• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2008 CP Interview Experiences

what international passport?? when you do the medical they will include the vaccination sheet?

You should have an Int Passport (Travel doc, where ur visa is stamped).

Yes, a vaccination sheet was attached to medical pacakge.

I hope this answered your question.
You should have an Int Passport (Travel doc, where ur visa is stamped).

Yes, a vaccination sheet was attached to medical pacakge.

I hope this answered your question.

oh well please bear with me but i dont quite understand when you say international passport?? is it a ordinary passport which you present to have your visa stamped?
Congratulations on your successful interview. How was your name different from the online application.. What was different? please share

I had a mistake in my family name on my passport and in several other official documents. When compared to my birth certificate, one letter was missing. I should have had it fixed long ago but just never bothered. My online lottery entry matched my passport spelling, not the birth certificate. I dealt with this by filling in the returned forms with the spelling as it is in my birth certificate, not as it was on the lottery entry. So my lottery entry did not match the spelling of my birth certificate, this worried my a bit. In addition I applied for new passports for my wife and I with the corrected spelling and a new marriage certificate too since the original one had the wrong spelling.

Another issue was that my birth certificate family name spelling differed slightly from my parent's spelling and my educational certificates are all issued with my parent's spelling.

None of these issues were mentioned, however I had all the documents ready to explain them in case they asked.
Elaichi and others,

We are going to have an interview also in Seoul, Korea. It is quite a challenge to go to Korea to have an interview since we don't know anyone there, we are not koreans. Can you kindly answer some of my questions?
1. Did you get Korean National Police Certificate from a local Korean police station? if so, what did you present to them and how long did it take to get results?
2. If you don't know how to speak Korean, was it challenge to communicate with local people to get around?
3. We are supposed to get our medical exams done in Seoul. We already made our appointment like to days before our scheduled immigration appointment. It's kinda panicky or last minute thing. but we pray that our medical will be done on a same day. Do you think we'll be okay to get our medicals done in one day and get the same day service or get the results on a same day?
4. Let's say, after our interview how long will it take the visas to be delivered to us? We are planning to stay in Seoul untill we get the visas but we don't want to wait that long cuz we gotta do some other stuff back home. We don't have a post office address in Korea. Do you think the visa officer will tell us to come over to the embassy to get the visas in a few days considering our situation? YOu know we cannot leave Korea without our passports...

Thank you in advance,


BigSmile, I understand your concerns about coming to a foreign country to do interviews. May I ask why you have to come to Korea? Koreans aren't allowed to participate in the lottery so few DV cases are handled in Seoul, mainly foreigners or perhaps Koreans born in other countries. I think you can relax, the Seoul embassy runs very efficiently and they are very professional, in spite of the tight security conditions surrounding the embassy with the recent anti-US beef demonstrations. In fact on the way to the interview we noticed many smashed and burnt out busses littering the streets in the area of the embassy. But don't let these things worry you, its all peaceful now.

1. We went to a local police station to get our Korean police certificates, we did take a Korean with us to translate. There was a bit of confusion and we ended up in the main regional police headquarters before they knew what we wanted. After that it took only 20 minutes before we had it in our hands.
They don't do a finger print check so its really quick. We had it translated by a Korean friend into English. You only need this if you have lived in Korea for at least 6 months and have an alien identification card.

2. We have been living here for several years so it was not a problem for us, but for a person who has just arrived it may be a little difficult to get around and get things done. The subway is great, signs are in English as well as Korean. You need to go to Gwangwhamun station, exit 2 and the embassy will be directly ahead. Communication can be difficult, but most young people can speak some English.

3. We had our medicals done at Seoul Adventist Hospital in Hoeggi 2 weeks before the interview. You don't need to make an appointment there as the visa section is not too busy. The place is top notch, recently remodeled hospital and the medical was really quick and professional. It took us about 30 minutes, including the vaccinations, which cost 80 000 won. They had the results ready for collection the next day. We had our medical in the afternoon. Perhaps if you go early in the morning they can have the results by the afternoon of the same day. Its fine to do the medical 2 days before the interview.

