Data Consolidation Project

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Aug22_01 can you run the excel macro either for your ND or track some other date during marc/april/may 01?? This will help us in the data colsolidation efforts. Thanks

Please see earlier posts/other threads for the excel macro.
Data Sheets


It really difficult to follow on eb2 compilation. At the moment I am collecting the monthly sheets ( I put the data of one month in one file, one day on one sheet).

However, I have quite few results as compared to eb2' table.
Please, also indicate the status: "complete" or "in progress".
Also, we should indicate the commitment: "whole day" or "range between 5XXXX-5YYYY". Those who completed please post the link where the results are posted or say "not posted".

Hi guys:

I have the following compilation of our project. I have introduce
few more attributes for each item with the following format.

SRCXX-XXX ( Date) author, status, range, post

Status: "completed" or "in progress".
Range: "full day" or "5XXXX-5XXXX" the range that the author commits to do, so that we can add effort or not to replicate the work.
Post: "posted" if posted on this thread or on "Order Pattern at TSC".
"not posted" : to be posted.
"will not be posted": the author does not want to post the Excel sheet but only the result.
"truncated" posted or to be posted with truncated version.
< link> posted somewhere else and a link specified.
Those who have ???, please update. If you prefer to do that off-line, please send me an email to

We have a lot of holes, where noone take responsibility. I will take one. We need more volunteers.

Advait's group members: Can you join us by substituting the missing months at least?


SRC01-001 ( October 2, 2000) may1, completed, ranged 51000-514999, posted.


SRC01-050 ( December 6, 2000) may1, completed, ranged 51000-51499, posted




SRC01-135 (March 28, 2001) Vili, completed, Full day, posted.

SRC01-139 (April 3, 2001 ) vzexemp, completed, Ranged 51000-51399, posted.
SRC01-156 ( April ? , 2001) vkalya, in progress, range: ???, not posted.


SRC01-170 ( May 11, 2001) vettipuls, status:???, range:???, post:????.
SRC01-171 ( May 12, 2001) may1, completed, ranged 51000-514XX
SRC01-172 ( May 15, 2001) may1, completed, ranged 51000-51999

SRC01-200 ( June 18, 2001) vettipults, status:???, range:???,post: ???.
SRC01-21? ( June ? , 2001) tscnd, status:in progress, range:???, post:???


SRC01-246 ( August 18, 2001) ukr,status:???, range:????, post: ???.
SRC01-248 ( August 20, 2001) vettipults, status: ???, range:???, post:???
SRC01-251 ( August ???, 2001) muse, status:???, range:???, post:???
SRC01-253 ( August 25, 2001) plasticcard, status: ???, range: ???, post: ???

SRC01-279 (Sep 27, 2001) eb2_I485_RD0901, completed, fullday, post: ???.
SRC01-280 (Sep 28, 2001) eb2_I485_RD0901, completed, fullday, post: ???.
SRC01-281 (Sep 29, 2001) eb2_I485_RD0901, completed, fullday, post: ???.



SRC02-032 (Nov 08, 2001) jxg1999, completed, ranged 53000 - 54000, post: ???.
SRC02-034 (Nov 10, 2001) jaysee, completed, fullday, post: ???.
SRC02-039 (Nov 17, 2001) bajis, status: ???, range: ???, post: ???




SRC02-096 ( February 1, 2002) Goastro, completed, full day, posted.

SRC02-123 ( March 12, 2002) tsc-485-tsr, status: ???, range: ???, post: ???.
SRC02-131 ( March 22, 2002) author: ???, completed, full day, posted.
SRC02-135 ( March 28, 2002) Vili, completed, Full day, posted.

SRC02-142 ( April 8, 2002) easthorn1, completed, full day, posted.

SRC02-160 ( May 2, 2002) Manolacho, in progress, full day, will post.
SRC02-176 ( May 17, 2002) Goastros, completed, Full day, posted.
SRC02-18X ( May 24, 2002) Tombaan, status: ???, range: ???, post: ???
SRC02-185 ( May 30, 2002) h12gc, completed, full day, posted.

SRC02-208 ( June 25, 2002) author: ???, completed, Ranged 55600-55699, posted.

July and After:

You posted a wrong date for my range as SRC02-160 ( May 2, 2002). This is incorrect.

The correct date for SRC02-160 is ( April 29, 2002). Please see my message above.

I still have to run the last 1000 numbers (already reach the cuota for today) and will post the results and attach the sheet tomorrow. On Monday I'll start with new set of data.

We do have March 28, 2001. In fact only very few untouched remain. The touching frequency looks good for those. If possible, I would need early March data to confirm my belief.
No way we can talk about sequential processing. The trend is the earlier yo file you have more chance to be approved earlier, but that is not true for an individual file ( even for a particular day). I am working on January 4, 2002. Surprisingly very few cases are approved. Approval rate is significantly lower than later days. That why we have to average out by monthly distribution.
However, the 2003 touching rate is not bad even for that date.


Sorry, I will update your date.


Is there any suggestion that we can have more data? Looking on the downloading times for posted data, we got a real interest, but we definitely need more volunteers.
src01_251_54xxx July 19

01-251 is for ND Aug 23,01
Below is the results for 54xxx at July 19

I am running the scan for SRC01-075.
So far i have run it from 50000 to 51499.
Not a single 485 case ??
I left it running unattended last night.
SRC02-075 and more data

We are really heading in delivery. Thanks for running SRC01-075. I guess you want to support the work with SRC02-075.

