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DV 2011 AOS Only

Hi friends,

I have a question for you. If I want to do a walk-in biometrics, what should I do? I understand that from our friends in the previous page that we have to have a reasonable reason and I understand that it will not, somehow, speed my case processing. I have my own real reason to have it done early (in case I can't avoid a walk-in). Do I have to make an Infopass with FO or a related office? How early that I can make an Infopass?
I called to USCIS - Customr Serveces- just 5 min ago and they said to me that it still in NBC? IS it normal? :(
Also call USCIS to make sure that they have processed your file and sent to your local FO. It takes some processing time between KCC sends and FO receives file. For instance, in my case, KCC sent the file on 2nd week of March and FO received on 1st week of April. So, file transferred by KCC does not indicate that it is received by FO.
As you are still NOT CURRENT, it is not unusual. However, I suggest you to call them again after you become current (in June).

I called to USCIS - Customr Serveces- just 5 min ago and they said to me that it still in NBC? IS it normal? :(
It completely depends on a FO, whether they will allow walk-in biometric or not. However, I did not find any clear evidence that walk-in biometric expedites the case processing.

Hi friends,

I have a question for you. If I want to do a walk-in biometrics, what should I do? I understand that from our friends in the previous page that we have to have a reasonable reason and I understand that it will not, somehow, speed my case processing. I have my own real reason to have it done early (in case I can't avoid a walk-in). Do I have to make an Infopass with FO or a related office? How early that I can make an Infopass?
Absolutely. This was indeed a long journey for me. I am so happy it all went smooth for me except for little delay in acceptance of my AOS package.
Hope we will be together again in "N-400 for DV 2011 AOS Only" ..:) ;) How is that?
Feel Congrats on the welcome letter, doesn't that feel great feel? :)
@sharminlee, glad to see that your interview went smooth in Memphis and you got your CPO on the same day. You have broken the pattern for this FO.

YES, you need to pay the difference which is $65. The fee is $440 for DV 2011. Earlier rate was for DV 2010. They are surely halt your case at any stage, if your don't pay the difference. I suggest you to pay the money immediately. And, the amount is not so significant. Also bring both the receipts during your interview.

I am not sure that I agree with your advice here though. People who have paid the old fee before July 7th (I do not remember the exact day) and who called KCC last summer, were told that they do not have to pay the difference. There are a bunch of posts on this issue earlier in this thread, as well as in the DV2010 thread. Some people paid the additional $65 for "peace of mind" reasons, but based on the information from KCC it is not necessary.
Also call USCIS to make sure that they have processed your file and sent to your local FO. It takes some processing time between KCC sends and FO receives file. For instance, in my case, KCC sent the file on 2nd week of March and FO received on 1st week of April. So, file transferred by KCC does not indicate that it is received by FO.

I called to USCIS - Customr Serveces- just 5 min ago and they said to me that it still in NBC? IS it normal? :(
What file are you guys talking about? How did you formulate the question for NBC?
There is an AOS file that goes through NBC. That is the package that you submitted to Chicago lock-box. This is the first time, however, when I hear that the KCC file goes through NBC. I hope you are not mixing things.

For DV cases they do not maintain detailed information in their online system. That's why you do not see your online status advance until it gets to CPO.

The AOS file that goes from Chicago to NBC and then to local FO may already be at your local FO. When I called NBC after my interview because of the delayed CPO, they did not even have the information that my file was at the Memphis FO. I had already received my interview letter and I had the interview for 1-2 weeks by then. So again, you cannot really get reliable information about DV cases by calling the NBC number. But maybe some of you had more luck with that.
Thansk Baobab for explanation :)
1. Yes you are right - I'm still confused about whole process.
I want to mention that I've already went to the Local LA Immigration last Friday - May 20 - and they said me exactly the same asd USCIS today - that my case still in NBC and when they get it they will schedule the interview for me.
2. I really don't know how to formulate the question for them, that's why I just asked "Have you already sent my doc to the FO?" And they said - NO.
And I guess they were talking about AOS file, not about KCC.

Should I call to the KCC right now? And what exactly I should ask them?