4. We had our interview on 1 July and visas were printed on 3 July. They were delivered to us by COD courier (8000 won) on 4 July. I'm not sure if you can actually collect the passports from the embassy, they expect to have them delivered. They told us it would take 5 working days, but it took only 3, one of which the embassy was closed. I think if you plan to stay a little more than a week in Seoul you will be able to comfortably do it all. What date is your interview on?

Good luck! Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Dear Elaichi,
Thanks a lot for your information. My interview will be in the 3d week of Aug. I'm going to the Saint Mary's hospital in Seoul for the check-ups. If you don't mind can you tell me the address/location of the Saint Mary's hospital? I mean i know the street address but I just don't see the hospital on a map. It would be wonderful if i know how to get there from the airport. It would be good if you can tell me some landmarks nearby. I don't know if there are any decent hotels (cheap, clean, safe) nearby the hospital?

I know this is a stupid question but is there any dress code when i go to the interview? i know it is gonna be very hot/humid in Seoul in August...

Thanks a lot!

bigsmile :)
Dear Elaichi,
Thanks a lot for your information. My interview will be in the 3d week of Aug. I'm going to the Saint Mary's hospital in Seoul for the check-ups. If you don't mind can you tell me the address/location of the Saint Mary's hospital? I mean i know the street address but I just don't see the hospital on a map. It would be wonderful if i know how to get there from the airport. It would be good if you can tell me some landmarks nearby. I don't know if there are any decent hotels (cheap, clean, safe) nearby the hospital?

I know this is a stupid question but is there any dress code when i go to the interview? i know it is gonna be very hot/humid in Seoul in August...

Thanks a lot!

bigsmile :)

BigSmile, I have never been to St Mary's, but I know its in Yeouido which is a financial district along the Han river. It would be easy to get to by subway from anywhere in the city. Its an expensive area, so hotels there would probably be pricey. I'm not sure where to recommend staying, the area I am in has many small cheap so called "love motels" for around $30 a night and its not too far from Yeouido, 20 mins by bus or subway. The streets in the area are not the cleanest, but it is pretty safe and the motels are clean inside. If you like, I could give you details about getting to and staying in my area which would be quite convenient regarding transport. Let me know.

It is indeed hot and humid here in August. I wore fairly casual clothes and saw most people at the interview wore even more casual than me.
Thanks Elaichi,
Yeah, "love motels" sounds good (clean, safe and cheap!).
I started one thread but nobody is answering my questions. Can you give me your thought on that? These are very serious questions. Please help me. Here it goes.

DS-230, Employment History in the USA & other questions


Hello Everyone!

Somebody can help me to resolve the following issues.

1. in DS-230 Part I, question #22 says "list below all employment for the last 10 years." the problem is for the last 10 years, I have worked in quite few places and the first time that i sent my DS-230 to KCC, i forgot to include one workplace that i worked in the past while i was in the USA. But, I worked there only 4 weeks/1 month. Do you think that now I will have my interview and i have to fill up another DS-230, should I include that job in the new DS-230 or what? I even forgot exactly when i worked there. It was roughly around January or February of 2005. Do you think that they will catch that i didn't write it down on my form? Will it be a serious problem? Or should I now include it in the new DS-230 for the interview? After all, I worked in that place legally. I had a work permit. But, again i didn't write it in the first place. this one is very tricky.

2. in DS-230 Part I, question #10 says "Permanent address in the USA where you intend to live, if known (street address including ZIP code). Include the name of a person who currently lives there." Again, I don't exactly know where I will live permanently. Thus, i don't know the street address and zip code. What should I write? If I don't write anything will it look like weakness or something?

3. on the same section, question #11 says "Address in the USA where you want your Green card mailed." I don't have one yet. What should I write? Is there any way? Is it possible if I tell them that after i settle down in the USA, i will tell them my PO Box address?

Please, help me out on these issues? Thank you very much!

BigSmile :)
Thanks Elaichi,
Yeah, "love motels" sounds good (clean, safe and cheap!).
I started one thread but nobody is answering my questions. Can you give me your thought on that? These are very serious questions. Please help me. Here it goes.

DS-230, Employment History in the USA & other questions


Hello Everyone!

Somebody can help me to resolve the following issues.

