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DV 2008 CP Interview Experiences

You get a visa into your passport and a sealed envelope for each person.
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Hi all,

I have been away from the site for several weeks due to preparations to join my husband in the US. I have now completed my POE and am happy to be here in the US as a legal permanent resident.

Congratulations to all those who had successful interviews over the past few weeks; Loreli, Tazmania et al.
is there any right of appeal?

Good day all,
Thanks a lot for your assistance so far. My sister eventually attended the interview on Monday this week, but there was a problem she encountered that led to her disqualification. There was a mismatch as regards her place of birth. It happened that she asked someone to help her fill the form and that fellow made a mistake by filling another town for her as her place of birth. Please is there any remedy left for her such as appeal or any other thing that can be done to enable her get the visa?
Good day all,
Thanks a lot for your assistance so far. My sister eventually attended the interview on Monday this week, but there was a problem she encountered that led to her disqualification. There was a mismatch as regards her place of birth. It happened that she asked someone to help her fill the form and that fellow made a mistake by filling another town for her as her place of birth. Please is there any remedy left for her such as appeal or any other thing that can be done to enable her get the visa?

This is so unfortunate as i'm not sure wheather DV cases have right of appeal.She should have inquired from the person who interviewed her.Better still she can go to the enquiries desk of the CP Center where she had her interview to inquire wheather she has the right of appeal.I find it difficult to understand why someone had to fill the form for her.Is she an illiterate ?where did she do her CP ? We all share her pain with her but this is a mistake that could have been avoided easily.

The day I immigrated to the United States, when I was fifteen years old, I was given a green ID card that featured a cute photo of me.

Years later, when I went to the courthouse to become a citizen, one of the clerks confiscated my Green Card. "What will you do with it?" my wife asked.

"We have to burn it," was the answer.

"Could you please at least cut the photo off and let us keep it?" my wife queried.

"Absolutely not!" the clerk replied. "This is official government property and as such it cannot be mutilated before we destroy it!"

Source: Mark Mail, http://mrhumor.net/
hellO evry one.
i've finished my interview week ago but i didn't receive the passport or the visa yet.. i wonder when shall i receive, i've note that the forum members recieved it in 2-5business days.. do u think i shall ask the embassy about it.. ? i started to be worry guys..!
hellO evry one.
i've finished my interview week ago but i didn't receive the passport or the visa yet.. i wonder when shall i receive, i've note that the forum members recieved it in 2-5business days.. do u think i shall ask the embassy about it.. ? i started to be worry guys..!

Don't panic. as long as u had a successful interview, u should be getting the passport in a few days
Learn to share your interview experience with others

hellO evry one.
i've finished my interview week ago but i didn't receive the passport or the visa yet.. i wonder when shall i receive, i've note that the forum members recieved it in 2-5business days.. do u think i shall ask the embassy about it.. ? i started to be worry guys..!

You didn't bother to share your interview experience with us when you sailed through just as all other successfull applicants have done on this forum.Even some applicants who weren't successful had the time and courtsey to share their sad experiences to us on this forum .Don't forget that these pieces of imformation that goes around through this forum makes so much impact on peoples life's .Now that things are getting tough you want someone to advise you.What do you expect us to tell you ?? Learn to give as you receive !!!

I have successful interview finished! Thank you for provided information , it helped a lot.

Question to others: I gave them translated documents + bank statements that confirm my good financial situation. And they didnt give those statements back to me. Is it ok? Or I am supposed to call them and visit embassy again?
blue max did you call KCC to know the date of your interview
i am waiting second letter
i didn't call them but i followed both of the bulletin& the interviews schedule at the embassy webpage untill i've seen my case number was on.
i've received my second letter soo late and the reason was the post office loser guys.. they couldn't translate my adress and then the envelop were been sent to many wrong adresses until it went to the right adress finnaly.. and actualy i've contacted to the embassy & the KCC by emails . they sent me a copy of the second letter 3weeks befor the interview date...(they will not email u befor this period)
but don't worry.. u can finish all the requirements in 10days only.and u better start prepar them now ( medical test-police/birth/graduate certificates)...and just be in contact with the KCC in case u didn't recive the sec.letter in 3weeks befor the significant date..
Hi: I recieved my second letter from KCC. Under the "appointment day reminders" they are asking me to attach supporting doccuments to DS230 Part II. I don't see a DS230 Part II in the second package. However, I sent the completed DS230 Part I & II to KCC in May 2007. What should I do? I tried to contact the US consulate but I couldn't connect with a live operator. Thanks.... And also could someone tell me the general content of the second letter (mine contained appointment letter; instructions to the interview & medical examination)??

