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DV 2011 AOS Only

One more question - somebody on this forum wrote that I can't you EAD! Is it true? Cause I've already got my SS
N, and started to work.
Also, the reason why I sent I-485 so early, cause in the NL 2 it's said
"You may apply to UCSIS for adjustment of status from October 1, 2010 until September 30, 2011."
And it doesn't say that I have to wait my currency. When the first time (October, 22) I went to the Immigration, they took my letter and showed me this notice, and said - "you have to do everything according the rules, if it says that you may start, you can do it now." Opinions?!!!!???
Guys, is it possible to call National Benefits Center to ask what happened to my case?If yes, does somebody know their phone number?
Or should I send the letter by mail to the National Benefits Center? Sorry for bothering you so much, I just really nervous ....
I didn't mention that I started to work on April. I've already read some post fro Summit and NufV, and I can see that the last year Summit had exactly the same situation, but he quiet the job after one week , and he didn't receive any paycheck, which I already have. Please guys if you have any idea what should I do now, let me know. AS well as Summit I have a bad lawyer, who doesn't know what to do at all........
That is funny, but as they said you have to follow the rules...And if you play dumb and just read the NL2, it seems that you can send the package to them October 1st. If you think about it, they should be fine with that. They take your money anyways, and if you happen to have a large #, and never get your GC, they made the money you go empty handed. If you do get the GC, they would just sit on the file till you get current and then get your interview....

maybe this is a new policy....

One more question - somebody on this forum wrote that I can't you EAD! Is it true? Cause I've already got my SS
N, and started to work.
Also, the reason why I sent I-485 so early, cause in the NL 2 it's said
"You may apply to UCSIS for adjustment of status from October 1, 2010 until September 30, 2011."
And it doesn't say that I have to wait my currency. When the first time (October, 22) I went to the Immigration, they took my letter and showed me this notice, and said - "you have to do everything according the rules, if it says that you may start, you can do it now." Opinions?!!!!???
You got EAD so you have the right to work! If your case goes well and you get GC, everything is fine.

If your case falls and you don't get the I-485 approved...Then you simply would not be able to work past the expiration on your EAD. I don't think you can get punished for working with an EAD...

I didn't mention that I started to work on April. I've already read some post fro Summit and NufV, and I can see that the last year Summit had exactly the same situation, but he quiet the job after one week , and he didn't receive any paycheck, which I already have. Please guys if you have any idea what should I do now, let me know. AS well as Summit I have a bad lawyer, who doesn't know what to do at all........
Go to "settings" in the top panel. Then go to "edit signature" in the left panel. After that, you can add your signature. If you write any post, the signature will arrive automatically after your text.

I just noticed something and want to draw your attention. It looks like you have paid $375 DV fee. But the fee is $440 for this year. If you did not pay the additional $65, then your should pay it immediately. Otherwise, your case may be delayed.

I don't know how to put info about myself - I'll put like that for you guys to understand my case.
05/10/10 NL1
06/28/10 NL2
07/09/10- Cash checked 375$ - AOS fee
10/27/10 Medicals done
10/29/10 Sent AOS to Chicago
11/18/10 Rejection Travel doc( put some letter wrong)
11/19/10 Acceptance and check CAshed, and sent the new I - 131
11/26/10 Acceptance I-131
12/02/10 BIo letter received for 12/29/10
12/19/10 Biometrics done
01/18/11 EAD
01/19/11 Travel doc.
After that I didn't received anything.

Thanks everybody for supporting and helping! It means a lot for me.
But still there is an important difference between the case of manaysha and summet. summet was current in August and got rejected on April. But manaysha is going to be current in next week. s/he is already under advance notification. In April, summet was far away from advance notification. If manaysha would got rejected sometimes during January to March, it could make sense. But now, I don't see any reason for manaysha's file to get rejected. And, obviously, the FO-IO will find manaysha to be current during the interview.

OP is NOT FINE by any means. S/He will be just LUCKY if the FO-IO 'overlook' the rules and procedures !!

