Charlotte, NC - N-400 Timeline

I went to Raleigh DO for my Infopass appointment and was told that my background check was cleared, the information I already knew when I called the 800 number and when I did my second FP on May 29. The lady told me that I should be expecting my ID at the middle or late October. I should be happy for that but it has been 29 months since my PD (1/23/2006) and I still need to wait for another 4 plus months and I really need the citizenship for moving to a very attractive position. When I asked if they can move my ID earlier, I was told no and she told me my fingerprint was only cleared on May 30. That suggests that they did run another fingerprint check after they took my second FP (I read from somewhere that can be done almost instantly). I guess I should just wait since I have been waiting for 2.5 years already. Or perhaps I can speed up a little bit by writing to Senator Dole?

Bob, Congratulations! I am really happy for you.
I went to Raleigh DO for my Infopass appointment and was told that my background check was cleared, the information I already knew when I called the 800 number and when I did my second FP on May 29. The lady told me that I should be expecting my ID at the middle or late October. I should be happy for that but it has been 29 months since my PD (1/23/2006) and I still need to wait for another 4 plus months and I really need the citizenship for moving to a very attractive position. When I asked if they can move my ID earlier, I was told no and she told me my fingerprint was only cleared on May 30. That suggests that they did run another fingerprint check after they took my second FP (I read from somewhere that can be done almost instantly). I guess I should just wait since I have been waiting for 2.5 years already. Or perhaps I can speed up a little bit by writing to Senator Dole?

Bob, Congratulations! I am really happy for you.

Thanks..I wish they would have given you better news. I don't understand why you still have wait even longer considering your PD. Try writing senator Dole and your local representative about your doesn't hurt to try writing as many politicians as possible.
Vorpal, what's the latest interview date you have come across for NYC?

Vik Pal finally got his IL 2 weeks ago. His PD is 7/28/07, and his ID is 7/23/08. There goes the proof that the 10.1 month processing for summer '07 backloggers is a total lie.

Also, manj90 got his IL on June 7th. His PD is 8/18/07 and ID is 8/6/08.

However, considering the fact that NYC is not processing in chronological order, those reports don't mean much. As I've mentioned before, a colleague of mine had an August '07 PD. He interviewed on April 16, took the oath on May 9.
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Vik Pal finally got his IL 2 weeks ago. His PD is 7/28/07, and his ID is 7/23/08. There goes the proof that the 10.1 month processing for summer '07 backloggers is a total lie.

Also, manj90 got his IL on June 7th. His PD is 8/18/07 and ID is 8/6/08.

However, considering the fact that NYC is not processing in chronological order, those reports don't mean much.

So it seems that NYC is handing out IDs about till mid August. That still leaves a chance for you to be included in the next scheduled round of IDs for end of August-September.
So it seems that NYC is handing out IDs about till mid August. That still leaves a chance for you to be included in the next scheduled round of IDs for end of August-September.

Under normal circumstances, I'd love to think that NYC is sending ILs for August applicants. However, there have already been reports of NYC applicants with October, November and December PDs get ILs. NYC interviews are being scheduled on a "pick a card, any card" basis. The IO I spoke to a few days said one thing that actually made me appreciate her honesty: "Once you're placed in queue, it can take a month or a year to get an interview". At this point, I think I'll definitely end up filing a WOM.
Bobsmyth ?

Hi Bob

Sorry to hijack the thread am new and inexperienced in all the n-400 stuff
Had my fingerprints done just after you did (feb 08)
Just wanted to ask how you came about finding out your interview date or is it a pun !
Hi Bob

Sorry to hijack the thread am new and inexperienced in all the n-400 stuff
Had my fingerprints done just after you did (feb 08)
Just wanted to ask how you came about finding out your interview date or is it a pun !

I happened to do an Infopass at the new Durham DO last week and the IO confirmed the interview date. Does your case fall under the Durham Do service area?
Hi Bob

No Bob it is in Charlotte ,the official site says they are working on April 07 applications. So I was thinking it was going to be 09 sometime for me
No Bob it is in Charlotte ,the official site says they are working on April 07 applications. So I was thinking it was going to be 09 sometime for me

Charlotte bumped up to May 06 with June's update. As soon as the get over the June-July backlog things should start moving faster.
Your application may even be adjudicated earlier if you're lucky.

My PD at Charlotte DO is 7/27/07. I called the 800 number per Bob's guidelines and made it to an IO who told me that my FBI Name Check is not yet clear. Is there anything I can do to expedite that instead of just waiting? Would doing an InfoPass at the Raleigh DO and talking to someone help? I have seen some messages here where folks have got different statuses from the IO over the phone and at the DO. Also is there an FBI number that is helpful in getting accurate status on name checks? Thanks!

