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DV 2011 AOS Only

Thanks Yoni123 so much for your explanation!!!!!:) If I understand right, I have to start to check my mailbox on June? And also could you please answer what FO does mean? :)
Congrats Sharminlee !!!

Interview experience

We just have our interview and it was really a good one. Our interview was scheduled at 9 am in Memphis immigration office. We reached there at around 8:45. Then we passed the security and went into the waiting room dedicated for interviews. Around 20/25 people was waiting there. We dropped our interview letters in a box. I was wondering when our turn will come. An officer called us at about 8:55. He was really a nice person. At first, he asked us to take oath. Then he asked
Thats the experience. I was never able to see my case status online. But suddenly I am able to see my case status - CPO :) I want to thank all the members of this forum. You guys really helped and inspired me a lot. Wish you all best of luck who has upcoming interviews.
Yoni123 last friday (May 20) I went to the Immigration LA and they said that my case right now not in Immigration, but in National Benefits Center, and they schedule my appointment as soon as they get my doc. Do you know what National Benefits Center means and why they send my doc. them?

Hello everybody, congrats to all who got the GC or had updates in the process. Also, thank you for supporting open cases.
I received my IL today for June 28. I was expecting an I 797 format, however it is an standard letter requesting: PSP, letter, Photo ID, spouse and arrest records if any.
I have 2 questions now:
1. My husband's letter and mine are for same day but different times (mine 12.30 and his 1.00), is it this correct? Are we going to be interview together right?
2. Last week, KCC told me my file wasn't requested by my FO yet. They said: Once you receive the IL, your FO requests your files....How should I proceed now to ensure my file will be transferred prior my interview?

Thank you so much for your answers and any suggestions for the interview day are welcome!
Thanks Sharminlee for answering!
I've already call to KCC and they said my case has already in Immigration. Could you please answer what is FO means? And what is National Benefits Center means? Because in Immigration last week they said my case is in th National Benefits Center? And as soon as it comes to them they will schedule me. Is it normal? To say the truth, I'm so confuse. How usually the case going on?
I forgot to mention in the previous post, the letter also requests all the original documents I sent within my I485 package!
Guys could somebody please answer what is FO means? Thanks so much!

FO is for field office.

I wished I could help you more but I am too busy. But hope this forum would actively help you out !

BOTTOM LINE: You filed way too early and your case will have a very high probability of rejection.

You can wait to see your luck or, my best advise is, withdraw your i-485 and refile asap. That is my advise but others may differ. Best i can do for you for now is to ask you to go follow the case of user id 'Summet' in 2010, how he pulled through last year. Follow his posts and advise he got. This link might help http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?297575-DV-2010-AOS-Only&p=2231421#post2231421 (he came to the forum for advise after his case got rejected, not sure you want to wait for that far, you will run out of time to refile if you wait...so do it now) Go to that post, click his ID and then click 'view forum posts'.

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Here're the answers:
1. The time is different but you will be interviewed in the same time. This is just the way they schedule interviews.
2. My experience shows that the best way is to call KCC about 10 days before the interview and ask if they've sent your file to FO. If they have not then send a letter by mail to you FO and ask them politely to request your file from KCC since your interview date is coming up. Actually I have not followed this approach and ended up spending the other three weeks after the interview to see my status changed to CPO. Calls/e-mails don't work and are just informational only.

Good luck and stay positive as everything will be fine.


Hello everybody, congrats to all who got the GC or had updates in the process. Also, thank you for supporting open cases.
I received my IL today for June 28. I was expecting an I 797 format, however it is an standard letter requesting: PSP, letter, Photo ID, spouse and arrest records if any.
I have 2 questions now:
1. My husband's letter and mine are for same day but different times (mine 12.30 and his 1.00), is it this correct? Are we going to be interview together right?
2. Last week, KCC told me my file wasn't requested by my FO yet. They said: Once you receive the IL, your FO requests your files....How should I proceed now to ensure my file will be transferred prior my interview?

Thank you so much for your answers and any suggestions for the interview day are welcome!
FO means field office, which is going to take your interview. National Benefits Center is the central office which issues green card. They also check for security and request FBI for name clearance.

I am not pretty sure about the internal processing of a case. But based on the discussions of several people in this forum I got some understanding. When anyone applies for AOS, NBC sends the application to the FO. Then FO asks file from KCC. The file does not directly come to FO. It goes to NBC at first. Then they check for security and may request for FBI clearance. After that they send the files to FO. Usually FO issues interview letter after getting the files from KCC. There are also some exceptions and in those situations, cases got delayed. I am recalling that I am not an expert of this. I just wrote what I understood based on several discussions.

For these reasons, transferring file from KCC does not indicate that it is received by FO until the file is released by NBC.

Thanks Sharminlee for answering!
I've already call to KCC and they said my case has already in Immigration. Could you please answer what is FO means? And what is National Benefits Center means? Because in Immigration last week they said my case is in th National Benefits Center? And as soon as it comes to them they will schedule me. Is it normal? To say the truth, I'm so confuse. How usually the case going on?
I think, manaysha's case is different from summet's case. summet got interview on April, while s/he was current on August. That's the reason why s/he got rejected. manaysha should be file, because s/he is current on June and his/her interview is not going to be scheduled before June. In my opinion, withdrawing I-485 is not necessary at all for manaysha.

