• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi khayat,

If you have gotten your receipt with "paid"
on it it means that they have accepted it.

You can still call KCC to confirm...

Dear DV 2010 folks,
I am a DV 2011 winner and I am posting this question here since you have more expreience.

I just noticed that I had forgotten to write my case number on the cashier check sent to DOS. it has my name on it and all other documents, the envelope and my receipt were complete and had my case number on it. What do you guys think? have you read about any similar situation any where?
I am gonna call KCC on Monday but wanted your take on this and what I need to do?

Thanks and good luck to you all in your life after GC. and to DV 2011 in the journey.
My take on the subject is:

1. Call KCC and find out if your file(s) has been requested yet.
2. Call USCIS, try to talk to a supervisor.
3. Make an InfoPass try to talk to a supervisor.

Depending on the outcome of your search merging interview places
might help. It depends.

To me DO NOT change your address until you get more information.

Also, I should mention that for the most people with high numbers:

A. Do CP if possible.
B. If not at least apply around 50 days in advance (early filing)

For all the applicants:

Learn the process thoroughly.

Hi capeolive,

I checked with KCC and NBC on friday and they sait that they still have my files. They have not transfered them to my local office yet. I checked my online status and nothing has changed since they accepted the applications.
Hi mitondaw,

1. Call USCIS ask about your Biometrics, find out if accepted.

If your biometrics are not accepted in the system nothing is going to move.

2. Do your InfoPass, try to get some information.

Because of the time left whatever you do is going to carry some risk.

Try to get more information, under the conditions it seems like
it might be the best option to merge the interview places. I have
to mention every possible action will carry some risk.

I think that despite everything "Inaction should not be an option for you!"

Also, I don't know what you do but:

Until September 30, 2010 this should be your primary job!

Hi capeolive,

I checked with KCC and NBC on friday and they sait that they still have my files. They have not transfered them to my local office yet. I checked my online status and nothing has changed since they accepted the applications.
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Hi mitondaw,

You should also gather necessary information
to contact your congressperson and ombudsman.

But before you should find out about your biometrics
and interview location(s).

I should repeat it this should be your full time job.
Be polite but diplomatic and insistent to talk to
a second tier person (supervisor) when you call
USCIS and do InfoPass...

Hi capeolive,

I checked with KCC and NBC on friday and they sait that they still have my files. They have not transfered them to my local office yet. I checked my online status and nothing has changed since they accepted the applications.
Hi mitondaw,

You should also gather necessary information
to contact your congressperson and ombudsman.

But before you should find out about your biometrics
and interview location(s).

I should repeat it this should be your full time job.
Be polite but diplomatic and insistent to talk to
a second tier person (supervisor) when you call
USCIS and do InfoPass...

Hi apeolive.

Thanks so much for your thoughs on the situation. I will call USCIS on monday again and inquire about our biometrics as well as the interviews. if nothing has been planned for the interview, I will change my address on the phone, online as well as by postal mail. Once i am sure that everything is changed, I will do my infopass next week and confirm that all is ok. I will then move to San Diego as soon as possible and do infopass and work on contacting our congressman. Thanks again and do not hesitate on givin me more infos.
Hi mitondaw,

After finding out more and making sure your
biometrics are accepted. Going the interview
in the same office might speed up the process.

But in either case there is the deadline.

Be ready for some stressful days, don't lose your cool though.

You guys have my best wishes...

Hi apeolive.

Thanks so much for your thoughs on the situation. I will call USCIS on monday again and inquire about our biometrics as well as the interviews. if nothing has been planned for the interview, I will change my address on the phone, online as well as by postal mail. Once i am sure that everything is changed, I will do my infopass next week and confirm that all is ok. I will then move to San Diego as soon as possible and do infopass and work on contacting our congressman. Thanks again and do not hesitate on givin me more infos.
Thanks Summet,
I really liked your suggestion. The only fear I have is I am not a detail oriented person, neither is my husband. So I feel like " am I missing something", that is the only reason I am thinking to get someone to review the case. This forum has been a very helpful. Hopefully, this fear will go away soon.

Thank U all.

All i can tel you is dont under estimate yourself. You surely have some potential on you thats why u are here in states on F1. Just think that U are taking the DV AOS online class for this fall 2010 as a 1 credit class and spend sometime on it. I am sure, it will pay off. and trust me I have applied for AOS with the Lawyer and with out her. The time I did it by myself I had more confidence. Do the right thing.
May god bless all of us.
Thanks Capeolive,
U r absolutely right. I do not want to lose control of my case. That is the reason I have not decided yet to hire someone. The only thing I fear about is I get overwhelmed by these tons of paperworks. And this is the first time I am doing these kind of things on my own. So little nervous and confused.


Hi winnerdv11,

Once you hire a lawyer you will lose the control
over your case. This will hurt you more if you
know the process.

There are still good lawyers but not every good
lawyer knows the DV AOS process.

My advice is: Since you got plenty of time, if there
is not a big complication in your situation, learn the
process and do it yourself.

If you decide to do it yourself, you gotta do your "homework"...
Hi mitondaw,

After finding out more and making sure your
biometrics are accepted. Going the interview
in the same office might speed up the process.

But in either case there is the deadline.

Be ready for some stressful days, don't lose your cool though.

You guys have my best wishes...

Thanks Capeolive. We will do all we can. With GOD's help what is best for us will happen.Thanks again
Hi apeolive.

Thanks so much for your thoughs on the situation. I will call USCIS on monday again and inquire about our biometrics as well as the interviews. if nothing has been planned for the interview, I will change my address on the phone, online as well as by postal mail. Once i am sure that everything is changed, I will do my infopass next week and confirm that all is ok. I will then move to San Diego as soon as possible and do infopass and work on contacting our congressman. Thanks again and do not hesitate on givin me more infos.