Had my interview yesterday (was successful).

I got the tube to Bond St. Left the station at about 7.10am (appointment was for 8am). Thought I'd have a brew while I waited so went to a cafe. That was a mistake. By the time I had my brew, there were already a fair few people ahead of me in the queue. Go to the North-West corner of Grovesnor Sq (there's road works which obscure your view so head straight to that corner).
To get in you have to show you appointment letter, then you move down the line where you show your passport.
Once this is done you go through a security cabin which has a metal detector. Coins, belts, watches, phones, etc go in a clear plastic bag (bag provided) and get scanned (I didn't have my mobile with me, but you can bring it, as long as it's turned off the whole time you're there).
After this you go in the main building. you get issued a ticket ('1XXX' for non-immigrant visas, '5XXX' for immigrant visas).
I was number 8 out of only 11 immigrant tickets issued that day - curse you cup 'o tea!

I wore a suit - most people weren't as dressed up as that, but most people weren't applying for immigrant visas, so make what you will of that.

Once you have your ticket you proceed to a large waiting room with 12 service windows (there are 13 more windows down a side-corridor). The ticket numbers are announced and there's an Argos-style tracking system on the monitors. I'd say i waited about 2 hours before my ticket was called. I was called to window 1 where there was an english/chinese lady (i had a bit of trouble understanding her accent at times). She was pleasant enough, but also quite matter-of-fact. Understandable given how many people she has to deal with every day.
She asked for my ticket (5XXX) and what city i was born in. She then produced a large envelope which contained my file (everything I'd previously submitted to KCC, medical results, even the initial internet application) and also a chest x-ray from the medical. she kept the file on her side, but passed me the large enveloped containing the chest x-ray.
She then asked for my passport and a photo. I gave her those but she had a lot of problems scanning my photo. She asked where I'd gotten it and i told her 'Snappy Snaps'. She said that 'Snappy Snaps' are the worst quality photo. If you haven't done your photo yet, then don't go there for it.

After that, she requested my birth cert (and copy), my proof of education (irish leaving cert - and copy), my english and irish police certs (and copies). I told her i had an aussie police cert too, but she said it wasn't necessary as I lived there less than a year (I was there for over 6 months). Finally she wanted my evidence of support. I gave her an affidavit of support. I also had bank statements and things like that but she didn't need them; the affidavit was enough.
Once she had all that I had to be fingerprinted at the machine at the window. It was a bit awkward as the machine wasn't great. Had to contort my arms a certain way to get my thumb-scans but got there eventually.
I was handed a piece of card and was told to go to window 17 to pay. Went there, paid the $775 (i think) and then went straight back to window 1 with my receipt.
At this point she handed me a courier form and told me to sit down, fill that out and wait for my number to be called out.
i was waiting about 15-20 minutes before ym number got called. I had to go to one of the windows down the side-corridor.
At this window was an american lady who had my file. She was very pleasant and relaxed. She asked me what I do now, and what I planned on doing in the US and when I was planning on travellling. The tone was more like she was curious rather than 'interview-like', if you follow my meaning.
i then had to sign one of the forms which was previosuly submitted. Can't remember which one. Smart lad that I am, I signed the bit where the consular officer should sign so she handed it back to me and i signed the correct line. she said she'd cross out the other bit.
She fingerprinted one hand (can't remember which one) and I then had to raise my right had an swear and oath that everything in my file was true and accurate. after that she handed me back all of my originals, but kept my passport. she told me that everything was in order and that I got the GC. She told me I'd need to bring the large envelope containing my x-ray with my on the plane when I left for the US and also that I'd receive a package with additional instructions for POE. i thanked her and head towards the exit.

On my way out I had to go to the courier desk (you can't miss it), hand them the courier form and pay £14. They said I should have my passport in 5 working days.

It was 10.30am when I left.
