Consular Processing (New Delhi)

Inquiry about Delhi US consulate


My case was sent from NVC to Delhi consulate on 12 June, I wrote a mail to ND consulate on 19 June but no replies.

Is this normal, Is it better to call the consulate? Please let me know all the steps you guys took.

Re: Inquiry about Delhi US consulate

Originally posted by abihitesh

My case was sent from NVC to Delhi consulate on 12 June, I wrote a mail to ND consulate on 19 June but no replies.

Is this normal, Is it better to call the consulate? Please let me know all the steps you guys took.


Your case should have reached US consulate, NEw Delhi by now. It takes a few days to enter into their computer system. Send another e-mail to the Immigration section. If you don't receive any reply within 48 hours, call them by phone.

New Delhi immigrant section URL is listed below.

Successful POE at Chicago

Reached Chicago yesterday at 2:20 PM. Came thru 'Immigrant' queue. Handed over the packet at the counter. It was sent to another official and I followed the person who took it. I was asked to wait near a counter for 'new immigrants'. The officer took 10 mins to go thru the document and called me. Asked me to sign and finger print in two places of a form. Handed over the passport stamped the temporary GC for one year and said that the plastic card will reach by post in 4-6 months.

The processes in consulate and at POE were easier than what I thought !!!


Congartulations for getting your CP process squared away. So was the experience at the New Delhi consulate?

From what I remember you had the opportunity to walk in because of the delay in getting your PCC.

From the recent CPers experience, you should have your plastic card also with in a month.

CpDelhi - Thanks and you are right - I walked in after missing the original date due to delay in PCC. After that everything was so smooth.

I came alone. My wife and kids will come on 15th August. They have separate packets.

Couple of questions come to my mind :

1. Getting my plastic card has any link to their coming here? ( I guess it is independent)

2. Should I have to send any other document for them to prove that I have reached US before them? (I think from computer they can easily verify that I have already reached US)

Originally posted by spp2000
CpDelhi - Thanks and you are right - I walked in after missing the original date due to delay in PCC. After that everything was so smooth.

I came alone. My wife and kids will come on 15th August. They have separate packets.

Couple of questions come to my mind :

1. Getting my plastic card has any link to their coming here? ( I guess it is independent)

No. There is no link between your dependents and your plastic card. You should have your plastic card even before your depedents come to US.

2. Should I have to send any other document for them to prove that I have reached US before them? (I think from computer they can easily verify that I have already reached US)

No. You don't have to send any doc anywhere. Immigration officer on the POE should have all the info in its system.

Just relax and enjoy your post GC experiences.
Called delhi US consulate

called delhi consulate, they have the file, he said you can call in July to know when is my interview in aug.

CPdelhi, when is the good day in july to call US consulate to find about the interview date, I saw last month they were published in 19 th. Is it good to call around 10th of July?

Please share your experience.

Re: Called delhi US consulate

Originally posted by abihitesh
called delhi consulate, they have the file, he said you can call in July to know when is my interview in aug.

CPdelhi, when is the good day in july to call US consulate to find about the interview date, I saw last month they were published in 19 th. Is it good to call around 10th of July?

Please share your experience.


You can call once a week every week to find out the status of your case. Usually the person answering calls in the consulate is the same guy. So he will find out if you call very often and he might get ....

Thanks & Good luck.
recd card today

recd. cards both for myself and my wife today.

POE - 6/02 Minneapolis
Welcome letters - 6/19
Cards - 06/28

Thanks to everbody for making this forum great....

Good luck to everybody.

Re: Congrats SPP2000!

Originally posted by Rajeev Kumar
I knew you would make it. Good thing you used the option of rescheduling your interview within the same month-many people are unaware of this option. Good luck;)

Can someone elaborate...Is this a general DOS
policy (or) done at the discretion of the particular consulate. (what about Chennai?)

PS: how do I post the same msg. under multiple threads. (replies in one thread can't be posted

thanks, newbie user
Re: Re: Congrats SPP2000!