Summet never had an 'early' interview, he just got a rejection letter. http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?297575-DV-2010-AOS-Only&p=2190297#post2190297
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Guys Thanks soooooo much for supporting. 2 min ago I called to Customer Cervice 1-800-375-5283 and I asked couple of question
1) Can I quite the F-1 after my check cashed? They said - YES.
2) Can I start to work if I've already have EAD and SSN? They said - YES.
3) Also I explane her my situation and she said - "Sometimes we can reject I-485 for earlier filling out, but in you case I don't see any rejection for right now. If you didn't received any letter from us regarding rejection, it means that you are ok. However, she said it's better to call every week just for checking.

One more time - I want to say THANKS TO EVERYBODY.God bless you all. :)
As soon as I recevied something, I'll let you know. :)
Sharminlee, Yes I paid only 375, because in that time it was the price, but they didn't asked me to pay more. Do you think I still need to pay the differences?
YES, you need to pay the difference which is $65. The fee is $440 for DV 2011. Earlier rate was for DV 2010. They are surely halt your case at any stage, if your don't pay the difference. I suggest you to pay the money immediately. And, the amount is not so significant. Also bring both the receipts during your interview.

Sharminlee, Yes I paid only 375, because in that time it was the price, but they didn't asked me to pay more. Do you think I still need to pay the differences?
Your case looks find. There is no reason for your file to get rejected at this stage. However, did you check KCC and USCIS, whether your files are transferred from KCC?

Guys Thanks soooooo much for supporting. 2 min ago I called to Customer Cervice 1-800-375-5283 and I asked couple of question
1) Can I quite the F-1 after my check cashed? They said - YES.
2) Can I start to work if I've already have EAD and SSN? They said - YES.
3) Also I explane her my situation and she said - "Sometimes we can reject I-485 for earlier filling out, but in you case I don't see any rejection for right now. If you didn't received any letter from us regarding rejection, it means that you are ok. However, she said it's better to call every week just for checking.

One more time - I want to say THANKS TO EVERYBODY.God bless you all. :)
As soon as I recevied something, I'll let you know. :)
Sharminlee thanks for answering,
I called KCC last week and they said to me that my case i Immigration and I need to call them for any info.
Sharminlee could you please give the address - where I suppose to send the differences - 65 dor. And do I need to put the letter with esplanation?
YES, you need to pay the difference which is $65. The fee is $440 for DV 2011. Earlier rate was for DV 2010. They are surely halt your case at any stage, if your don't pay the difference. I suggest you to pay the money immediately. And, the amount is not so significant. Also bring both the receipts during your interview.
You can file the address here http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/visa_4763.html . Lots of people did the same thing earlier. See this post http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?312270-DV-2011-AOS-Only&p=2206389#post2206389 .

It is better to mention in the form that you already paid $375 before. Include payment date and receipt number (if any).

Sharminlee could you please give the address - where I suppose to send the differences - 65 dor. And do I need to put the letter with esplanation?
Congrats "sharminlee"
Such a nice interview experience.
I hope it be like that for all of us, smooth and without any surprises.
Also call USCIS to make sure that they have processed your file and sent to your local FO. It takes some processing time between KCC sends and FO receives file. For instance, in my case, KCC sent the file on 2nd week of March and FO received on 1st week of April. So, file transferred by KCC does not indicate that it is received by FO.

Sharminlee thanks for answering,
I called KCC last week and they said to me that my case i Immigration and I need to call them for any info.
Thanks joseph230. Did you check KCC whether they have transferred your file? I guess, you will receive your interview letter in the first half of June.

Congrats "sharminlee"
Such a nice interview experience.
I hope it be like that for all of us, smooth and without any surprises.
Thanks joseph230. Did you check KCC whether they have transferred your file? I guess, you will receive your interview letter in the first half of June.

Have not done that. I was thinking of doing so tomorrow.
The thing is I am not sure which number should I call and what exactly ask them to get the answer that I'm looking for -- ( I say this because I called once before and I was being transferred for a while and last person did not know what she is doing :D )

any help will be appreciated greatly
Another option is to e-mail. I e-mailed to kccdv@state.gov and got response after 2 days. Their phone no 606-526-7500.

Have not done that. I was thinking of doing so tomorrow.
The thing is I am not sure which number should I call and what exactly ask them to get the answer that I'm looking for -- ( I say this because I called once before and I was being transferred for a while and last person did not know what she is doing :D )

any help will be appreciated greatly