FO is for field office.

I wished I could help you more but I am too busy. But hope this forum would actively help you out !

BOTTOM LINE: You filed way too early and your case will have a very high probability of rejection.

You can wait to see your luck or, my best advise is, withdraw your i-485 and refile asap. That is my advise but others may differ. Best i can do for you for now is to ask you to go follow the case of user id 'Summet' in 2010, how he pulled through last year. Follow his posts and advise he got. This link might help http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?297575-DV-2010-AOS-Only&p=2231421#post2231421 (he came to the forum for advise after his case got rejected, not sure you want to wait for that far, you will run out of time to refile if you wait...so do it now) Go to that post, click his ID and then click 'view forum posts'.

I agree with dimus. I gave interview today. I was scheduled at 9 and my husband at 9:30. But we were called together.

Here're the answers:
1. The time is different but you will be interviewed in the same time. This is just the way they schedule interviews.
2. My experience shows that the best way is to call KCC about 10 days before the interview and ask if they've sent your file to FO. If they have not then send a letter by mail to you FO and ask them politely to request your file from KCC since your interview date is coming up. Actually I have not followed this approach and ended up spending the other three weeks after the interview to see my status changed to CPO. Calls/e-mails don't work and are just informational only.

Good luck and stay positive as everything will be fine.
I think, manaysha's case is different from summet's case. summet got interview on April, while s/he was current on August. That's the reason why s/he got rejected. manaysha should be file, because s/he is current on June and his/her interview is not going to be scheduled before June. In my opinion, withdrawing I-485 is not necessary at all for manaysha.

OP is NOT FINE by any means. S/He will be just LUCKY if the FO-IO 'overlook' the rules and procedures !!

Summet never had an 'early' interview, he just got a rejection letter. http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?297575-DV-2010-AOS-Only&p=2190297#post2190297
Thanks a lot everyone for you responses, should I call to Immigration to find out if my case rejected, and start another one? If I fill out the new I - 485 right now, will it not have the negative consequences since I haven't received the rejection letter yet? Thanks so much. I really need you advice!!!!!!!
I compare my case with Summit case, and I notice that he received the rejection letter one month after he received the travel doc and EAD. Almost 4 month pass, since i did it. I don't know if it's good or bad. Still question should I fill out the new one before i even get rejection letter?
I think NuvF is wrong...
On one hand, manaysha did file way early and dodged a bullet in a sense... However, we are 6 days before June. Even if manaysha gets the IL, it will sure be for sometime in June or later... That mean, they will most likely not reject the file. It actually doesn't matter when manaysha send the package if manaysha gets to be interviewed in June or later as on the date of adjudication manaysha will be CURRENT!

So don't withdraw your application and sure don't file another application when your first application is going. You already went through the acceptance and biometrics.
Just stay and hold. Also when i said check your mailbox, it doesn't mean only from june 1st...you can get the IL tomorrow...

FO is for field office.

I wished I could help you more but I am too busy. But hope this forum would actively help you out !

BOTTOM LINE: You filed way too early and your case will have a very high probability of rejection.

You can wait to see your luck or, my best advise is, withdraw your i-485 and refile asap. That is my advise but others may differ. Best i can do for you for now is to ask you to go follow the case of user id 'Summet' in 2010, how he pulled through last year. Follow his posts and advise he got. This link might help http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?297575-DV-2010-AOS-Only&p=2231421#post2231421 (he came to the forum for advise after his case got rejected, not sure you want to wait for that far, you will run out of time to refile if you wait...so do it now) Go to that post, click his ID and then click 'view forum posts'.

The travel doc and EAD have nothing to do with the actual approval of the case. They are given automatically after you submit your fingerprinting...So you can't based any progress what so ever on the AP and EAD cards.

I compare my case with Summit case, and I notice that he received the rejection letter one month after he received the travel doc and EAD. Almost 4 month pass, since i did it. I don't know if it's good or bad. Still question should I fill out the new one before i even get rejection letter?
Here're the answers:
1. The time is different but you will be interviewed in the same time. This is just the way they schedule interviews.
2. My experience shows that the best way is to call KCC about 10 days before the interview and ask if they've sent your file to FO. If they have not then send a letter by mail to you FO and ask them politely to request your file from KCC since your interview date is coming up. Actually I have not followed this approach and ended up spending the other three weeks after the interview to see my status changed to CPO. Calls/e-mails don't work and are just informational only.

Good luck and stay positive as everything will be fine.

Thank you so much for the recommendation Dimus!!!

Anybody has a SAMPLE of the letter sent to the USCIS FO kindly asking for the transfer of documents from KCC. Really appreciated!
I don't know how to put info about myself - I'll put like that for you guys to understand my case.
05/10/10 NL1
06/28/10 NL2
07/09/10- Cash checked 375$ - AOS fee
10/27/10 Medicals done
10/29/10 Sent AOS to Chicago
11/18/10 Rejection Travel doc( put some letter wrong)
11/19/10 Acceptance and check CAshed, and sent the new I - 131
11/26/10 Acceptance I-131
12/02/10 BIo letter received for 12/29/10
12/19/10 Biometrics done
01/18/11 EAD
01/19/11 Travel doc.
After that I didn't received anything.

Thanks everybody for supporting and helping! It means a lot for me.