Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

Smiley Legend for USCIS N400 journey:
:D means one big step geeting the Interview Letter and Interview Date scheduled
:D:D means seeing the end of the tunnel passing Interview and receiving Oath Letter
:D:D:D means finally the end of the tunnel finishing Oath ceremony/ becoming USC/ getting passport done

... hamelionche and hlaiki hope you both got your Interview letter in this coming weeks..
here are me and my wife's case details
Received Date - October 25, 2007
Priortiy Date - October 25, 2007
Notice Date - November 28, 2007

Fingerprint Notification
Fingerprint Notification Date - December 07, 2007
Fingerprint Date - January 2, 2008

Naturalization Initial Interview
Received Date - October 25, 2007
Priority Date - October 25, 2007
Notice Date - February 12, 2008
Interview Date - May 8, 2008
Crossed 7 weeks mark yesterday since our interview date (May 8) and still waiting for Oath notice. I think I would agree with chitown08 that IO is probably misguiding the applicants on when to expect the OL. I was told 2 to 4 weeks and my wife was told under 2 weeks.

My friends and fellow N400 journey travellers… the dreaded day finally arrive and go… a bit relieved after seeing the checked ‘x’ on the option a: saying “Congratulation… you are recommended for final approval….” on the N652

The waiting time is quite long as expected, so I wait for almost 2 hours and there are a lot of people… no joking… After the IO called me then I was sworn.
Right away asked me to write one sentence and read one sentence. Then asked 6 exam questions:
-where does President live?
-what colors are our flag?
-what is the name of the ship which brought the pilgrims?
-what is Constitution?
-what is Preamble?
-when does President inaugurated?

After that went over all the questions in N400, including all the Yes/No questions and then asked for greencard, driver license and passport. It was pretty quick about 20-25minutes and then I was handed over the N652 letter. Without even asking, the officer said I would wait for Oath Letter in 2-3weeks…..

Right now I am crossing fingers since I saw so many Chicago applicants are waiting so I am not sure about that 2-3weeks….

Thank you all for your support
Crossed 7 weeks mark yesterday since our interview date (May 8) and still waiting for Oath notice. I think I would agree with chitown08 that IO is probably misguiding the applicants on when to expect the OL. I was told 2 to 4 weeks and my wife was told under 2 weeks.


Samrat.... hangin' there since I am nervous too about the waiting time. There is apparent inconsistency in Chicago DO. Pleasetellmewhy and I were told to wait for 2-3 weeks then you were told 4 weeks and your wife was told under 2weeks. Nandamuru was told 2 months and another filer in another forum Bertrand was told 3 weeks... so the answer is anyday could come... it could be 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 weeks, 2 months, 3 months heck 4 months or else....:eek:

it takes 60 days to 1 yrs depend upon your case everycase is differenet mine to so dont be stress sometime quick some time fast, i guess your oath letter is come in next week or this months defintely iam sure 99.99% but 1% tintoon.
Congrats Chitown08, but for my case im still waiting!!!!
but im kind of getting worried cause i got my FP on 04/15/08 and haven't heard anything ...
i called the fbi as i stated before and they told me that they sent my info to uscis the next day. i called uscis twice the first time they told me that the name check is not done.... the second time they asked me if i had done my finger prints (it's seems like they dont know anything about the case) i explained that i called the fbi and the name check should be done she said that she doesnt see that and that my case is still in nebraska and they are still working on it and havent sent it to chicago for interview.
i dont know what to think anymore, im getting frustrated, so should i worry.... plz help
Congrats Chitown08, but for my case im still waiting!!!!
but im kind of getting worried cause i got my FP on 04/15/08 and haven't heard anything ...
i called the fbi as i stated before and they told me that they sent my info to uscis the next day. i called uscis twice the first time they told me that the name check is not done.... the second time they asked me if i had done my finger prints (it's seems like they dont know anything about the case) i explained that i called the fbi and the name check should be done she said that she doesnt see that and that my case is still in nebraska and they are still working on it and havent sent it to chicago for interview.
i dont know what to think anymore, im getting frustrated, so should i worry.... plz help

Thank you hlaiki.... hope you got your Interview Letter soon...
What I think is that Chicago DO is really jammed this summer... because I saw tonsss of people during interview 2 days ago.
So your Interview Letter maybe delayed because of this.
Since your fingerprinting FP was Apr15, 08 so it was about 2months ago, I would wait a bit longer . Maybe wait for another 1-2 months ... but if it help giving you a peace of mind, you might want to schedule Infopass. However I personally think it is still too early. Unless you work in downtown and you can swing by USCIS building I think it is not worth it to schedule Infopass now and take 1 day off (if you have to arrange a special trip to Congress Pkwy just for Infopass)...