1. in DS-230 Part I, question #22 says "list below all employment for the last 10 years." the problem is for the last 10 years, I have worked in quite few places and the first time that i sent my DS-230 to KCC, i forgot to include one workplace that i worked in the past while i was in the USA. But, I worked there only 4 weeks/1 month. Do you think that now I will have my interview and i have to fill up another DS-230, should I include that job in the new DS-230 or what? I even forgot exactly when i worked there. It was roughly around January or February of 2005. Do you think that they will catch that i didn't write it down on my form? Will it be a serious problem? Or should I now include it in the new DS-230 for the interview? After all, I worked in that place legally. I had a work permit. But, again i didn't write it in the first place. this one is very tricky.

2. in DS-230 Part I, question #10 says "Permanent address in the USA where you intend to live, if known (street address including ZIP code). Include the name of a person who currently lives there." Again, I don't exactly know where I will live permanently. Thus, i don't know the street address and zip code. What should I write? If I don't write anything will it look like weakness or something?

3. on the same section, question #11 says "Address in the USA where you want your Green card mailed." I don't have one yet. What should I write? Is there any way? Is it possible if I tell them that after i settle down in the USA, i will tell them my PO Box address?

Please, help me out on these issues? Thank you very much!

BigSmile :)

2. On my form DS 230, I wrote : "Not yet known" because although I have an address where I'll be staying, it will not be my permanent address.

3. Please try and find a friend's/ relative's address you can use so that your green card can be mailed to you without delay. :)
Macon, thanks a lot. i'll do that. but what about question #1? i didn't write the missing employment history in the first DS 230. but should i write now? maybe i should. Also, in one of the blocks, it asked "name of the petitioner," the principle applicant's name should be in it, right?

Thank you,
BigSmile :)
Macon, thanks a lot. i'll do that. but what about question #1? Also, in one of the blocks, it asked "name of the petitioner," the principle applicant's name should be in it, right?

Thank you,
BigSmile :)

Yes, the principal applicant's name is the petitioner. :)
Hi All,

Here is my experience....

I had my appointment in Montreal, Canada on Aug 1st. We walked in, got a number and waited until number was called. We went to the window and presented the 2nd NL and were then sent to pay $1550 at the cashiers counter.

Once paid, I returned alone to the processing counter, and thereafter the officer started requesting originals + copy, one by one. I had separated each document and its copies into individual filing folders, with labels, so it was easy to present each as requested. This impressed the officer so much, that her comments were..."You sir, have made this so easy, I wish other applicants were as organized". I spent a total of 5 min at the counter.

I was called to a different room 15 mins later, and was processed by a different officer, this time, basic questions and validation of my documents i.e where I worked, and when I initially went to US, and when I got my Canadian citizenship.

I was asked for the prepaid envelope, which they were to send the documents to me with, I told him I prefered to recieve it in person, preferably same day so that we can start our trip back into the US. He said no problem, and gave me a re-entry pass into the consulate for that afternoon @ 3pm to pick up the passports with IV stamps (for GC)

@ 3pm, came back into the consulate, and by 3:10pm, I was out of the building with me & my wifes passports with the sealed envelops to present to border officers.

@ 5pm I was at US border crossing, I presented the sealed envelops, got processed and 15 mins later, we were given out passports back and were waved along with a "welcome to America"

see?...easy as 1, 2, 3 ...
As you know tomorrow start first interviews of DV 2008 program. If you want to share with other winners or the users of this forum, please write your CP experiences in this thread that could be easy to find them for the winners who will have a interview at a later date.

Good luck to everyone..!

PS. Please mention in your posting also :
# CP country
## your nationality
### your profession
#### Consular officer's consideration if you had done any mistakes on
the original entry, forms (such as name, spelling and numbers mistake)
HI there please could you please tell me if its ok to fill ALL the forms by hand writtin?
Or I have to fill them by computer?? what do you did?
Thank you!
HI there please could you please tell me if its ok to fill ALL the forms by hand writtin?
Or I have to fill them by computer?? what do you did?
Thank you!

I completed all my forms by hand and there was no problem. It's ok. :)
A friend of mine arrived here as a DV 2008 winner (CP). he initiated everything and went to the Social Security office to receive his card and was told that they won't do that there and that he'll receive it automatically. is that true? what is the process of receiving SS# after entering the US through DV?