Data Consolidation Project

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vzexemp,jaycee, eb2_I485_RD0901 - here's the macro which does not scan the approved cases again.

Also, Dinnu on this forum had earlier modified the macro, so we need to tweek the macro lil bit, we can seek his help.
Modified Scan

Here is the Excel files with ModifiedScan macro in it. ( And 2 more Scan485 and MakeChart). They all work fine.
Balaji migh have used a Excel file with many wild cards or invalid case numbers in it. I had got such problem and was blocked for few days. Please use the fresh file if you encounter such problem.

For the first time you should use Scan and put them in different sheets. As the running macro always generate the sheet like SRC02-135, you can rename after one run ( usually 1000 cases a day is the safest limit) to SRC02-13550XXX or SRC0213555XXX.

After you have run the full day data ( when you see a lot of consecutive invalid case number, please stop otherwise you will be blocked for few days and you have reached the boundary of the day), you can merge all the sheets into SRC02-135 and delete other sheets.

From then on, you can run ModifiedScan, which checks only the unapproved cases on the SRC02-135 sheet.

If you want to keep the SRC numbers secret ( in my opinion it is nonsense to do so), you can post the statistics by running Makechart and post the statistics you find on the data sheet together with percentage given on the chart. For my analysis, please post also the following info

Stat for approval:
July 2003: 10 March 2003 : 1 November 2002 :100

Stat of FP sent
May 2003: 4 July 2002 : 20

Stat of FP resumed/received


Monthly statistics of each cases. For more informations please look at the thread "Order pattern at TSC".

Range of SRC for one day


I have run for the whole day as described in the previous message. It took me 5-6 days to find the upper boundary is SRC02-1355556 or so as after that the SRC numbers are not valid any more. Now I have full day data for SRC02-135. I believe Goastros has it for SRC02-176 too. As we want to say something about time dependence, the full day data is important as we know for sure there is a queue ( the fisrt one) all these files will pass through on the same day. After that they will go to different paths to reach the final approval. We want to find down how those paths are organised or whether it is true that some guy in TSC throws dice to choose the file to process :))


Can you tell us the range of SRC you have run so we can complete you results if necessary? I guess you alway run from 51000-51XXX ?
Updated List

Hello All,

The inputs from all have been very good.
I will continue to update the list as more members share the load.

Also if somebody has a total # of 485 cases for a particular day, please add it to the post , it will provide useful information.

SRC01-001 may01
SRC01-050 may01
SRC01-135 vili
SRC01-139 vzexemp
SRC01-156 vkalya
SRC01-171 may01
SRC01-172 may01
SRC01-246 ukr
SRC01-248 (AUG 20, 2001) vettipuls
SRC01-248 (AUG 20, 2001) goastros
SRC01-251 muse
SRC01-279 (Sep 27, 2001) eb2_I485_RD0901
SRC01-280 (Sep 28, 2001) eb2_I485_RD0901
SRC01-281 (Sep 29, 2001) eb2_I485_RD0901
SRC01-xxx (JUN 29, 2001) tscnd
SRC02-034 (Nov 10, 2001) jaysee
SRC02-039 bajis
SRC02-096 (FEB 01, 2002) goastros
SRC02-123 (Mar 12, 2002) tsc-485-tsr
SRC02-135 vili
SRC02-160 Manolacho
SRC02-176 (May 17, 2002) goastros
Request to Dinnu

Can somebody ask Dinnu ( I suppose he does not read this thread) to modify the Makechart macro or add one more macro to collect time distributions ( for each month) for the approvals, sent FP's, resumed FP's ?

If so we don't need Excel sheets from Advait group, only statistics. Advait seems not to be willing to provide the Excel sheets with SRC.
Aug 20, 2001

Can someone please run for me the range SRC01248 55000-55499 (499 numbers). This is the max for this SRC. I am trying to get the list for this entire day. Ran yesteday and today and it shut me out. So if someone can please run this range for me and email me the results to I would appreciate it. I will upload the master file after that.