Hangin' there... I am also impatiently waiting for OL ...
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Completed the interview stage by me me and my spouse. we got lucky to get parking in street side in Lasalle St( which is 1 block from USCIS Office). Total parking fee paid =$2 only. That helped in getting Free Lunch( assuming we would have paid 17$)

Entered the building at 940 am for 1005 interview.Incidently both of us were scheduled for sametime . we had both our kids with us . we have given them GBA to spend their time while we go for interview. INfact my spouse was called in at 1015 am, asked the officer if she can bring one of the kid. But she was asked NOT TO bring the kids in the interview room. Luckily for us my interview didnt start until 1045 am, so , my spouse came back by that time. we briefed our kids to be on their own case.

Both cases are very fast and straight. First administered oath, then 6 questions(100%) so not asked rest 4 q's. then writing one sentence and read one sentence(spouse was not even asked that). Then gone over the N400 forms for info and verified. Finally asked to PRINT names(NOT signature) and asked to print names on photos.Announced that we passed and we should expect oath letters in 2-4 weeks for spouse and 4-6 weeks for me.

One imp info, at the reception, we were handed a green slip asking the head of family to fill both our A #'s and time of interview. This is being used to get same OATH day and time together.

Mine it took 16 mins and spouse 20 mins. Its pretty breeze. Also the officer apologised for the delay to me(though its only 30min delay)

There are people waiting for 1+hour too. Also there are some 100 people waiting for the interview during that time. So chicago DO is VERRRRRRRRRRRRY BUSY.

Any Q's...............? waiting for OATH !
Can I bring couple of my family menber to the Oath Ceremony??

Hello All,

Do you know if I could bring couple of my family menbers to the Oath Ceremony in Chicago? Any exprierences of it?

Do you think it will help getting an appt. with infopass and asking where the oath letter is and when i shd expect to receive it. i had my interview on 4/16/08 and they said it would take 2-4 weeks to get the OL.

It's been about 10 weeks now and I still haven't received it. i think its worth mentioning but i am a muslim from pakistan so the name check process could be taking longer.

is there a way to find out whether the FBI has cleared my name check. Also, will getting an appt. at infopass maybe pressurize them to pursue my case?
Filing Date: 07/28/07
OL: n/a
One step closer thumbs up :)

Completed the interview stage by me me and my spouse. we got lucky to get parking in street side in Lasalle St( which is 1 block from USCIS Office). Total parking fee paid =$2 only. That helped in getting Free Lunch( assuming we would have paid 17$)

Entered the building at 940 am for 1005 interview.Incidently both of us were scheduled for sametime . we had both our kids with us . we have given them GBA to spend their time while we go for interview. INfact my spouse was called in at 1015 am, asked the officer if she can bring one of the kid. But she was asked NOT TO bring the kids in the interview room. Luckily for us my interview didnt start until 1045 am, so , my spouse came back by that time. we briefed our kids to be on their own case.

Both cases are very fast and straight. First administered oath, then 6 questions(100%) so not asked rest 4 q's. then writing one sentence and read one sentence(spouse was not even asked that). Then gone over the N400 forms for info and verified. Finally asked to PRINT names(NOT signature) and asked to print names on photos.Announced that we passed and we should expect oath letters in 2-4 weeks for spouse and 4-6 weeks for me.

One imp info, at the reception, we were handed a green slip asking the head of family to fill both our A #'s and time of interview. This is being used to get same OATH day and time together.

Mine it took 16 mins and spouse 20 mins. Its pretty breeze. Also the officer apologised for the delay to me(though its only 30min delay)

There are people waiting for 1+hour too. Also there are some 100 people waiting for the interview during that time. So chicago DO is VERRRRRRRRRRRRY BUSY.

Any Q's...............? waiting for OATH !

Congratulations sri-IL ! :D One step closer for you and your spouse... now we are all back to the waiting round again... :eek:
Hello All,

Do you know if I could bring couple of my family menbers to the Oath Ceremony in Chicago? Any exprierences of it?


