Data Consolidation Project

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Tombaan Result

I tried to run in the range 55XXX-56XXX for you. In fact, I have reached the boundary very soon. In that range we have only two more cases, and I believe you already have it. So your result is complete.

I am also blocked now :-((
Missing results

I am also consolidating the data into monthly files.
As compared with eb2's table I still miss the following results:

1. SRC156 vkalya
2. SRC01-21? ( June ? , 2001) tscnd, in progress, range:???,
3. SRC01-251 ( August ???, 2001) muse, status:???, range:???, post:???
4. SRC01-253 ( August 25, 2001) plasticcard, status: ???, range: ???, post: ???
5. SRC02-032 (Nov 08, 2001) jxg1999, completed, ranged 53000 - 54000, post: ???.
6. SRC02-034 (Nov 10, 2001) jaysee, completed, fullday, post: ???.

Vili I was able to run a 1000 more cases today morning for SRC01-200. I am blocked out for the rest of the day today. Will continue again tomorrow.

So eb2 please update this info.

src01200 In progress
Range: 51000 - 54500 (3500 cases completed so far)

i have tried after two days but it still blocks me even before starting out. Did anyone else experience the same problem?

Excel gurus ??

Guys, I have been trying to complete SRC02-096 and start finding
I have found few more cases in SRC02-096, just 7 more what I had previously submitted after i scanned 3000 cases more.
So far, on SRC01-075, I found not a single 485 case from 50000 to 52499.
I am running the macro unattended for 100 or 500 or 1000 numbers and actually I think I am hiting an invalid SRCs sequence and then getting blocked out. Its been frustrating.

I wish the excel gurus in this forum, come forward so we could tweek the macro. where is Dinnu ?
I was thinking that the macro would create a text logfile which has results of all the scan. And the logfile can be overwritten next time when you run.
This logfile would then tell us exactly in your scan where you hit an invalid range, so next time you want to start your scan with a different range & not hot this invalid range.
Otherwise, I might take a shot at tweeking the macro, and will post it here if successful.
goastros and villi


Once this population is complete, is there anyway to run only for those numbers present on the sheet? which would those not hit the 1000 limit? I am sure there is no 1000 485 cases on anygiven day?

This will enable each one of us to track the changes once our population census is complete
anyway could finish another 1000 today. i still couldnot do 55000-56000 for 02-182. villi if you have completed that range could you post it here or email me at

data done till now- for may 24,02

Approved 10
Card ordered 13
FP recvd 6
FP sent 3
Mailed directly 2
Received 180
Resumed 18
RFE recvd 2
RFE sent 3
Transferred 15
Grand Total 252
Modified Scan

Why don't you use the ModifiedScan for the "next times". You won't be blocked when you run the same day again.

As I said I tried to run the 55000-56000 range for you. But I hit the boundary very soon. Essentially, only two cases were found. I saw those two in your Excel sheet already. Therefore, I believe your result is completed. You don't have to do anything with the posted file.
Blocked out

After being blocked out, if I continue after 8-10 hours it will be OK.
I think you tried the same range, hiiting the boundary and are blocked out becuase too many invalid inquiries.

This is a very strange day. Extreely low rate of approval. However,
the 2003 touching frequency is not bad. I guess this date will catch up soon.

To have a better average picture about the month of January 2002 I start doing SRC02-085.
Can you guys...

If you want to do couple more days but don't have any preference to choose, please go to the months where nobody takes care of.
Villi , you are just blocked for 8-10 hours ?
Are you on dial-up, villi? and if so, do you know, if you get a new IP everytime to connect.

I too see behaviour like tombaan where I am blocked at times for more than 24 hours.
Re: Missing results

Originally posted by vili
I am also consolidating the data into monthly files.
As compared with eb2's table I still miss the following results:

1. SRC156 vkalya
2. SRC01-21? ( June ? , 2001) tscnd, in progress, range:???,
3. SRC01-251 ( August ???, 2001) muse, status:???, range:???, post:???
4. SRC01-253 ( August 25, 2001) plasticcard, status: ???, range: ???, post: ???
5. SRC02-032 (Nov 08, 2001) jxg1999, completed, ranged 53000 - 54000, post: ???.
6. SRC02-034 (Nov 10, 2001) jaysee, completed, fullday, post: ???.

i posted my result at page 6 if this post, did you see it?
Blocked out

I am blocked out in the morning, but I am OK now.
I am using the same ISP.
Consolidated File V2

Hello all,

I am attaching the consolidated file version 2, It has about 20 sheets of scan data + 1 Summary sheet.
The formulas in the summary sheet have to be updated. ( can somebody do this ?)

It has all data posted till today. so for future please use this sheet to post data.
Results for 485 ND 03Jan2002 (SRC02-0745XXXX).

Approved 23 12.99%
Resumed 32 17.88%
FP sent 65 36.31%
Transferred 15 8.38%
Received 42 23.73%
Misc 2 1.12%
Total 179 100.00%

Note only two the approvals were in 2003 (on 7-16-03).
Cases were much younger than those of 2001, but still long enough...
Here is a update for SRC01210 - June 29,2001
Date Checked 7/22/2003
Approved/Completed 84
FP sent 2
Misc 11
Received 26
Resumed/FP recvd 36
RFE recvd 2
Transferred 10
RFE sent 1
Total 172
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