Originally posted by cbeguy
Can someone elaborate...Is this a general DOS
policy (or) done at the discretion of the particular consulate. (what about Chennai?)

The rescheduling of the interview within a month is basis of some hardship. The hardship reason is evaluated by the consular officer and not the applicant. In the case above, SPP2000 couldn't get the PCC by the CP interview date but expected with a day or two of the interview date. SPP2000 couldn't travel to India for the CP interview without the PCC. Hence the consular officer gave SPP2000 permission to walk in anyday after the actual interview date but before the end of the month.

I don't think any CPer can walk in the consualte any day of the month for his/her interview. This will defeat the whole purpose of the scheduling of the CP interviews as all individual will be there on the first working day of the month, creating a chaos.

PS: how do I post the same msg. under multiple threads. (replies in one thread can't be posted

cbeguy: An individual cannot post the same message under multiple threads at the same time. If the individual does feel necessary that the same message needs to be posted on other threads, than s/he has to insert/update the message in all the desired threads.

thanks, newbie user
Case sent NWD US consulate in June'03

My case was sent from NVC to Delhi consulate on 17 June. When should I be expecting interview dates ?

I am planning a trip to Southeast Asia from July 3rd week for 2 weeks so as to return around Aug 2nd. I would like to have some idea of NWD interview dates, so that I have some time on return to US to prepare for documents and book flights to India. Another option I am considering is to stop over in SE Asia for 2 weeks before going to NWD, however I am not sure whether that's the good option as I may not have all docs in hand so much in advance

Since I don't know the interview dates, it's difficult to schedule and buy the tickets for the prior trip. Please advise what should I do.

And, shall I prepare all the documents, like employment letter and tax transcripts etc now or wait until I get to know the interview dates. I have birth certificate and I got PCC issued in Oct'02 from Indian consulate and as it's more than 6 months old, I will be applying for a new one. Since my passport was issued by the same consulate, I am expecting that will take 1-2 days only. Is there anything else which I should prepare now ?

Re: Case sent NWD US consulate in June'03

Originally posted by reve
My case was sent from NVC to Delhi consulate on 17 June. When should I be expecting interview dates ?
Since your case was sent on 17th June, it would most probably reach after June 20th and it will take few days for US Consulate to enter into thier computer system. SO most probably, you wil have an interview date in September.

I am planning a trip to Southeast Asia from July 3rd week for 2 weeks so as to return around Aug 2nd. I would like to have some idea of NWD interview dates, so that I have some time on return to US to prepare for documents and book flights to India.

I am sure you will have enough time after you get back to US fromyour SE visit. Only PCC takes time to get. SO make sure you either have a PCC or have requested one which will be within the 6 months validity period in Oct (just to be safe).

Another option I am considering is to stop over in SE Asia for 2 weeks before going to NWD, however I am not sure whether that's the good option as I may not have all docs in hand so much in advance.

There is no point going to NWD US consulate before the interview date. They will not entertain the request for CP interview before the scheduled date.

Since I don't know the interview dates, it's difficult to schedule and buy the tickets for the prior trip. Please advise what should I do.

I know everybody goes through this dilemma of planning/buying the trip and essentials. You will have enough time to plan the trip and buy tickets as you will get about a months notice for the interview and you can always request a postponement of the CP interview date.

And, shall I prepare all the documents, like employment letter and tax transcripts etc now or wait until I get to know the interview dates. I have birth certificate and I got PCC issued in Oct'02 from Indian consulate and as it's more than 6 months old, I will be applying for a new one. Since my passport was issued by the same consulate, I am expecting that will take 1-2 days only. Is there anything else which I should prepare now ?

You can prepare all the documents now. It will be better to get Employment letter just before the interview date. Other docs like marriage certificate (if married), correct birth certificate, tax docs, etc can be prepared right now.

Successful CP interview at NWD (Delhi) June 03

First my gratitude to Mr Khanna for maintaining this forum and particularly to all the fellow Cpers for their most valuable advice here!! without this it would have been very difficult....

