Dual citizenship travel related question

And yourself? You are just USC?

Btw. the guy from the bus was definitely wrong. United states allow one to have more than one citizenship. However some other countries, mine included, do not allow that. That's the only reason why I cannot think about USC now.
I heard many times from friends that the airline agent asked them for their second nationality passport that shows they dont require a visa for the destination. So i find this very surprising. however, the cases i know about was going to home country (first citizinship), not a third party country
There is no issues about traveling with 2 or more passports. Sometimes you will encounter an ignorant airline official, but they are wrong. Sometimes you will encounter an ignorant immigration official, but they are wrong. The only two things you must remember to do are: enter/exit any given country on the same passport, and never enter your citizenship country with a passport other than your citizenship country passport. If you do these two things, you will never have any problems.
The only two things you must remember to do are: enter/exit any given country on the same passport, and never enter your citizenship country with a passport other than your citizenship country passport. .

Not all countries have exit controls, and using a different passport to enter home country is not necessarily an issue. For example, a dual Canadian/US citizen using their US passport to enter and leave Canada is not an issue. It all depends on the county you're visiting as a dual citizen.
I responded to you in your thread. But, I guess the issue here is whether the Brazilians, knowing you came from the US, will insist you enter on a US passport with a visa (as they charge for that). It really shouldn't be the case, though.

The problem with Brazil is that they require reciprocal visas and associated fees from US Citizens. It is even more tricky if you are going to work and recently Brazil got even tough with the visa type and duration of stay for certain work related travel.
I really do not understand why some dual US/Canadian citizens are hesitant to use their Canadian passport to enter Canada. First of all, the USA does not care about other passports. Second, the passports are often not stamped in either Canada or US, so the counterparts will not even find out which country you entered on which passport. I personally like to feel home in a country of my citizenship (stay indefinitely, take any job you want, etc), and that is only possible if I enter on that country's passport. As for those Canadians, IMO they are either ignorant or they intentionally regard their US citizenship as more important than Canadian one. I am not a fan of those people either.
I really do not understand why some dual US/Canadian citizens are hesitant to use their Canadian passport to enter Canada.
Cost may be an issue. A Canadian passport costs $100 and is only good for 5 years compared with US passport that is good for 10.
Also, a dual US/Cdn citizen living in the US can/will be asked to present proof of US residency status upon entering Canada with a Canadian passport. By only using US passport, a dual US/Cdn citizen avoids this situation.
An Illinois DL always works for me.

Also, a dual US/Cdn citizen living in the US can/will be asked to present proof of US residency status upon entering Canada with a Canadian passport. By only using US passport, a dual US/Cdn citizen avoids this situation.
Considering they currently loose money on producing the 5 year passport, it's almost certain they will increase fees for the new 10 year e-passport.

Even if they don't increase the fees, they still benefit by changing to a 10-year passport because that would mean losing less money! :D
Cost may be an issue. A Canadian passport costs $100 and is only good for 5 years compared with US passport that is good for 10.
Also, a dual US/Cdn citizen living in the US can/will be asked to present proof of US residency status upon entering Canada with a Canadian passport. By only using US passport, a dual US/Cdn citizen avoids this situation.
Somehow, it seems to me that the reasons that you listed - while valid and understandable - are not why they choose to use foreign passport to enter the country of citizenship. Most Canadians who were confused on this board had valid passports and did not worry about customs, yet they chose to use the US passport because they thought that since they are American now, they need to use the US passports everywhere. Sometimes, I wish Canada would grow a pair and start cracking down on its own citizens using foreign passports at the POE.
I don't see it as a problem that countries admit their citizens when they use foreign documents. I'm glad they're not as strict as the US (and probably many other countries).
You are not the only one baffled here :) I too scratch my head on this one. I proudly declare myself as a Canadian citizen whenever I enter Canada. The bottom line is, as a Canadian it is my RIGHT to enter Canada. If I seek entry as a US citizen, I am seeking a PRIVILEGE, which may or may not be granted. Huge difference!!!

I really do not understand why some dual US/Canadian citizens are hesitant to use their Canadian passport to enter Canada.
You are not the only one baffled here :) I too scratch my head on this one. I proudly declare myself as a Canadian citizen whenever I enter Canada. The bottom line is, as a Canadian it is my RIGHT to enter Canada. If I seek entry as a US citizen, I am seeking a PRIVILEGE, which may or may not be granted. Huge difference!!!

True, it is your right as a citizen, but maybe despite one's use of a foreign passport, the status comes up as CANADIAN CITIZEN, and so one is allowed in as a citizen, and the production of a foreign passport is taken as just showing a form of identification?
My N-400 application is pending for interview(FP done). Can I travel to Mexico on a Cruise while it is pending? Or does it create any issues?
Hmm, the cruise trip will be 3-4 days... what is the requirement for "Continuous Residence"?