• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2008 Lucky Winners From Nigeria

SEEKARIM, I wholeheartedly congratulate you. It is marvelous and i join you to give all glory, honour and adoration to God almighty. It is my prayer that all others going for their interview soon will also come back with rejoicing,


Hello Every one, God has done it! It was miraculous and still like a dream to me having a successful interview today @ the embassy. I slept in a friend's house on the island in order to bit traffic. I got to the embassy 6:05am and to my suprise many people were already there. I was given DV 2 and asked to go in and i was asked to pay $775, getting infront of the cashier, i heard my name called on the speakers, i was afraid, because it was as if they were mornitoring me to get in and call my name, it was as when God was calling Samuel in the Bible, i went to window 5 where i was called and the Nigerian lady asked me to go pay and come back which i did, she wasn't nice at all, then she told me to sit till i was called. 9:00am i was called to window 9, the consular was a black American, who looks like a Nigerian. This is the details of my interview experience:

Me: Goodmorning ma
Consular: Goodmorning!
Consular: Pls do raise your right hand and take this oak after me
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Pls take your finger prints
Me: I did
Consular: Pls do sign your form
Me: I did
Consular: Have you ever applied for a Visa?
Me: Yes
Consular: What type of Visa?
Me: student Visa
Consular: May i have your letter from the University of Lagos?
Me: I did
Consular: You are in your final year, what is your course of study?
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Tell me the courses you have taken this semester
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Tell me your research topic
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Pls discuss some of your findings during the course of your reaserch project?
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: give me 1 minutes pls, while typing and gave me back my docs. after which she stood up and returned with a blue paper.
Consular: CONGRATULATION YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO ENTER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Take this paper to collect your visa next tuesday by 2.00pm
Me: Thank you ma and i smiled!

It is a great testimony because i was not asked my Birth date, place of birth e.t.c, just my O'level cert., NPC birth cert. and letter from the school. My worries about having applied b4 was not a problem at all and the whole thing took about 5 minutes.

I got outside and kneed to give glory to God. HE HAS PERFECTED WHAT HE HAS STARTED IN MY LIFE!!!

I pray that every other members awaiting interviews will come back and give testimonies in Jesus Name.

Hello Every one, God has done it! It was miraculous and still like a dream to me having a successful interview today @ the embassy. I slept in a friend's house on the island in order to bit traffic. I got to the embassy 6:05am and to my suprise many people were already there. I was given DV 2 and asked to go in and i was asked to pay $775, getting infront of the cashier, i heard my name called on the speakers, i was afraid, because it was as if they were mornitoring me to get in and call my name, it was as when God was calling Samuel in the Bible, i went to window 5 where i was called and the Nigerian lady asked me to go pay and come back which i did, she wasn't nice at all, then she told me to sit till i was called. 9:00am i was called to window 9, the consular was a black American, who looks like a Nigerian. This is the details of my interview experience:

Me: Goodmorning ma
Consular: Goodmorning!
Consular: Pls do raise your right hand and take this oak after me
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Pls take your finger prints
Me: I did
Consular: Pls do sign your form
Me: I did
Consular: Have you ever applied for a Visa?
Me: Yes
Consular: What type of Visa?
Me: student Visa
Consular: May i have your letter from the University of Lagos?
Me: I did
Consular: You are in your final year, what is your course of study?
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Tell me the courses you have taken this semester
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Tell me your research topic
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Pls discuss some of your findings during the course of your reaserch project?
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: give me 1 minutes pls, while typing and gave me back my docs. after which she stood up and returned with a blue paper.
Consular: CONGRATULATION YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO ENTER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Take this paper to collect your visa next tuesday by 2.00pm
Me: Thank you ma and i smiled!

It is a great testimony because i was not asked my Birth date, place of birth e.t.c, just my O'level cert., NPC birth cert. and letter from the school. My worries about having applied b4 was not a problem at all and the whole thing took about 5 minutes.

I got outside and kneed to give glory to God. HE HAS PERFECTED WHAT HE HAS STARTED IN MY LIFE!!!

I pray that every other members awaiting interviews will come back and give testimonies in Jesus Name.