The Medical:

Took Apt with Dr ms Dawesar 2 weeks prior from the us for 9 am , arrived at the bhikaji cama office to find 10 other people with the same apt time! Most people seem to be elderly sikh immigrants. Filled out forms with 3 photos. Brought proof of blood work showing immunity to MMR , Chickenpox and recent Dt vaccination, this was accepted , hence no shots. After a wait , the doc asked some questions: “have you had tb,malaria disease etc etc”, then exam- heart/lung-full monty-groin check. Then sent for blood tests and xray to Green Park and Jor bagh (both about 15 minutes away), finding this was a struggle since both I and the driver had forgotten much of south delhi.. Blood test lab-very professional and clean (disposable needles etc). Reports next evening. Doc says “everythings fine”, gives sealed xray and medical report.
The interview:

Arrive at embassy 8.15 am for 9am appt. Pass thru tight security, palm device allowed inside, called to window and appt letter is taken at 8.45 am, then wait. Called to window at 12.45 pm for collection of documents. An Indian gentleman-pleasant- 50’s at the window. I see my old I-140 paperwork /old pay stubs submitted at the time of 140 in front of him in a folder. I give him EVL,sealed medical report, PCC,Non Regist birth cert, both parents affidavit for birth cert, Passport,2 immi style photos. All originals plus one copy. He asks for 10 class certif showing birthdate-I give him this. I don’t offer any other documents and he asks for none. He checks off the above on a check list and asks me to wait in the lobby.

At 1 .15 pm, called to window by gora officer- very pleasant – 50’s .
GO: apologises for badly mispronouncing my name, asks for correct pronunciation. Asks questions in this order:
Where is the town xxxxxxxxwhere you work?
What firm do you work for?
What do you do there?
How long have you worked there ?
Raise your right hand blah blah.
“I don’t really have anything else to ask you, I am canceling your H1B, since you will get immig visa, come back at 4.30 pm to collect visa.” This all takes about 2 minutes.

Came back at 4.30, called to window at 5.30 pm, collect visa, check my name and other details.(HIB- Canceled without prejudice)... Out of embassy!

More after POE in mid july.....
Q for cpdelhi/others..

In my hurry, I submitted all original documents and want at least the originals of my non registration birth certificate and my parents affidavit confirming my birth date/place.

1.any thoughts on how i can get this back from the embassy??

I dont think the PCC and EVL has any further value.

2. Should i pack the xray in the luggage or carry it in the hand bag to POE, is it required any further?

Many thanks.
Question to arreosamba about medical

Congrats for the sucess!!

I have a quick question, from where did you Brought proof of blood work showing immunity to MMR , Chickenpox etc. ?
Were did you do all your vaccination?

How much the doctor charged individually?

Appreciate if you can reply.
Re: Q for cpdelhi/others..

Congrats !!!

Originally posted by arreosamba
In my hurry, I submitted all original documents and want at least the originals of my non registration birth certificate and my parents affidavit confirming my birth date/place.

1.any thoughts on how i can get this back from the embassy??

I think you should go and ask them to return the originals as it happened by mistake. First call them on phone and explain your situation, they may send back by post to your local address.

I dont think the PCC and EVL has any further value.

You are right. Still you can keep with you till POE.

2. Should i pack the xray in the luggage or carry it in the hand bag to POE, is it required any further?

Even x-ray is not required. I left it in Delhi. But you may carry with you if you want.

Many thanks.

<<< from where did you Brought proof of blood work showing immunity to MMR , Chickenpox etc. ?>>>

I requested my primary care (in the US) to draw blood work for "antibodies to MMR,chickenpox"- these came back positive proving that i am immune. i carried this test result with me

<<<Were did you do all your vaccination?>>>

Therefore , i only needed tetanus shot, this again i took in the US (and got a letter stating the above to carry to my medical in India)

<<<How much the doctor charged individually?>>>

Doc: Rs 1000 (this is split up as Rs 600 (for doc) + Rs 400 (for blood tests in India ). Doc takes the blood test money so you dont have to pay separately at the blood lab.
Rs 200- paid separately to xray.

hope this helps.