Cherry Hill Processing Times for N400

rakesh, congrats to you!

Did you receive the IL in Jan or Feb 10?
Looking at timelines Feb makes more sense, Jan
would throw me off with calculating when I should get

My PD is 6/29

Rakesh, based on previous posts, CH conducts their oath the same day the person passes the interview. I understand it is in Mt. Laurel now but I would presume the same day oath is still in effect. My interview is a few days ahead of you. I will post mine. Good luck to us.
N400 - Name check twice

My birth certificate has my name without initials and my name in passport has with my
initials expanded. All along USCIS has gone by the name in my passport (with initials expanded).

I had submitted N400 with my name as it appears in my GC/Passport with full name
and initials expanded.

At the end of the N400 interview, I was told that my NC is still pending and that
I would have to wait until I am cleared.

I go for an INFOPASS after three weeks and then find out that my NC is cleared.
I wait for my oath letter for the next three weeks. Nothing shows up, I go for another
INFOPASS and this time the IO at the infopass counter gave me the same reply
that my name check has been cleared and that I would have to wait. I was not willing to
take that answer and repeatedly questioned if NC is not pending why is my file
still kept pending. After a lot of questioning the infopass officer goes into the
file room and comes back with my case folder. As shocking as it sounds the officer
tells me that I have been submitted for a Name Check the second time, that is correct

This time they have submitted my name without the initials. So is this the process
that a person gets name checked once with initials expanded and then once without.
They had both names on file since day 1 of my GC processing, why would they not check
both names the first time, why wait for 9 mos for the first one to clear and then
submit the second one.

The irony is Name 1 also has Name 2 part of it:
Name 1: Axxxxx Bxxxxx Cxxxx Dxxxx (Axxxxx Bxxxxx being my initials expanded)
Name 2: Cxxxxx Dxxxxx

What would be the need to check name 2 again if it was already part of name 1, dont they
slice and dice all parts of the name when they do a name check. So if name 1 came out clear
why would name 2 need another round of clearance?

I guess I just dont have a choice but have to wait for the second NC to clear.
The first one took 9 months to clear!!!

During N400 interview the IO does not say anything about NC to be done twice. The first one
was pending when I finished my interview. 3 weeks later I find out the first one is cleared.
6 weeks after interview I find out that I have been submitted for a name check the second time!

May be after another 9 months I may find out that there would a third NC!!! Just not
sure as to what the name would be for the third NC, may be it would be a combination of
both name 1 and name 2!

The NC saga continues...

This is so sad.

I have an infopass setup for tomorrow and my fear is that I would be told the same things - 'Second submission' simply because my name on passport is different from what's on my birth certificate.

I have never ever used my name on Birth certificate.. This is torturous.

I wonder if you and i had the same interviewing officer. :(
Madhuri - Good luck with your infopass appt, keep us posted on how things go.

Pls make sure that you check with the infopass officer to give you the most
upto date info based on your case folder (as opposed to CIS system info,
which may not be the most upto date info). You may have to insist on this
otherwise you may return with very little vague info.

Remember, you can also request to speak with a supervisor if you feel the response that you receive is inappropriate.

Good Luck again!!!
rakesh14 said:
I applied in June 2006, and recieved the interview letter recently. I know some people might be on the same boat, so just want to let you know.

Here is my timeline for N400

PD: 6/15/2006
FP: 7/7/2006
IL Recieved on: 1/10/2007
ID: 3/26/2007

Interview is in Mount Laurel, NJ (Cherry Hill).

Does oath and interview at Mount Laurel take place on the same day? If not, after how many days oath takes place and where?

It would be great if someone can post their interview and oath experience at Mount Laurel, NJ.


I recieved interview letter on Feb 10th 2007.
unixtmusa said:
Rakesh, based on previous posts, CH conducts their oath the same day the person passes the interview. I understand it is in Mt. Laurel now but I would presume the same day oath is still in effect. My interview is a few days ahead of you. I will post mine. Good luck to us.

Thanks UNIXTMUSA. Good luck with your interview. I will wait for your post, greatly appreciated.

My infopass appt was futile. I came back with the same information as i had before the appt.. ie "all i can do is wait".

The "only good" thing in my case (and yours as well) is that this wait is limited to a maximum of 120 days (since we already had our interviews).

From what i understand reading your posts, you weren't asked for any additonal information. So i think your 120 days start from the day you had your interview. In my case, i was asked for additional documentation whihc i sent after 2 weeks of my interview.. so i guess in my case, 120 days start from the day they received additional evidence.. it doesn't matter that much anyway..

btw, would you need to go for second fingerprinting if your have been re-submitted for name check?
Madhuri - Sorry about the outcome of your infopass visit. Believe me, I know
how painful it is.

You are right, there is nothing much to do at this point other than just waiting
(checking the mailbox everyday only to get disappointed, atleast so far).