Congrat oooooooooo, God that have started it will give u course to always praise HIM as u conclude all other arrangement. See u on TOP
DV2009 Oct. Cut off guess

The next bulletin i.e. September will probably come out anytime from today maybe tomorrow 13th August.
The 2 months covered will be September (last month for DV2008 which is already known) and the Advance notice for October which will indicate the first cut-off number for DV2009.

My guess is that the Advance notice for October2008, the cut-off is 6,700.

Using the statistics below i’ll guess the cut off for Africa would be around 7000+ and Nigeria 5000+. I think the higher the winners notified and the Nigeria/Africa winners notified the lower the cut off, so the higher the winners notified and the lower the Nigeria/Africa winners notified the higher the cut off.

Anyways, that’s just my own calculations/observations, please don't judge me.

Winners Notified: 82,000
Winners from Africa: 44,219
Winners from Nigeria: 9,849
Oct. Cut off No Africa Winners: 5,700
Oct. Cut off No Nigeria Winners: 2,700

Winners Notified: 96,000
Winners from Africa: 67,694
Winners from Nigeria: 8,773
Oct. Cut off No Africa Winners: 6,700
Oct. Cut off No Nigeria Winners: 4,700

Winners Notified: 99,600
Winners from Africa: 54,395
Winners from Nigeria: 6,041
Oct. Cut off No Africa Winners: 7,000+
Oct. Cut off No Nigeria Winners: 5,471+
i Just Came Back From The Visa Pick-up, Its Just God.

My Interview Experience Was Exiting Because Of Initial Fear Of Name Rearrangement Of My 1st Daughter From Olu Ayom V In The Initial Entry To Vic Olu (omitting Ayom From The Passport & Returned Ds-230 Forms), No Reference Was Made To It During The Interview Though I Was Called On The 5th August (day After Interview) That I Did Not Complete Form For One Of My Children Which I Debunked Immediately Giving Details Over The Phone.

On The Interview Day (4th August), I Paid Immediately We Entered, Sat Down For My Number Dv13 To Be Called, I Was Called To Window 14 For Documents Submission (including Aos) After Which I Was Called To Window 13 For The Interview.

Officer: Morning
Me: Good Morning
Officer: U & Yr Wife Raise Yr Right Hand And Promise To Bla Bla...
We: I Bla Bla Bla....
Oficer: What Is Yr Name?
Me: Bla Bla.....
Oficer:when Were U Born, Place Of Bith
Me: I Gif Am Gbosaaaaaaa
Oficer: When Did U Meet Yr Wife?
Me: 1992
Oficer: Madam, How Did U Meet Him?
Wife: Through My Brother
Officer: How Is Her Brother To U?
Me: My Secondary School Friend
Oficer:what Is The Name Of Yr Secondary School?
Me: Bla Bla ....
Oficer: Madam, When Did Yr Husband Finished From The Secondary School?
Wife: Hmmmmmmmmmm...
Oficer:madam, Tell Me U Don't Know If U Cant Remember
Wife: I Cant Remember
Oficer: Can I See The Other Children (my Wife Carried The Last Baby)
Me: I Carried The 1st Born Up & 2nd After
Oficer: What Is Yr Name? (question To Both Children)
Oficer:u Are An Engineer
Me: Yes
Oficer: U've Travelled Twice To America & Returned?
Me: Yes Because I Have A Very Good Job
Oficer: I Can See
Oficer: Congratulation!!! Welcome To America (gave Me A Blue Paper) Come Back On The 12th August By 2pm To Pick Visa For Yr Family But Do Not Make Any Travel Arrangement Until U Have Yr Visa
Me: Thank U.

These Were Our Brief Chat, Its Just God That Did It For My Family Of Five (5) And He Will Do Yr Own If U Truly Believe. No Matter The Odd, God Is There For U.

Today I Have All The Passport With Visa & My 1st Daugther Visa With Vic Olu As Stated In The Passport/ds-230 Form.

See Yah On Top.................

