US, it's not so easy to get that document from my country. By the way so far I didn't notice anywhere that I should do that. Any thoughts?

Izzy120 , thanks for looking that up for me. I appreciate it.

Hi sundaram

I looked up to see similar cases (where the civil surgeon checked Class B Latent TB), and found a few that might interest you, you can see these were from a year or two ago and from their signatures, they were not asked for a RFE:



So, I think you should be fine and I hope this helps you settle down a bit.
Hey guys, I have a question. It's my second marriage. So do I have send my divorce certificate with my AOS package? As far as I'm currently in US, it's not so easy to get that document from my country. By the way so far I didn't notice anywhere that I should do that. Any thoughts?

i suggest you try to get it before the interview. but since you will need to declare that in the form, you may be asked for the paper.
Hey Luganskman, I think that it is better for you to get the paper. Because I read somewhere that you need proof of previous finalized mariages. So you better get it till u have time.
dear all,
an interesting statistic to note ....
only less than 5% of people who won the dv lottery adjust status. that's a high. last year only 1277 applicants adjusted status. so you can imagine how inexperienced uscis is over dv winners doing aos.

here's the link to the dhs' yearbook of statistics

Yeah, true.
If you want to crunch in more past data chk here



Go to 'LPR/Immigrant' data and chk table 7 (most yrs), it will give new arrivals and AoS numbers for DV and many more categories.

Chk this too

Hi all, thanks for unswerving. Seems to me my pocket will be less because of that action (getting divorce certificate), but life is life (nobody choose country where to born, but I hope we can choose were we want to live).