Pleasetelmewhy, the answer is YES you can bring family members and also bring camera.
You are not allowed to take picture of the judge though :):)... judges are camera shy ????? :p
Do you think it will help getting an appt. with infopass and asking where the oath letter is and when i shd expect to receive it. i had my interview on 4/16/08 and they said it would take 2-4 weeks to get the OL.

It's been about 10 weeks now and I still haven't received it. i think its worth mentioning but i am a muslim from pakistan so the name check process could be taking longer.

is there a way to find out whether the FBI has cleared my name check. Also, will getting an appt. at infopass maybe pressurize them to pursue my case?
Filing Date: 07/28/07
OL: n/a

I hear you patentattorney... well it has been over 2 months since your Apr16 Interview so I think it won't hurt to ask for the status of your name check and background check by July 16 (marking your 3 months anniversary of Oath Letter waiting time).
Ask USCIS either by phone or by Infopass if ALL checks are cleared on you.... I am in the same boat with you... back to waiting lounge for OL.....:eek:
Hi patentattorney,
Me and my wife passed the interview on may 8. I was told by IO that I should expect the OL in 2-4 weeks and my wife was told upto 2 weeks for OL. We are from India and I went to see the IO with an infopass 2 weeks ago to check on our OL status. The officer told me that my case is in "re-verification" status and my wife's case is just pending scheduling of the oath.

I suggest that you should make an infopass appointment right away (do it online if you have a printer attached or go to a public library or at work) so that you can print your appointment notice. I would be interested to find out what reason do they tell you when you see the IO for your OL status.

If I do not hear anything by end of July on our case, I will again take an infopass and probably request my wife's case to be scheduled for OL separately, so that at least she can finish off her oath process.

good luck my friend and keep us all posted here.

Hi patentattorney,
Me and my wife passed the interview on may 8. I was told by IO that I should expect the OL in 2-4 weeks and my wife was told upto 2 weeks for OL. We are from India and I went to see the IO with an infopass 2 weeks ago to check on our OL status. The officer told me that my case is in "re-verification" status and my wife's case is just pending scheduling of the oath.

I suggest that you should make an infopass appointment right away (do it online if you have a printer attached or go to a public library or at work) so that you can print your appointment notice. I would be interested to find out what reason do they tell you when you see the IO for your OL status.

If I do not hear anything by end of July on our case, I will again take an infopass and probably request my wife's case to be scheduled for OL separately, so that at least she can finish off her oath process.

good luck my friend and keep us all posted here.


what did they tell u regarding the timeline for the reverification process. i planned on going to pakistan in august but since my GC expired June 21, 2008, I dont want to risk travelling on a one year stamped waiver.

Is there a phone number of a person I can contact. I dont live in Illinois anymore, so i wont be able to make it for an infopass interview. is it worth flying down there to get a status check?
what did they tell u regarding the timeline for the reverification process. i planned on going to pakistan in august but since my GC expired June 21, 2008, I dont want to risk travelling on a one year stamped waiver.

Is there a phone number of a person I can contact. I dont live in Illinois anymore, so i wont be able to make it for an infopass interview. is it worth flying down there to get a status check?

oh, if you are out of state, i am not sure what numbers you could dial in to really talk to a real person than just getting routed from one prompt to other. I googled for a number for Chicago DO, but could not find one, the only number I found was some 312 number that I could never connect. you could probably dial into 800 number for USCIS (should be on any of the other notices you would have received) and check with your A#.

As for visiting Pakistan, i heard that if you leave the country during citizenship process, you need to redo finger printing and it could again delay your citizenship process. but I am no expert in this, chitown or bobsmyth or some other guys can shed some light on this.

As expected, IO did not tell me the timeline on when this "re-verification" process will be completed. i will post here as soon as i hear on my oath notice. till then i am going to take it easy and wait it out this whole month.

i am also planning to visit India as soon as my process completes. Its been almost 4 years now that I have visited my parents. But not sure when I will get to visit......... gggrrrrrrrrrrrr........ :mad:
As for visiting Pakistan, i heard that if you leave the country during citizenship process, you need to redo finger printing and it could again delay your citizenship process.

This is incorrect. Traveling during naturalization process doesn't require you do redo fingerprints. You fingerprints only need to be redone when they expire after 15 months or couldn't be read by FBI.