Dallas TX - N-400 Timeline -

What is the cut off time for the same day oath ? I have an interview at 10:30 and my spouse has it at 11am, Can we make a request for a same day interview ?

As part of the interview letter, I got a separate yellow letter requesting state driver id ? Is this normal ?

Also I am traveling outside the country on 8/26. Do you all think, if i could get the oath/US Passport and Indian Visa in time for the travel.

Anyone has similar experience ?

N-400/ DO : Dallas

04/20/09 : N-400 Mailed to Lewisville, TX
04/27/09 : NOA Received
04/29/09 : FP Notice Date
05/05/09 : FP Notice Received
05/16/09 : FP Date
06/13/09 : Interview Letter recd (dated 6/9)
07/21/09 : Interview Date.
xx/xx/xx : Oath Letter.
xx/xx/xx : Oath Date.
What is the cut off time for the same day oath ? I have an interview at 10:30 and my spouse has it at 11am, Can we make a request for a same day interview ?
No guarantee for your wife but you are close. Cut off is at 11:30 but normally you don't get called up for interview exactly at your appointment time. If it is not crowded and if they are running ahead of schedule, then you both may have chance to get it done by 11:30 but don't keep high hopes yet.

As part of the interview letter, I got a separate yellow letter requesting state driver id ? Is this normal ?

Normal (After all, you won't be driving into the interview without the driver license.) And also take SS card too just in case if the IO asks for it.

Also I am traveling outside the country on 8/26. Do you all think, if i could get the oath/US Passport and Indian Visa in time for the travel.

If you both of you get oath done same day, then it is possible to get everything done by 8/26. But you will have drive to Houston to get US passport (same day service if you have your Flight tickets handy and travel is with in 2 weeks) and then stay over night to apply for Indian visa at the third party location in Houston.It is stretching a bit but if you know what to do and have a plan with all the necessary things...then it is possible..getting all done depends on your preparedness... so x ur fingers.

Anyone has similar experience ?

N-400/ DO : Dallas

04/20/09 : N-400 Mailed to Lewisville, TX
04/27/09 : NOA Received
04/29/09 : FP Notice Date
05/05/09 : FP Notice Received
05/16/09 : FP Date
06/13/09 : Interview Letter recd (dated 6/9)
07/21/09 : Interview Date.
xx/xx/xx : Oath Letter.
xx/xx/xx : Oath Date.

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Thanks for your response Milk. If we are not able to make it for the same day interview, What is the general turn around for an oath date in # of days at Dallas DO ?

And what is the general expected # of days between oath letter and oath date in Dallas DO ?

Can we request a postponement in oath date in case if we are in the country ?

I am worried since I have to leave the country 26Aug-10Sep.

N-400/ DO : Dallas

04/20/09 : N-400 Mailed to Lewisville, TX
04/27/09 : NOA Received
04/29/09 : FP Notice Date
05/05/09 : FP Notice Received
05/16/09 : FP Date
06/13/09 : Interview Letter recd (dated 6/9)
07/21/09 : Interview Date.
xx/xx/xx : Oath Letter.
xx/xx/xx : Oath Date.
Thanks for your response Milk. If we are not able to make it for the same day interview, What is the general turn around for an oath date in # of days at Dallas DO ?
Tell me about it :) I am waiting for the oath letter and oath date :D:D as I couldn't make it to the same day oath. But at this moment, I am guessing Oath Date would be with in 4-6 weeks since interview date

And what is the general expected # of days between oath letter and oath date in Dallas DO ?

I will let you know once I get my OL and OD :D My guesstimate is 2 weeks at the most between OL and OD

Can we request a postponement in oath date in case if we are in the country
Yes. Check with your interviewing officer and put in a request right there to schedule oath after your return to US incase you don't make it to the same day oath
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Milk and other gurus:

We received the letters for Interview. It is scheduled for 7:30 AM. Does it mean we stand a better chance for Oath on same day?

Is there anything we need study for interview?