Thanks everybody for explanation. During 2 days I have learned more than from my laywer during 6 months. :)

What file are you guys talking about? How did you formulate the question for NBC?
There is an AOS file that goes through NBC. That is the package that you submitted to Chicago lock-box. This is the first time, however, when I hear that the KCC file goes through NBC. I hope you are not mixing things.

For DV cases they do not maintain detailed information in their online system. That's why you do not see your online status advance until it gets to CPO.

The AOS file that goes from Chicago to NBC and then to local FO may already be at your local FO. When I called NBC after my interview because of the delayed CPO, they did not even have the information that my file was at the Memphis FO. I had already received my interview letter and I had the interview for 1-2 weeks by then. So again, you cannot really get reliable information about DV cases by calling the NBC number. But maybe some of you had more luck with that.
I didn't mention that I started to work on April. I've already read some post fro Summit and NufV, and I can see that the last year Summit had exactly the same situation, but he quiet the job after one week , and he didn't receive any paycheck, which I already have. Please guys if you have any idea what should I do now, let me know. AS well as Summit I have a bad lawyer, who doesn't know what to do at all........

Guys Thanks soooooo much for supporting. 2 min ago I called to Customer Cervice 1-800-375-5283 and I asked couple of question
1) Can I quite the F-1 after my check cashed? They said - YES.
2) Can I start to work if I've already have EAD and SSN? They said - YES.
3) Also I explane her my situation and she said - "Sometimes we can reject I-485 for earlier filling out, but in you case I don't see any rejection for right now. If you didn't received any letter from us regarding rejection, it means that you are ok. However, she said it's better to call every week just for checking.

One more time - I want to say THANKS TO EVERYBODY.God bless you all. :)
As soon as I recevied something, I'll let you know. :)

Some more confusion here as well.
Yes, you can work with the EAD. That is not illegal. It is just that once you use the EAD you abandon your non-immigrant status, F1 in your case.

In the worst case scenario, if your I485 application is rejected because you have submitted it too early, you cannot fall back on your F1 status and you become out of status.
That was the problem with Summet's case last year. He had to wait a few more months before his CN was current and he was technically out of status. But by resigning his job before getting paid, he could claim that it never happened and fall back on his F1.

In your case, if your initial package is rejected, you could submit it back right away because your number is shown in the advanced notification of visa bulletin. You may have some grace period before you would have to acquire another valid status or leave the country. However, I am not sure what status you may claim in such a case when you would resubmit the package, but maybe somebody else has more knowledge of these things in case this ever happens.

Again, this is a hypothetical worst case scenario (original I485 rejected) and abandonment of non-immigrant status (using your EAD - which you already did).

BTW, eooedada submitted his file too early this year as well, and I think his application was rejected but he may apply again when his number becomes current. At least I hope that he did not use EAD or AP as he was told about this possibility back in October after he posted in this forum.
And I guess they were talking about AOS file, not about KCC.
Yes, most likely.
Should I call to the KCC right now? And what exactly I should ask them?

Thanks everybody for explanation. During 2 days I have learned more than from my laywer during 6 months. :)
You first tell them your Name, CN and date of birth (they will ask you for this info) and then ask them if your local FO requested your file. They may tell you that they already sent your file to the FO, that the FO requested it but they did not send it yet, or that the FO did not request it.

Since your main AOS file is still at NBC, I do not think that the FO could have requested your KCC file, but it is better to call KCC and ask them.
Thanks Baoba!
When I called to USCIS today, the lady said that if i still don't have rejection letter, means I'm ok, but of course I have to call the next week, just for checking. Do you think I have a high risk possibility that my case can be rejectied right now? During 4 months they didn't send me any letter regarding this. I started to think that they reject people who has higher number than mine, like people who has number current around Augest. And again in the NL2 - it was written that "You may apply for AOS from October, 1 2010."
And one more question - if I started to work, but I'm still studying - does it mean that I lost my F-1, even if I'm styding and working???
Thanks so much baobab :)

Some more confusion here as well.
Yes, you can work with the EAD. That is not illegal. It is just that once you use the EAD you abandon your non-immigrant status, F1 in your case.

In the worst case scenario, if your I485 application is rejected because you have submitted it too early, you cannot fall back on your F1 status and you become out of status.
That was the problem with Summet's case last year. He had to wait a few more months before his CN was current and he was technically out of status. But by resigning his job before getting paid, he could claim that it never happened and fall back on his F1.