I run 51000 to 51500.
I think i had it for four days (0050, 0100, 0171, 0172).
Could never do for 0150.
Just now i finished scanning.
These are the results.
Few unlucky people like me are waiting while most others are approved in this range. Iwill attach the results soon.

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CSC & project Kashmir

The CSC folks started on this 'project kashmir' in April and are doing similar collection of data & its analysis.
This thread is though 57 pages long & growing.

The Awesome Guy behind this , Kashmir has writen Java programs .
We could use some of his ideas here.
If anyone else can read thru that thread and suggest some ideas?

Kashmir's process -
1st step -
java program to collect SRC numbers & the statuses.

2nd step
Java program to compute the statistics.

% wc -l wac02046-i485.txt
513 wac02046-i485.txt
% cat wac02046-i485.txt | java -jar > wac02046-i485-raw-20030406.tsv
% cat wac02046-i485-raw-20030406.tsv | java -jar
Approved/Completed ... 224 (44%)
Transferred .......... 36 ( 7%)
RFE Received ......... 32 ( 6%)
RFE Sent ............. 9 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 140 (27%)
FP Sent .............. 8 ( 2%)
Received ............. 53 (10%)
Denied/Withdrawn ..... 4 ( 1%)
Misc ................. 7 ( 1%)
Total ................ 513

Now we are already having the Excel Macros - 1485Scan & Makechart do these 2 steps.

Kashmir's output is in a text format whereas the we have similar data in excel. Do we prefer to have the output in text format, so further analysis or storing in a particular output becomes easier?
what do rest fo you guys suggest?
SRC-02-039 (ND: 11/17/2001) Stats

I ignored all Approved cases.

Received - 35%
Resumed - 38%
Transferred - 17%

Since I last scanned (a month ago), the only change was that some "Received" guy became "Resumed"! Good for him/her.
Can some body tell us how many cases were approved around RD Apr 2001? or SRC 01 156 xxxxx? Thanks.

I heard somewhere that you should do 5XXXX for Employment based I-485. So you may not be interested in doing something like 0150.
Vzexemp and Balajis


I see that you have the result only for 51XXX. We can guess your SRC easily :))

Yes, I think alot of early 01 cases are aproved ( mostly in the last summer). My incomplete result of SRC01-135 ( March 28, just couple days before April) shows 71% have been approved but only 2 cases are approved this year. Only 10% left as "received"
( untouched). I think if you missed the last year's waves of FP and approval, you will stay awhile.


Do you have the result for approved cases ? I would like to examine the time distribution of approvals. We want to calculate
the average time for approvals and its changes.

Great works.
EastHorn1's work

I have merged the sheets in EastHorn1's Excel result file and attached here for our later use. I also add the ModifiedScan to it as he/she does not have that macro in his file.

I have analyzed it and find this as a very interesting result. This day is touched the most in 2003 among the files I have seen. 33 cases ( 35%) have been touched in 2003. Especially, one case was approved in January, when we think that there is a blank desert. Actually, TSC did work on I-485 in that period, but only very moderately. So we can be optimistic that TSC is really working in 2003 although less effectively than in 2002.

As compared to the earlier file SRC02-135 ( read on another thread), SRC02-142 has a very high rate of approvals ( 32%) ( You are lucky man EastHorn :))


Approved/Completed Count 30 (32%)
FP sent Count 3 (3%)
Received Count 30 (32%)
Resumed/FP recvd Count 25 (27%)
RFE sent Count 1 (1%)
Transferred Count 5 (5%)
Grand Count 94

Time distribution:
7/03 : 1 5/03: 2 4/03: 4 3/03: 1 1/03 : 1 11/02: 10/02: 6 9/02: 3
8/02 : 4 7/02: 7
FP resumed:
06/03 : 9 05/03: 5 04/03 : 5 2/03 : 1
06/02 : 5
FP sent:
06/03 : 2 05/03 : 1
RFE sent
04/03 : 1
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