N-400 Applied: 2/16/09
N-400 Priority date: 2/18/09
FP Notice revied : 3/14
Orginal FP notice data: 3/18
Missed the FP appointment
Request to re-schedule the appointment response lost by USCIS
Infopass appt in Irving - 5/8
new FP date: 5/28
FP: 5/28
Letter for Interview received: 6/13
Interview Date: 7/20 7:30 AM
Milk and other gurus:

We received the letters for Interview. It is scheduled for 7:30 AM. Does it mean we stand a better chance for Oath on same day?

Is there anything we need study for interview?

If your case is straight forward with no strings attached (like citations/too many trips etc), you will definitely get the same day oath at 1:30 PM barring any system failures or some other issues. Be prepared to apply for US passport later in the evening. Lot of post offices now require an appointment. Check with your area post office. The Irving main post office doesn't need an appointment but usually it is crowded.

The interview is very simple...Questions straight from the study guide..nothing to worry...you can go there half hour early.
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Thanks. How about applying passport in Houston Regional Center


Thanks for your input. As far as applying passport goes, I am considering applying it in person in Houston. I was told that we can get passport the same day. I have ailing parents back home (in India) and cannot take chance with potential travel delays (becuase of passport process).

I travel to Houston everyweek and was hoping to get passport on day 2 (from oath) and apply Indian visa (along with OCI) on day 2 or latest day 3.

Any thoughts?


If your case is straight forward with no strings attached (like citations/too many trips etc), you will definitely get the same day oath at 1:30 PM barring any system failures or some other issues. Be prepared to apply for US passport later in the evening. Lot of post offices now require an appointment. Check with your area post office. The Irving main post office doesn't need an appointment but usually it is crowded.

The interview is very simple...Questions straight from the study guide..nothing to worry...you can go there half hour early.

Thanks for your input. As far as applying passport goes, I am considering applying it in person in Houston. I was told that we can get passport the same day. I have ailing parents back home (in India) and cannot take chance with potential travel delays (becuase of passport process).

I travel to Houston everyweek and was hoping to get passport on day 2 (from oath) and apply Indian visa (along with OCI) on day 2 or latest day 3.

Any thoughts?


It is possible if you have flight tickets in hand and travel date is within 2 weeks on the day you go to passport agency in Houston.

Go thro' http://www.cgihouston.org/ site for visa. They outsourced the visas handling to third party..you can not just go to Indian consulate in Houston and apply for visa. But you should be able to get it quickly. Not sure whether you can get it on same day or not.
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Yes ...ceremony will happen everyday twice

Yes ...ceremony will happen everyday twice, once in the morning 8 clock and another around 1 clock pm...If you are done with your Interview before 11.30 AM you may get same day OATH ...

Otherwise you need to wait from3 to 5 weeks...

Good luck

Does Dallas perform an oath ceremony daily? Or is there a schedule that can be viewed online somewhere? I'm just curious.
Hi, I have been following this forum for a couple of years now and now I am finally processing my citizenship.:D

I have a question: I read that a couple people got their interview before their actual anniversary date of gaining LPR. If this should happen to me (90% sure that it will) do I need to call USCIS and reshedule for an interview after my anniversary date or do I just need to keep the appointment?

Hi, I have been following this forum for a couple of years now and now I am finally processing my citizenship.:D

I have a question: I read that a couple people got their interview before their actual anniversary date of gaining LPR. If this should happen to me (90% sure that it will) do I need to call USCIS and reshedule for an interview after my anniversary date or do I just need to keep the appointment?


It depends on how much risk that you want to take. There are couple of incidents where people got denied because their interview happened before 5th yr anniversary and there are people who got no issues with the interview as the oath date is the crucial one that has to be after 5 yr LPR. Since Dallas is doing the same day oaths, your risk is higher.

