• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi everyone,

Just checked the mail after 3 days ... found my SS card. It does not have any restrictions anymore:) Just says the SS number, name, date issued and place for signature. It says on the instructions which come with the card not to laminate it! Wonder why!

Good to hear, Congrats
Need help...

Got some bad news from family over Christmas...:(

Brother found tumor under teeth and it is growing fast and will need surgery very soon. I just submit AOS packet and have not received biometric notice.

I am currently on H1B but have not got the visa on passport and I did not apply for AP travel document when I submitted my AOS packet thinking that I won't leave the country till I get the green card

I don't think that I can travel oversea at this moment, but I am very worry about my family...

I think that I should go ahead to apply for the travel document ASAP...it looks like that it will take 2 months to process based on others' experience on the form....

I teach...so, I cannot take days off once semester get started...

I do not know what to put for the intended travel date of the form because I do not know...

I do not have supporting document....

I am so confused now...any suggestions from you will be really appreciated...

Please pray for my brother...Thank you...
Got some bad news from family over Christmas...:(

Brother found tumor under teeth and it is growing fast and will need surgery very soon. I just submit AOS packet and have not received biometric notice.

I am currently on H1B but have not got the visa on passport and I did not apply for AP travel document when I submitted my AOS packet thinking that I won't leave the country till I get the green card

I don't think that I can travel oversea at this moment, but I am very worry about my family...

I think that I should go ahead to apply for the travel document ASAP...it looks like that it will take 2 months to process based on others' experience on the form....

I teach...so, I cannot take days off once semester get started...

I do not know what to put for the intended travel date of the form because I do not know...

I do not have supporting document....

I am so confused now...any suggestions from you will be really appreciated...

Please pray for my brother...Thank you...

Hello gagaun,

So sorry to hear about your brother. I hope he gets well soon.

I think that you have two choices:

1) Travel on H1B. In this case you will need to have a new H1B visa stamped in your home country.

2) Apply for an AP at your Field Office. Take an InfoPass and explain your situation. Take all your papers with you and a medical certificate (original and translation to English) to the InfoPass appointment. You could get your AP on the same day.


1) You are abandoning your H1B status if you travel on AP. It is always advisable to maintain the H1B visa status for as long as possible.

2) You can't work on AP unless you get an EAD. I don't know if you applied for it.

3) If you travel on AP and then you decide to get back to your H1B status, you can do it going to a Consulate, getting your new visa stamped, and returning showing your H1B visa at the POE.

4) You mentioned that you have not received your fingerprint appointment. Not showing to the appointment could be considered abandoning your AOS process. I would suggest that you have someone to check your mail, while you are away, and let you know if the appointment has arrived so you can act accordingly. The appointment has a phone number that you can call to to explain your situation and change your appointment date.

I hope that everything goes well with your brother and that you could go and visit your family. It's so hard to be away when something like this happens.

Good luck!
Hello gagaun,

So sorry to hear about your brother. I hope he gets well soon.

I think that you have two choices:

1) Travel on H1B. In this case you will need to have a new H1B visa stamped in your home country.

2) Apply for an AP at your Field Office. Take an InfoPass and explain your situation. Take all your papers with you and a medical certificate (original and translation to English) to the InfoPass appointment. You could get your AP on the same day.


1) You are abandoning your H1B status if you travel on AP. It is always advisable to maintain the H1B visa status for as long as possible.

2) You can't work on AP unless you get an EAD. I don't know if you applied for it.

3) If you travel on AP and then you decide to get back to your H1B status, you can do it going to a Consulate, getting your new visa stamped, and returning showing your H1B visa at the POE.

4) You mentioned that you have not received your fingerprint appointment. Not showing to the appointment could be considered abandoning your AOS process. I would suggest that you have someone to check your mail, while you are away, and let you know if the appointment has arrived so you can act accordingly. The appointment has a phone number that you can call to to explain your situation and change your appointment date.

I hope that everything goes well with your brother and that you could go and visit your family. It's so hard to be away when something like this happens.

Good luck!

Just add one thing...My friend changed her biometrics appointment date too. You need to check the little box on the paper, once you receive your biometrics appointment. She added a paper with all dates that were convenient for her and they were so nice to give her one of these days and times so she didn't need to book a flight during her semester ending tests:)

It will take about 2-4 weeks before you will hear about your new appointment date. Since it is early in the process it won't harm your chances, but if you are having a high number I wouldn't risk taking the chance to move a date.

It is sad you can't just leave and visit the people who need you the most right now...I have heard that more than once and it is awful.

I would be carefull with infopass and just telling them your situation. I would demand to get something in writing that you are allowed to leave and come back....most people know about a person telling them something and later that person not working there anymore and another person stating that the applicant didn't follow the rules. The US is a country in which you can get most things in writing and that is totally normal over here:)
Got some bad news from family over Christmas...:(

Brother found tumor under teeth and it is growing fast and will need surgery very soon. I just submit AOS packet and have not received biometric notice.

I am currently on H1B but have not got the visa on passport and I did not apply for AP travel document when I submitted my AOS packet thinking that I won't leave the country till I get the green card

I don't think that I can travel oversea at this moment, but I am very worry about my family...