I finished up to 54000 already. At the low range I also found very few cases. However, when I went to higher range, quite a lot of cases were found ( 165)

The day seems to be a dark day for I-485 filers, with EXTREEMELY low rate of approval ( 1-2%). However, a lot of FP has issued in February and two cases were approved quite recently on July 17, 2003 ( in total 3/165). It seems to me that BCIS is trying to speed up this day.

Let me finish the data collection before telling more.
Advait sent me his data, however, I don't know whether his group
agrees to publish it or not. I will check or I will try draw conclusion from that data and publish the final result.

However, he has very few complete full day data and we know most of his data already. The rest of his data is very fragmented. Some data sheets has only 50 number range containing 5-10 cases. I don't know what to do with those. The most valuable is a SRC03 file.
vili & goastros,

I have completed scanning the SRC02-160 range.

The results are:


Approved/Completed Count 70 (23%)
FP sent Count 7 (2%)
Misc Count 7 (2%)
Received Count 94 (33%)
Resumed/FP recvd Count 94 (32%)
RFE recvd Count 4 (1%)
RFE sent Count 1 (0%)
Transferred Count 21 (7%)
Grand Count 298

Time Distribution:
2003 05:1, 03:3, 01:3
2002 11:7, 10:10, 09:17, 08:20, 07:9

FP resumed:
2003 07:4, 06:35, 05:19, 04:19, 01:2
2002 12:2, 09:1, 07:4, 06:8

Number of Processing’s in 2003:
FP Sent:6
FP resumed:79
TOTAL:99 (51.3% )

I’ll start with new scanning tomorrow and will let you know the number. I want to try my co-worker’s number, which I have at the office.
I heard from 3 people that the more you enquire about case status the longer it takes to approve the case.

Is this true? Will there be any repurcursions because of our data search and posting?
My results so far

Here is what I have done so far.

Range: Full day 50,000 - 55499
Status: Completed
Posted: Posted here

335 Total Cases
Approved completed-138 (6 in 2003 most recent being 5/13/2003)
Rest of the details in the attachment

Range: 51,000 - 53500 (2500 Cases)
Status: In progress
Posted: Posted here

112 Total cases
Approved completed - 40 (1 in 2003 most recent being 7/18/2003)
Rest of the details in the attachment

I will continue to work on SRC01-200. After that I will continue working on SRC01-170
Some Observations

If you look at the file that I have uploaded there has been a approval on 7/18/2003 for ND June 18, 2003. This is good news if it is employment based filing. Also if you look at the file that muse had uploaded for ND Aug 23, 2001 there were 4 cases that were approved on 7/16/2003. 1 more case was approved on 7/1/2003 and 1 on 06/26/2003. So looks like we have something to cheer about.

vzexemp there is no way they can be tracking who is enquiring how many times. They can't seem to find the time to do what they are supposed to be doing. So lets forget them doing something on top of their regular duties.
Wonderful job.
If that is true some bad guys can bombard your ND with a lot of querries and delay your approval. I don't think so. Or they can identify your case from your IP address? If they don't have anything to do and want to toy with TCP/IP. It is not likely.
July approvals, good news

I am glad that few July approvals were discovered by our project.
( I saw 2 July 17, 2203 and Vettipults saw 1 July 18, 2003)
Although we see a small number because our samples are very tiny compared to the whole pool of I-485's, it suggests that some activities are there ( new wave following the FPs' wave as we saw in 2002 pattern???).
Hello All,

Finally I have completed the SRC 281, 280 & 279. I am posting the results here.

Vili,vettipuls and other members I have been collecting various excel files and will consolidate them soon. I wanted to first post my results and also propose a "SUMMARY' analysis for the data.

In order to get a quick and complete overview for all days I have split the approvals based on month. It was difficult to get the excel formula to count the Approved cases for a particular month, I came up with some complex !! formula (Please if we have a excel guru on our board we need some help to count the cases ).

Please take a look at the "SUMMARY" sheet in the attached file and give your comments how we can make this easy to use and manipulate.

This is just a draft version , if we are fine with this we can add more columns e.g %, RECEIVED, FP , TRANSFERED etc.

To add more days we can just add more sheets and link the appropriate equations. PLEASE only add your sheet if it has the SCAN for the "COMPLETE" day.
Whenever somebody adds a sheet (or replaces a sheet with a latest scan) they should uplaod it and increment the version number, so that we know which is the latest one.

I am naming this file consolidated_v1.

can some run for me 55000-56000 for 02-182. Inspite of running after two days the system tells me that i have done to many inquiries?
have they changed something?:mad:
here is my analysis so far . i have added to the same sheet. i havenot still completeed 55000 to whatever the last number is. dont know what is wrong
vili & goastros,

I have completed scanning the SRC02-160 range. I forgot to attach the Excel Sheet in the previous message.

The results are:


Approved/Completed Count 70 (23%)
FP sent Count 7 (2%)
Misc Count 7 (2%)
Received Count 94 (33%)
Resumed/FP recvd Count 94 (32%)
RFE recvd Count 4 (1%)
RFE sent Count 1 (0%)
Transferred Count 21 (7%)
Grand Count 298

Time Distribution:
2003 05:1, 03:3, 01:3
2002 11:7, 10:10, 09:17, 08:20, 07:9

FP resumed:
2003 07:4, 06:35, 05:19, 04:19, 01:2
2002 12:2, 09:1, 07:4, 06:8

Number of Processing’s in 2003:
FP Sent:6
FP resumed:79
TOTAL:99 (51.3% )
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