JoeF said:Yes, breaking the law, by hiding a material fact...
JoeF, why do you think that if its not your way, its WRONG WAY. There are attorney's and courts to decide that . Do you want to claim that you are ultimate in immigration LAW. JoeF, do you want to say that whatever you say is legal and rest are illegal??? In that case, nobody needs lawyer here, just asks JoeF, if JoeF Ok's it , you are fine , otherwise NOT... JoeF, are you a lawyer?, declare your credientials before making any such wild statements. If you are not a lawyer, whats your agenda to make such vicious claims, to SCREW UP members... Isn't it???
JoeF, you have given several chance, come clean to this forum , no more misleading and propoganda and SCREW UP members anymore. OK friend
GET LOST for now