If the interviewing officer is smart enough and notices your not-completion of 5yr LPR, he/she could :

Deny your citizenship application and ask you to apply again


Approve and ask you to wait for Oath letter as you haven't finished your 5yr


Ask you to reschedule (this option hasn't happened to my knowledge)

So if you are off by several days..best thing (my 2cents though) is to call immediately as soon as you receive IL and ask for reschedule. By calling immediately after you get IL makes sure that your rescheduled interview date will not be far off from the original.
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Hi, I have been following this forum for a couple of years now and now I am finally processing my citizenship.:D

I have a question: I read that a couple people got their interview before their actual anniversary date of gaining LPR. If this should happen to me (90% sure that it will) do I need to call USCIS and reshedule for an interview after my anniversary date or do I just need to keep the appointment?


Either the IO will allow it but make your oath after LPR anniversary, reschedule the interview altogether, or (very rare) deny your application based on interview before anniversary date.
Hey guys,
I have an issue and wanted to see if you are kind enough to help me. I had my interview on March 16th. It has been over 3 months now since my interview. I had a simple Misdemeanor charge on my case which I was told it should not affect the end result at all. But I have not recieved my oath letter yet. What should i do? is this normal? anyone out there like me?

I appreciate your help with this.
Hi guys,

I have a question for the Dallas people who had their interviews. I am a little confused in regards to the pp pictures we need to include with our N400. I read 2 sets of different instructions. One stated to include passport pictures and write your name and a# on the back. The other set of instructions stated to send in pictures that has a white margin on the bottom so you can sign your name on the front of the picture. I went to get my pp pictures taken and they said they do not do pp pictures with a white margin on the bottom.

What have the IO asked for during the interviews????
I had interview today at 11:00 and it actually started 20 minutes late at 11:20. By the time I was done it was 11:40 and late for the same day oath.

I asked the IO how long it will take for oath and she said 3 to 4 weeks for actual oath not oath letter.I verified this with her again. So if she is right you should be getting atleast the oath letter some time soon to meet the 3 to 4 weeks timeline of actual oath.

03/25/09 : N-400 Mailed to Lewisville, TX
03/27/09 : Received Date
03/27/09 : Priority Date.
04/08/09 : Notice Date.
04/10/09 : NOA Received
04/25/09 : FP Notice Date
04/13/09 : FP Notice Received
04/25/09 : FP Done
05/16/09: Interview Letter.
06/22/09 : Interview Date.Approved
xx/xx/xx : Oath Letter.
xx/xx/xx : Oath Date.
I had interview today at 11:00 and it actually started 20 minutes late at 11:20. By the time I was done it was 11:40 and late for the same day oath.

I asked the IO how long it will take for oath and she said 3 to 4 weeks for actual oath not oath letter.I verified this with her again. So if she is right you should be getting atleast the oath letter some time soon to meet the 3 to 4 weeks timeline of actual oath.

Thanks for clarifying it with the IO. Its been 2 weeks so far since my interview. If what she said is to be believed, I should get my OL either this week or at the most next week assuming there will be one week gap between OL and OD. I will keep posted.

I called customer service once and met an IO last Thursday at the Irving Bldg using an InfoPass. Both had same answer: in Q for Oath. The old lady IO at the Irving Bldg was very nice but "clueless" :D ..she was not able to give me any more info than the 2nd level IO that I spoke on the phone.

In fact, she used my own words when I told her that it should be faster now as they're doing same day oath and there shouldn't be many people waiting for oath letters.
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Hi, I have been following this forum for a couple of years now and now I am finally processing my citizenship.:D

I have a question: I read that a couple people got their interview before their actual anniversary date of gaining LPR. If this should happen to me (90% sure that it will)

Okay...how can you be ninety percent sure you will get IL before 5YA?
Went for interview today for N400. They were running one hour late. The interview itself was painless and the lady was very professional. Awaiting the oath date. My timeline approx is
applied: 1st week of April 2009
Finger Print: 1st week of May 2009
Interview letter: received mid May 2009 for June 23, 2009
Interview: June 23, 2009
Location was in the Irving, Tx office. its a really nice office. Bring some magazines since they may run late as they did for me.

Thanks, Jimmy for the update..what time was your interview scheduled? and when did it actually happen?