My PD at Charlotte DO is 7/27/07. I called the 800 number per Bob's guidelines and made it to an IO who told me that my FBI Name Check is not yet clear. Is there anything I can do to expedite that instead of just waiting? Would doing an InfoPass at the Raleigh DO and talking to someone help? I have seen some messages here where folks have got different statuses from the IO over the phone and at the DO. Also is there an FBI number that is helpful in getting accurate status on name checks? Thanks!

Not much you can do for name check delay in your case but write your congressman to see if they can intervene on your behalf. Also, your PD is within the posted processing time which USCIS may try to use against you if you inquire.
What to do if you were detained. Cuffed and then assaulted for putting your luggage in to your own car? Will USCIS penalize you?
Good news???

Processing Questions

I’ve been reading—absorbing the more than 400 comments you left from my last Journal entry. You’ve asked many questions—mostly about our processing times, wait times for visa approvals, and how we’re responding to the record number of applications we received last year.

But most of all, you want to know when USCIS will complete your case. Let me try to address some of your concerns.

After visiting local USCIS offices around the country and reviewing our current production statistics, I am confident USCIS will beat our projected 13- to 15-month processing estimate for completing naturalization applications filed after June 1, 2007—while we continue to improve processing times for other applications and petitions. Next month, we will provide you with a detailed report with updated processing times for all USCIS offices.

Our employees are hard at work every day, including evenings and weekends, processing files and interviewing applicants. The results of their efforts show tremendous productivity. I am optimistic that USCIS will exceed our goal of completing more than 1 million naturalization applications this fiscal year, which ends September 30, compared to last year’s 748,000 naturalization cases. And so far, applications received have been lower than normal this year. If that continues, we’ll bring processing times down further than we projected.

Many of you also asked about the processing times displayed at, and why the dates sometimes go backward rather than forward. We estimate those dates based on a formula that calculates, among other things, the number of cases received within a defined period, how many cases we’ve completed during that time period, and how many cases remain in process that our beyond our established processing time goals. Sometimes the flow of cases received and completed changes during a specific period in a way that shifts the date backwards. The processing timeframes shown on our webpage reflect applications just completed. So the page is only a tool for customers to estimate our current processing times.

In addition, the average processing times posted on our website do not take into account the many issues that may arise when a particular case is under review. For example, sometimes a USCIS officer may need to ask for additional information before a final decision can be made. If your case has been delayed beyond our posted processing times and you have not been asked for additional information, we encourage you to call our customer service line at 1-800-375-5283 to inquire about the status of your case.

Some of you also asked about the long wait for employment-based visas. The law limits how many people can immigrate in these employment based preference categories each year. That determines how many cases we can complete and often establishes how many new cases we can accept. To complicate matters, demand often far exceeds that supply. To assist applicants who are awaiting those visas, we will soon begin to issue Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) that are valid for 2 years for certain applicants who filed an application to adjust their status to permanent resident but are still awaiting an immigrant visa number.

Others have asked why petitions for their relatives take so long to process. Usually, it’s because an immigrant visa simply isn’t available. More than 1 million petitions to sponsor a relative are still awaiting visas. USCIS must manage our work based on the number of visas allowed by law. To change that, Congress would have to amend the law. No USCIS employee wants to keep a family apart or withhold proof of eligibility to work, but we must work within the requirements set by law.

Our current immigration system challenges us with backlogs on a regular basis. During the past fiscal year, we’ve begun to make improvements that will permanently eliminate future backlogs, including hiring additional employees, instituting new business processes and technology, and creating a new employee culture focused on professional training and development.

Will we succeed overnight? No. Making these changes—the right way—will take longer than my tenure as Acting Director. Nonetheless, we’re committed to making them sooner rather than later.

Thanks for taking time to read this entry.

Jonathan “Jock” Scharfen
Acting Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Uh oh.......what happened???

I came back from NYC yesterday in a rental car. I filled up the tank and then proceeded to go to my car to unpack. The police was right there from the time I pulled up. As I began to unpack he came over to ask me where I was coming from. I said NYC he went on to ask me who is in NY and so on. I answered all his questions. He then ask me for identification. I handed him it. He called my name in. Everything was fine. So then he saw some spilled Tide powder in my car. So he said that was probable cause to search my vehicle. He then called back up and cuffed me and threw me on the floor. after they searched the car and found it was Tide he said sorry and have a nice day.

I was cuffed and detained. So now What??????:(:(:(:(
They didnt take me downtown or anything they just cuffed me until the search was completed. But the officer said I was detained. So I am screwed right now...OMG....