I blv I was clear....
If you decide to change address, do not move from NY in haste!!
Hang around until you are sure files are moved and intvws merged.
Worst thing to happen is your file is just lying idle in NY. You need to be around in NY to do infopass and to see it is moved from NY to CA.
If your husband get intvw before CHANGE things are finalized, then ASK HIM TO GO for it. Then he can tell the situation and the CA office will try help, hopefully.

Good Luck!
I blv I was clear....
If you decide to change address, do not move from NY in haste!!
Hang around until you are sure files are moved and intvws merged.
Worst thing to happen is your file is just lying idle in NY. You need to be around in NY to do infopass and to see it is moved from NY to CA.
If your husband get intvw before CHANGE things are finalized, then ASK HIM TO GO for it. Then he can tell the situation and the CA office will try help, hopefully.

Good Luck!

Hi NuvF. Yes I understood your advise and will make sure that all is in San Diago before moving. I will not move in haste. Thanks so much for your advises. I will let you know how thing go.
Thanks capeolive. I was counting for this date and there it is for tomorrow. little bit nervous, but I have everything ready except that my husband needing a haircut before the interview. he was so busy writing his dissertation.
Hi winee10,

You have my best wishes and prayers
for your tomorrow's interview.

Come back with good news...
Hi Everyone,
I was selected for the 2010 DV lottery and I have been following your forum for a while now. I would like to thank you for all of the information that you have provided. I have some questions. My DV case number is 2010AF00079xxx. Below is a timeline of our case. My husband and I are both on H1-B visas but we are living in different states. I am in NY and he is in CA. Due to my work contract, I could not move to CA before now and I will be moving to CA at the end of September.
My questions are the following.
1)Where do you think that our interview will take place?
2) How long does it take to get an interview letter after the Bios? We know taht our case is complicated because os the living arrangement but we have proofs that our marriage is not a sham( marriage pictures from our country, thousands of dollars in plane tickets,Tax returns..)
3) What can we do to accelerate the process on our side?
4) Has anyone been to the downtown NY office for interview and how was the experience?

Thanks you all for your help, and please feel free to give me any additional infos or tips that you think may be helpfull

May 2009- 1Nl
August 2009- 2NL
Case current in Sept 2010
Aug 5 2010- Sent Complete package to Chicago
Aug17 2010- NOA
Aug 25 and 26( husband)-No Bio letter so did walk in Bio
Aug 26 -Bio appontment for Sept 17
Now waiting for interview letter...

Hi mitondaw,

I had my interview in Federal Plaza Building.
My interview was more than successful.
IOs(two of them were in the office)were very
serious and formal. They checked my ID, took I-94,
checked my birth certificate, school diploma, and asked
me all questions from the I-485 Form.
At the end asked for my Affidavit of support and my employer letter.
And than walked me out to the withing room.
IO showed up 5 minutes later with my passport stamped.
And she said congratulations! Your green card will arrived in
about two weeks.
That was it! Very easy and smooth interview.
It took only about 5-10 minutes to finish.
Hope it helps. Good luck! I hope you will have your GCs soon.
Hi mitondaw,

I had my interview in Federal Plaza Building.
My interview was more than successful.
IOs(two of them were in the office)were very
serious and formal. They checked my ID, took I-94,
checked my birth certificate, school diploma, and asked
me all questions from the I-485 Form.
At the end asked for my Affidavit of support and my employer letter.
And than walked me out to the withing room.
IO showed up 5 minutes later with my passport stamped.
And she said congratulations! Your green card will arrived in
about two weeks.
That was it! Very easy and smooth interview.
It took only about 5-10 minutes to finish.
Hope it helps. Good luck! I hope you will have your GCs soon.

Hi Newone. Thanks very much for sharing your interview experience with me. I pray that ours will be as smooth ans successful
Hi All,

First of all, congratulation for everyone who passed their interview successfully and approved GC.

I hope, one day I'm gonna be the one of you guys. :)

I'm still waiting my interview letter. The process going on right now,
My local USCIS office already requested my file and they received it Aug 24. (I called KCC.)
I visited USCIS office on Aug 26 by infopass, the officer told me reviewing process going on right now and she said if i want i can send them letter then handed to me address.
Could you guys help me about this letter? Maybe you guys have template something. I just wanna let them know I'm the AOS applicant through DV lottery winner. Time is gonna expire very soon. Please take care of my case before due date. Please let me know my interview date.....

Please help me guys,

Appreciate you guys.
Hi All,

First of all, congratulation for everyone who passed their interview successfully and approved GC.

I hope, one day I'm gonna be the one of you guys. :)

I'm still waiting my interview letter. The process going on right now,
My local USCIS office already requested my file and they received it Aug 24. (I called KCC.)
I visited USCIS office on Aug 26 by infopass, the officer told me reviewing process going on right now and she said if i want i can send them letter then handed to me address.
Could you guys help me about this letter? Maybe you guys have template something. I just wanna let them know I'm the AOS applicant through DV lottery winner. Time is gonna expire very soon. Please take care of my case before due date. Please let me know my interview date.....

Please help me guys,

Appreciate you guys.

Adress it to the director of your USCIS FO.
Nothing fancy, just 1 para simple letter reminding them this is a DV case and need action asap 'cos of deadline 9/30.
Hopefully the'll attend to it.
My guess is they will send you the intvw letter soon. Do weekly infopass if not.
what is your FO?

Thank you NuvF,

Im in San francisco, CA.
I made another appointment on Sep 10.
Do you think timing on case depends on which FO?