Chennai Feb Interview Thread!

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I sent my P3 on Dec\'14th and Fedex delivered it on Dec\'18th. Yesterday i got a confirmation from consulate saying that "P3 revieved, check the interview date after two weeks"
I don\'t know whether i can make it for Feb interview.

I have the same dates

I am with the same dates.
Mailed P3 on Dec 4th and was received by Chennai on Dec. 8th.
And the reply I got from Chennai is to contact them in the second week of January.

I am not sure of the Interview date, but suspect that it may not be in February ( from what I hear from others).

Emp Letter

Could you please advise me, who needs to sign on Emp Letter? I mean what needs to be the title of the person signing Emp Letter? (Is Manager is enough?
Please respond..

Thnak you

R U guys applied for PCC. I just got a reply from Chennai saying we need PCC after Jan 31 2002 Appointements.

Can we take this in India or we have to take from here it self?

Thank you
If you do in India

If we plan not do here and do in India..
How much time it might be taking .. any Idea? so that we can plan our trip that much time a head to india.

Thank you
Rajesh Paul: My question is Is there any procedure or ..

Rajesh Paul,

I wanted to know how to go about it.
I am planning for 4 week vacation. One week I am planning
that I have to be at Chennai for CP.

Mostly the marriage may take place before departure
but possibly after the interview.

If you do in India

If we plan not do here and do in India..
How much time it might be taking .. any Idea? so that we can plan our trip that much time a head to india.

Thank you
Dadelion/svreddi/CrounchingTiger/raja/RRC, Expect Feb. Interviews.

E-mail chennai around 10th frequesting for Interview dates.
Yes reddi, I am with you

My p3 reached Chennai on Dec 10th. Today I have received an e-mail from consulate saying "p3 received". I talked to the lady, she said that I might get FEB interview, but it is not sure.!!!??

My husband is having the consular process on EB2. I am on dependent Visa. Our packet 3 was sent to consulate on 10th Dec. reached on 14th Dec. Our packet 3 was entered into system 0n 30th Dec.

Will we get a Feb. intereview? Hoping and praying for it.

PCC Receipt?

Are you planning to go ahead with the interview even if you do not get the PCC from the local consulate in time? Is this advisable? Does anyone know how long SFO takes? Can we make do with a receipt that the consulate probably gives us?

Also, how does one go about postponing an inteview? Just in case I dont get my PCC before my interview? I am going to apply for it on Monday.
PCC from CGI, SF

Hi Gandalf

Please see one of my posting on this, since your are applying it on Monday, this link will provide all the doc.s needed.

Raj Babu "PCC through SF" 12/22/01 1:43pm

Even, if you don\'t have 30 days time to wait for PCC from CGI, I conclude from our friends in the discussion board, atleast carry a proof that you applied for it.



   Could anyone tell me how old can a PCC be. I am asking this because I am still in the I-140 stage and I want to keep my PCC ready well before my interview. If I get my PCC now, will it be valid after 6 months. Please advise.