Congratulations On Your Successful Interview. We Thank God For You.
Pls Remember Us (awaiting) In Your Prayers.
Hello Every one, God has done it! It was miraculous and still like a dream to me having a successful interview today @ the embassy. I slept in a friend's house on the island in order to bit traffic. I got to the embassy 6:05am and to my suprise many people were already there. I was given DV 2 and asked to go in and i was asked to pay $775, getting infront of the cashier, i heard my name called on the speakers, i was afraid, because it was as if they were mornitoring me to get in and call my name, it was as when God was calling Samuel in the Bible, i went to window 5 where i was called and the Nigerian lady asked me to go pay and come back which i did, she wasn't nice at all, then she told me to sit till i was called. 9:00am i was called to window 9, the consular was a black American, who looks like a Nigerian. This is the details of my interview experience:

Me: Goodmorning ma
Consular: Goodmorning!
Consular: Pls do raise your right hand and take this oak after me
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Pls take your finger prints
Me: I did
Consular: Pls do sign your form
Me: I did
Consular: Have you ever applied for a Visa?
Me: Yes
Consular: What type of Visa?
Me: student Visa
Consular: May i have your letter from the University of Lagos?
Me: I did
Consular: You are in your final year, what is your course of study?
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Tell me the courses you have taken this semester
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Tell me your research topic
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: Pls discuss some of your findings during the course of your reaserch project?
Me: Bla, bla, bla......
Consular: give me 1 minutes pls, while typing and gave me back my docs. after which she stood up and returned with a blue paper.
Consular: CONGRATULATION YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO ENTER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Take this paper to collect your visa next tuesday by 2.00pm
Me: Thank you ma and i smiled!

It is a great testimony because i was not asked my Birth date, place of birth e.t.c, just my O'level cert., NPC birth cert. and letter from the school. My worries about having applied b4 was not a problem at all and the whole thing took about 5 minutes.

I got outside and kneed to give glory to God. HE HAS PERFECTED WHAT HE HAS STARTED IN MY LIFE!!!

I pray that every other members awaiting interviews will come back and give testimonies in Jesus Name.

Hi Seekarim,
Congratulations. We thank God for your testimonies.
Pls check your private messages box for I dropped you a few personal lines
I really appreciate all your congratulatory messages. Happy to be in this forum, how i wish we could all one day meet in the states to see each others, but i doubt it might not be possoble because this forum as really helped.

Best wishes to every one...
visa bulletin for october and september

Good luck guys

For October, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2009 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 6,900 Egypt 3,100
Ethiopia 3,600
Nigeria 3,350

ASIA 2,900
EUROPE 6,600
End of DV-2008

nigeria 18,450

Yes I Went To The Site This Morning (14 July 2008) And The Above Figure/cut-off Number Is Correct.

But My Question Is What Happens To People Who Have Above This Number (18,450)?

As discussed earlier, DV-2008 has come to an end with 18,450 as the last number for Nigerians. Wishing the rest people who couldn't make it this year the best of luck next time.

Interview for october is for DV-2009.

For October, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2009 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 6,900 Egypt 3,100
Ethiopia 3,600
Nigeria 3,350
ASIA 2,900
EUROPE 6,600

hello every body how are you doing.? please you guys should bear with me for not being constant.

1. Does delta Air Lines fly from Lagos Direct to New York and how much?

2. I have a friend who is 2009 Dv winner with case number 14xx.
But he has no Waec and has just registered for the up coming GCE. now because of fear of becoming current when the GCE result is not yet out, he is still with the form.
What do you think?

Delay the form more?
Send the form now Before it becomes late?


The new date is out, i believe yr friend is current for October interview now. Hope he has navigated around yr earlier concern?

All the best.
visa bulletin for october and september

Good luck guys

For October, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2009 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 6,900 Egypt 3,100
Ethiopia 3,600
Nigeria 3,350

ASIA 2,900
EUROPE 6,600

the cut-off 4 nigeria is low and we know what that means. Less available visa 4 nigerians this 2009 fiscal yr.

with due respect sir,

what is the basis of your assumption quoted here
"the cut off for nigeria is low and we know what that means. Less available visa 4 nigerians this 2009 fiscal yr."

I looked at the trend in the past 3 years and i cant reconcille your submission

Can you let the house know your basis for this?
What's your assumptions

the cut-off 4 nigeria is low and we know what that means. Less available visa 4 nigerians this 2009 fiscal yr.