I think that I should go ahead to apply for the travel document ASAP...it looks like that it will take 2 months to process based on others' experience on the form....

I teach...so, I cannot take days off once semester get started...

I do not know what to put for the intended travel date of the form because I do not know...

I do not have supporting document....

I am so confused now...any suggestions from you will be really appreciated...

Please pray for my brother...Thank you...

Hello gagaun,

Sorry, I just want to make it clear (as other person's suggestions may be confusing) that I said apply for an Advance Parole in the InfoPass appointment. They can give you a "real" AP and it is not a simple note, an employee's word, or something like that.

Good luck to you
Thanks i2009 & bentlebee...

Thanks i2009 for your detailed explanation. I applied EAD after getting I-485 NOA in Dec. 16, so I do not have my EAD yet.

It seems that AP is risky for me because I teach and abandoning my H-1 will cause me to lose my job (the school sponsored me to get the H-1).

Thanks bentlebee for reminding me that things heard from info pass may not be trustworthy and get things in writing maybe the way to go.

Thanks for i2009 to let me know that I can actually get AP from the info pass appointment if needed

I am still working on the I-131 application. I will apply it just in case, but it seems that I really should keep my H-1 status.

Thanks again!
Thanks i2009 & bentlebee...

Thanks i2009 for your detailed explanation. I applied EAD after getting I-485 NOA in Dec. 16, so I do not have my EAD yet.

It seems that AP is risky for me because I teach and abandoning my H-1 will cause me to lose my job (the school sponsored me to get the H-1).

Thanks bentlebee for reminding me that things heard from info pass may not be trustworthy and get things in writing maybe the way to go.

Thanks for i2009 to let me know that I can actually get AP from the info pass appointment if needed

I am still working on the I-131 application. I will apply it just in case, but it seems that I really should keep my H-1 status.

Thanks again!

I agree, you should maintain your H1B until you actually receive the green card.
GC received

We received our GC today:D:D:D:D:D:D:D. A great gift for new year. Thanx all of you for yr help and support and best wishes for everyone.

Will be around:p:p
Hi Everyone,

Thank God I found this site again! (I lost the URL :mad:) I'm so glad to see so many people getting their green cards! Congratulations to you all! I hope I can join you guys soon. :)
Speaking of that, I won DV and wanted to apply for me and my wife. I'm at the point where my CN is current (as of yesterday) so I want to send in the AOS package but not sure what I need to include.

So far I filled out the following:
  • I-485
  • G-325
  • I-131
  • I-765

I need these, right? Did I miss anything? Do I need to fill out I-864?

I'd appreciate any help.

Hi Everyone,

Thank God I found this site again! (I lost the URL :mad:) I'm so glad to see so many people getting their green cards! Congratulations to you all! I hope I can join you guys soon. :)
Speaking of that, I won DV and wanted to apply for me and my wife. I'm at the point where my CN is current (as of yesterday) so I want to send in the AOS package but not sure what I need to include.

So far I filled out the following:
  • I-485
  • G-325
  • I-131
  • I-765

I need these, right? Did I miss anything? Do I need to fill out I-864?

I'd appreciate any help.


Copies of your birth certificate, HS diploma, etc. All the proof you have incl. your medical sealed enveloppe!
Oh, right, I forgot about those. But do I have to fill out an Affidavit of Support (I-864) or any other USCIS form either for myself or for my wife?
I was also wondering if there were any resources regarding how to fill out these forms or can I just ask specific questions here?
helpful website


This web site maybe helpful


Oh, right, I forgot about those. But do I have to fill out an Affidavit of Support (I-864) or any other USCIS form either for myself or for my wife?

Offically it is I-134 that needs to be used if you don't have proof of a job or funding/savings, but some have written on this forum that instead they were asked for I-864 wich officially isn't for DV-lottery.

For a job you need either tax returns (if you had the job already) and a letterhead from the comapny to describe the salary and job description.

If you have savings you need to hae proof that you didn't obtain a loan but that it indeed is money you have. They might not check it, but they have the right to question where the money came from.
Thanks a lot for your answer! So if I have a job and my wife doesn't all we need is my tax returns and a letter from my employer with salary, right? Or do I need something for my wife as well?
We received our GC today:D:D:D:D:D:D:D. A great gift for new year. Thanx all of you for yr help and support and best wishes for everyone.

Will be around:p:p

Many many congrats. See if you can get your residency status in effect so you don't have to pay out-of-state fees. Your international center should be able to advice you on that. Good luck.
Hello guys

Happy new year to all...........am not sure every body familer to my sister case she was on voluntary departure and won dv2010 while she was scare she might order to deport ..........and got letter from BOIA with denal before a day to file her DV case.........she appeal to BOIA again based on winner DV2010 on Noverber 13 2009 because her number current on November .

Now she got Grant by the BOia borad to adjuse her stutus ........give the IJ to follow the thier decision. it is good news for for us and i know every body in thread wasn'not expect that too . am sure this give to some body little hope if they are on removal win a DV ........there is a chance

thank you guys for your advise espicaly to Bentebee