In your case, if your initial package is rejected, you could submit it back right away because your number is shown in the advanced notification of visa bulletin. You may have some grace period before you would have to acquire another valid status or leave the country. However, I am not sure what status you may claim in such a case when you would resubmit the package, but maybe somebody else has more knowledge of these things in case this ever happens.

Again, this is a hypothetical worst case scenario (original I485 rejected) and abandonment of non-immigrant status (using your EAD - which you already did).

BTW, eooedada submitted his file too early this year as well, and I think his application was rejected but he may apply again when his number becomes current. At least I hope that he did not use EAD or AP as he was told about this possibility back in October after he posted in this forum.
Thansk Baobab I'll do it tommorow!!!
Yes, most likely.

You first tell them your Name, CN and date of birth (they will ask you for this info) and then ask them if your local FO requested your file. They may tell you that they already sent your file to the FO, that the FO requested it but they did not send it yet, or that the FO did not request it.

Since your main AOS file is still at NBC, I do not think that the FO could have requested your KCC file, but it is better to call KCC and ask them.
Thanks Baoba!
When I called to USCIS today, the lady said that if i still don't have rejection letter, means I'm ok, but of course I have to call the next week, just for checking. Do you think I have a high risk possibility that my case can be rejectied right now? During 4 months they didn't send me any letter regarding this. I started to think that they reject people who has higher number than mine, like people who has number current around Augest. And again in the NL2 - it was written that "You may apply for AOS from October, 1 2010."
I do not think that there is a strict rule that they will reject you. But it is not impossible either. Hopefully, they do not.
And one more question - if I started to work, but I'm still studying - does it mean that I lost my F-1, even if I'm styding and working???
Thanks so much baobab :)
That's the collective wisdom. I cannot point you to the exact law or regulation which states this thing, but this is what I've read both here in this forum (DV2010 thread) as well as on other forums.
This one is about H1, but for F1 is even more strict as it is not dual intent:

This is about using EAD/AP on F1, read more than the first two answers. There is some missinformation in that thread as well (like you cannot get GC if you are on F1 - that is completely false), do not believe everything you read there.
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Hi All,

it's good to see how many cases went green since my last visit to the forum. I've recently got an interview letter for mid June. It has an extensive list of documents which me and my wife are required to show at the interview. Medical exam in a sealed envelope is among them. I remember earlier discussion that they don't actually ask for medicals if you submitted them with I-485 package. Does it still hold? Anyone have problems with that?

Another 2 things that worry me are
1) IL asks for I-864 and not I-134. Is it also generic part?
2) "English translations of any foreign documents (Use certified translators only)". How to interpret that? My I-485 package contains translations by a person who certified himself that he is fluent in both languages and that the translations are correct (this is in compliance with USCIS web-site instructions). What do you think they mean by "Use certified translators only" in the IL? Did anyone have similar line on their IL?

Many thanks to everyone for their help through the process. I will try to come here more frequently.
Hi All,

it's good to see how many cases went green since my last visit to the forum. I've recently got an interview letter for mid June. It has an extensive list of documents which me and my wife are required to show at the interview. Medical exam in a sealed envelope is among them. I remember earlier discussion that they don't actually ask for medicals if you submitted them with I-485 package. Does it still hold? Anyone have problems with that?

Another 2 things that worry me are
1) IL asks for I-864 and not I-134. Is it also generic part?
2) "English translations of any foreign documents (Use certified translators only)". How to interpret that? My I-485 package contains translations by a person who certified himself that he is fluent in both languages and that the translations are correct (this is in compliance with USCIS web-site instructions). What do you think they mean by "Use certified translators only" in the IL? Did anyone have similar line on their IL?

Many thanks to everyone for their help through the process. I will try to come here more frequently.
Yes, it is a generic interview letter.
1) You do not need I-864. For DV cases I-134 is needed.
2) your translations are fine. That's how I had mines as well.

If you submitted your sealed medical exam with your I-485, you are fine again. Take the copy that the doctor gave you with you, just in case.
thanks baobab, I didn't get copies from the doctor, but I'll try to call him to see if I still can get them.
Guys one more thing just came up - my passport will expire on July 5. Can it effect my case? is it possible to fix it for some how???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(