Dual citizenship travel related question

Why leave it to chance? Why not use a document that proves your right to enter Canada?

True, it is your right as a citizen, but maybe despite one's use of a foreign passport, the status comes up as CANADIAN CITIZEN, and so one is allowed in as a citizen, and the production of a foreign passport is taken as just showing a form of identification?
Oh, I totally would use a Canadian passport. But, that's me, and that's you. Most people are oblivious to these issues, or just aloof dolts in general, and don't really care, or want to care. So, if the Canadian government makes things easy for the majority of people, then I don't see a problem with that. It probably makes life easier for the CBSA too.

People also want to save money by having only 1 passport. Why get two if you don't have to, right?
So, if the Canadian government makes things easy for the majority of people, then I don't see a problem with that.
Citizenship is really attached to a person, not document that a person carries. A person is either a citizen of a particular country or not a citizen, and if he is a citizen - he needs to use the proper documents to enter and exit that country.

It probably makes life easier for the CBSA too.
By processing more visitors than citizens? I really don't see how.