What assumptions/calculations did you make/do to reach your conclusion? 'cos looking at DV2007 the 1st (sept. yr b4) cut-off was 2,700 and it still ended with 20,700 (aug. following year). So it doesn't really matter, it's solely left to the discretion of the people in charge i believe based on their calculations.
What assumptions/calculations did you make/do to reach your conclusion? 'cos looking at DV2007 the 1st (sept. yr b4) cut-off was 2,700 and it still ended with 20,700 (aug. following year). So it doesn't really matter, it's solely left to the discretion of the people in charge i believe based on their calculations.

I hope there will be an increase afther October bulletin; Pls do not worry so much and keep on praying for God"s favor.
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hello ,
Am a Dv2009 winner , i will like to know if the embassy only collect Marriage certificate issued by federal registry cos i did my regsitry at the local Government registry.
Please help me out !!!!!!!!!!!!Its urgent

Hello everybody,
I am a DV 2009 winner.I have 2 issues that have been giving me sleepless nights concerning my case.

1. I made a mistake on my form DS-230, i filled in the wrong DOB ( 1982 ) but i actually played the lottery with 1980.After noticing this mistake,i called KCC and i was instructed to fill a new Form DS-230 with all the correct info and attach a small note stating that there was a mistake in my first form.I have filled the new Form and sent it back to KCC using fedex about 2 months ago.
I want to know if this would pose any problems for me during my interview.Please help me out with any advice u can give me .I am scared that the counsular might want to make reference to the old form with the mistake !

2.Secondly,i have lost my original waec certificate.I went to WAEC office to get a new one but i was told that it can only be issued once.I was palnning on going with the statement of result from my secondary school and a WAEC scratch card on the day of my interview.I would also get an affidavit stating that my original certificate is missing. Please let me know what you think and if u have any other suggestion for me.

Thanks. Please respond !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everybody,
I am a DV 2009 winner.I have 2 issues that have been giving me sleepless nights concerning my case.

1. I made a mistake on my form DS-230, i filled in the wrong DOB ( 1982 ) but i actually played the lottery with 1980.After noticing this mistake,i called KCC and i was instructed to fill a new Form DS-230 with all the correct info and attach a small note stating that there was a mistake in my first form.I have filled the new Form and sent it back to KCC using fedex about 2 months ago.
I want to know if this would pose any problems for me during my interview.Please help me out with any advice u can give me .I am scared that the counsular might want to make reference to the old form with the mistake !

2.Secondly,i have lost my original waec certificate.I went to WAEC office to get a new one but i was told that it can only be issued once.I was palnning on going with the statement of result from my secondary school and a WAEC scratch card on the day of my interview.I would also get an affidavit stating that my original certificate is missing. Please let me know what you think and if u have any other suggestion for me.

Thanks. Please respond !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In response to yr concern, please 1st pray for favour and make sure u have NPC birth certificate with the correct DOB in the DV entry (Note that it will be easier if u made the mistake in only the year only & not with the entire date).

Go with affidavit of loss of certificate & WAEC scratch card for online confirmation of your certificate.

In ALL, God's favour & intervention. Bless U.
Hello everybody,
I am a DV 2009 winner.I have 2 issues that have been giving me sleepless nights concerning my case.

1. I made a mistake on my form DS-230, i filled in the wrong DOB ( 1982 ) but i actually played the lottery with 1980.After noticing this mistake,i called KCC and i was instructed to fill a new Form DS-230 with all the correct info and attach a small note stating that there was a mistake in my first form.I have filled the new Form and sent it back to KCC using fedex about 2 months ago.
I want to know if this would pose any problems for me during my interview.Please help me out with any advice u can give me .I am scared that the counsular might want to make reference to the old form with the mistake !

2.Secondly,i have lost my original waec certificate.I went to WAEC office to get a new one but i was told that it can only be issued once.I was palnning on going with the statement of result from my secondary school and a WAEC scratch card on the day of my interview.I would also get an affidavit stating that my original certificate is missing. Please let me know what you think and if u have any other suggestion for me.

Thanks. Please respond !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My bro I thank God for being one of the lucky ones for the DV 2009.
Please follow what Shadfun suggested above. There is nothing to worry about if you go by these suggestions.
Marriage Cert.

hello ,
Am a Dv2009 winner , i will like to know if the embassy only collect Marriage certificate issued by federal registry cos i did my regsitry at the local Government registry.

Marriage cert nah CERTIFICATE ok.either Federal or Local