Initial FP holds good for 15 months, and I have a few more months left before
it expires, I have no clue what happens after, would I be scheduled for a 2nd FP
automatically? I am hoping that everything goes well before my initial FP expires
(wishful thinking!).

I am not so sure that we can count on the "120 day" limit, agreed it is the law,
but does not seem to bind CIS, look at folks in the forum who are well past this 120
day limit and still waiting (I mean even after the interview).

Are you considering legal options after 120 days, I am a little hesitant to take
that route, you never know with CIS, they can get creative in finding holes in one's
case and will never fail to take you by surprises. Having said that, does not mean
that we wait forever, at this point can't decide one way or the other.:confused: How about you???

DO - Mt.Laurel, NJ
PD - 04/06/2006
FP - 05/06/2006
ID - 12/18/2006 (NC pending)
Infopass1 - 12/22/2006 (NC pending)
Infopass2 - 01/17/2007 (NC cleared - took almost 9 months)
Infopass3 - 02/08/2007 (NC submitted for 2nd time - this time without initials):mad:
Oath - Waiting forever...
I am thinking of waiting for 120 days before taking any action as I don't think we can do much until then..

Hopefully we wouldn't have to wait that long..let's keep each other posted.

Good luck.

Today forum user "Kefira" posted a USCIS interoffice memo document (pdf)
that provides great insight into the whole NC process (see lawsuit thread,
post# 9121).

The document is also great armory for my case, it clearly states
(with examples) that Name variations do not require a repeat name check.

My case as you know is clearly a Name variation issue (see post# 323
), so I am terribly upset that I am being clearly subjected
to harassment even though USCIS policy is very clear
that name variations do not require a repeat name check.

The problem is, I cannot produce the "USCIS interoffice memo" document posted on this forum to an IO
as proof for my argument. I am not sure what to do now! :mad:

How would I go about asking IO's to read their own policies and NOT
perform actions that are purely arbitrary and capricious!!!

I know this is very painful .. I am going through a lot of mental pain myself because of this unfair process. I think we are among those unlucky ones.. what can you do...

When is your 120 days period getting over? You can speak to a lawyer and get his/her opinion. I think once this 120 days period is over, you can write to your adjudicating officer, speak to senator/rep. In your letter to senator, you can mention that you were told in one of your infopass appt. that you have been submitted for name check again and how this was not required (attach Kafir's posting).. I think you can visit their office also.

I am very much preparing myself for a lawsuit. I have started reading
the lawsuit thread within this forum and have also started drafting up
my complaint petition.

Today as another initiative from my side I have written to the
Officer-in-Charge (aka District Director) at Mt.Laurel explaining
my entire case and the unwarranted repetitive/duplicate name check
issue. Sad thing is that I could not quote their inter office memo as a reference.
I am not so sure that one bureaucrat is going to overlook
another one's obvious error and set things straight. Yet I decided
to try and count my luck one more time!

I have also forwarded a copy of the same letter to the
CIS Ombudsman in DC, not sure if this helps my case in any way!

My 120 days are up by 17-April-2007. With no doubt, I will be filing my lawsuit/complaint papers
in District Court come 18-April-2007. Looks like the lawsuit is going to cost
another $400 (approx), even with self-representation. I feel it is well worth it considering all the personal agony that I have to put up with.
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For those with PD July and August, got your IL Letter?

From the USCIS webstie, it appears that the processing time for Cherry Hill is July 13, 2006.

For those with PD July and August, has anyone got their IL?

My PD is July 27, still anxiously waiting. My online status still exists.
My PD is June 30th and no IL yet. nrao, we are both close with the PD. lets keep each other posted. hhy, stay in the loop as well.
It's frustrating to see people with PD in October has already taken oath in other offices while we were still waiting for IL letter.

nrao, usa5000, since your PD is before July 13 as posted by USCIS, have you considered to file infopass with Cherry Hill office? BTW, has your on line status disappeared?

I think the July 13th date may be to keep pace with the other offices. The USCIS website have many, many cities with that exact date. Not sure if they are that far up yet. According to the timeline of other people getting their IL in relation to their PD, I am hoping that I will get mine this week.
If not, I may consider infopass appt.
If nrao gets his before I do, I definitely go for the infopass appt.

I am glad that oath is same day at Mt Laurel. I am really looking forward to that day!
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I wish you all the best. Please let us know if you hear anything back.

In your case, atleast you know you have been submitted for a name check the second time. In my case, I have no idea what's going on. I didn't find out anything "new" about my case from my infopass appt. The officer at the window was very rude. All I was told was that my background check is complete but there may be "some aspects" of it that may still be pending and that I should be patient and wait. So I am not even sure what sort of complaint can I file at this stage. So I have no choice but to wait till 120 days period is over. It's so hurting to get punished for no fault of yours.

I was just wondering if I could send you a personal email. If so, can you please email me at
