Data Consolidation Project

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eb2_I485 about SRC01-281

I think this sheet is not complete. Is that correct? Will you have the complete version ?
Vili about SRC01-281

SRC01-281 is Complete.
I think it was the last day of the SRC 01 series that is why there were very few cases. Infact SRC01-281-50366 is the LAST number.

The complete result for SRC02-085 ( Jan 17, 2002) can be found in the attached file.
June 18, 2001 ND

I have completed full range for June 18, 2001 ND. src01200xxx

Status: Completed
Range: 50000 - 55827 (173 I-485 cases)
Approved:58 (Most recent 7/18/2003)
Resumed: 45
Received: 25
Transferred: 28
Misc: 9
FP Sent: 2
RFE recvd: 6

eb2_I485_RD0901, vili please remove my name from May 11, 2001 ND (SRC01-170). This is a very weird range with so many case status not found. Example: 51200 - 52000 (800 case status not found continously). By the time I figured this out I went crazy and wasted so much of time. Very frustrating !! So lets drop this date from the project. We have someone working on SRC01-171 and 172. So we can concentrate on those.

I will pick up a new date from Feb 01 ND as we don't seem to have any volunteers for that month. If there is a particular date anyone is interested in Feb 01 please let me know.

BTW SRC01-171 and 172 are not complete. Are there any updates to this range or is someone working on this?
No major change in stats for SRC020345XXXX.

One Received status changed to 'RFE sent' on 7/24.

Last ran the macro this morning (7/25)

Total cases: 224

Approved/Completed: 100
Resumed/FP Rcvd: 36
Transferred: 22
Received: 47-1=46
Miscellaneous: 12+1= 13
FP Sent: 1
RFE Sent/Rcvd: 5+1= 6

All the other statistics remain the same as in the updated consolidated xls sheet version 4 (which was updated by me a couple of days ago).

Lets not lose hope. Keep up the good work.
To All

I would like to take up the project for following numbers if no one has already done it.

SRC-01-212-50xxx and SRC-01-258-50xxx

But someone has to guide me how exactly you guys do this data gathering and consolidation.

(Please pardon my ignorance and excuse me for this stupid question)


longGC first start with 01-212xxxx. Just doing an entire range for 1 number will take you about 5 working days. (1000/day x 5). Numbers range from 50000 - 55xxx

After completing this then you can think of moving to the next one. So you are looking at 47 weeks to complete your project :))
You can download the i485.xls for the initial scan and then use i485scan.xls for modified scan. Modified scan only checks for I-485 cases in the worksheet that haven't been approved. You can do a search for both the excel files and download them. Hope this helps.
SRC01-244 and SRC01-254

In the attached fike you can find the contribution from original_07 with two complete days. Great work. I mistyped 244 to 243 in the last post. Please mkae a note of it.
Re: To All

I also recommend longGC to do SRC01-212 as in September and August we have a lot of data already. I have started analyzing the overall picture. The August-September files received too much weight. We need randomness. Therefore the missing month's data will be very important.

Originally posted by longGC
I would like to take up the project for following numbers if no one has already done it.

SRC-01-212-50xxx and SRC-01-258-50xxx

But someone has to guide me how exactly you guys do this data gathering and consolidation.

(Please pardon my ignorance and excuse me for this stupid question)



Would you please post the Excel sheet?
I will take 02 August ? SRC02-244. We need volunteers in
2002 July, August and September. Nobody is working in this range.
Consolidated Data

Hi all - I really appreciate everyone on this forum to contribute to this data collection effort. I have one question though. Does anyone have data for all the cases scanned in one spreadsheet? Has anyone interpreted that data and came to any conclusion?

Thank you very much
i would like to contribute

I would like to contribute to the project
Should i randomly pick the scan list?
Please advice

Welcome to the project. You can pick up any day. Any data will be useful. Of course, your day will be of the most interest of you. Now we need more data in July-Sep 2002, February 02, July 01, April 01,... to have full picture. I am working on August 02 SRC02-244 as well.


Currently we have about 7000 cases for SRC01 and SRC02 ( At the moment we don't have time to consider SRC03, but hopefully we will). I can imagine that this number is around 5-10% of the total cases filed at TSC. We can assume that they are random enough to sample TSC. I will start a macro analysis as soon as I have few more days, especially in the range of July-August 2002, an-April 01. As this thread is devoted only in data consolidation, I will open new thread to discuss about the information we can extract from the data for those who are interested.
I had some comments about the trends before on this thread and the thread Order Pattern at TSC. Any idea will be welcomed as my brain is limited. I think we should start analyzing data, as
it will give feedback to the data collections, for instance, which month and which day we should focus to have an objective view or whether we have to go to SRC03 to have better comparision.

At the moment our data are concentrated in August-Sep 01 and
March-May 02. It is also OK as the average changes will reflect the changes during 7-9 months.
Vesrion 5 Zipped Sheet

Hello All,

Attached is the Consolidated_V5 zipped file. (128K).

The sheet has 37 days of data (i.e SRC numbers). I kindly request everybody that when they upload their sheet at least the name of the SHEET should indicate which days data it has. (some people have just generic names: I485sacn ).

Also I noticed that some people are getting frustrated because there has been NO recent approvals form TSC .... please do not lose hope we must carry on collecting data.

Also to all those who are "PASSIVE" viewers to this FORUM please try to participate and help in collecting the data ==> If anybody has any problems or does not know how to do this please post your questions and lot of members will be willing to help. Please DO NOT worry about INS coming after you or YOUR case being denied if you do a scan or something .... It has never happened. All I can say is insted of being a SILENT observer please try to contribute. (The INS has a scan limit of 1000 cases per IP we can only do as much) ==> However if more people contribute we can collect a significant data.

Also I will try to update the formulas in the summary sheet is time consuming but I will do this :)))
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well said

I think not knowing how to run is a weak excuse. this is asimple spreadsheet and any one can run it if you want to
Version 6 (with Updated Formulas)

Hello ALL,

Finally I have updated the formulas in the "SUMMARY" Sheet.

BUT AGAIN we need more & COMPLETE data to be more "ANALYTICAL".

Attached is the VERSION 6 consolidated ZIP file (158K)

The summary sheet has provided a very good overview of what TSC is doing. One can easily see which cases (SRC #) have been approved in the say LAST 2 months, which cases TSC has NOT touched (approved) for x months etc etc.
Thanks EB2_I485. Your file will be very helpful. I would like to see
when someone posted a Consolidate File, he/she should point out what are new things as compared to the previous version.

Version_v7: ( I am sorry that I don't know where the zipping utility on my XP Windows).

New featute: SRC02-244 ( August 12, 2002)
Limitation: I don't know how to update the Summary.
Good & Bad News

I took the previous version and noted the file given by MAY01 for
SRC01-050. The ND is 6th Dec 2000.
May01 had posted abt 20-25 cases from this date.
I have scaaned this further and found 20 more cases.
My scan has stopped at SRC01050529xx since I have run out of hits for today but I will continue later.

The Good news is this is ND of Dec 2000 and most cases have got Approved.
1 case which was RECEIVED as per May01, has got approved in today's scan on 7/8/03.
The Bad news is there is stll 1 RECEIVED in this 43.
I guess until this unfortunate guy from Dec 2000 gets approved, TSC will maintain its offical processing time of Dec 2000..:-(
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