Changing Employer before 6 Months (After GC Stamping)

qwerty987666 said:
Are you kidding ??? You beleive JoeF aka nucase? :D :D He has 1000's of such LIES on this forum and this is just one more. Just ignore JoeF


With all due respect, wether I believe a post or not is my own business. I visit these forums, evaluate the merits of the posts, and decide for myself wether to believe the person or not.
rgeneblazo said:
I understand JoeF owns his company, so I respectfully submit that it is none of our business to scrutinize how he's spending his hours. Personally, I think his posts and views on US immigration are accurate and informative. But that's just me. No flames, please.
I have said several times that he has been posting good info but he insists that others should agree with him all the time. If you show any indication that you don't agree with him, you will find your name in his signature !!
JoeF said:
If you were in my company, you would get fired for using company property for non work-related stuff.

I would rather hire a kid(or as a matter of fact anybody in this world) than wacho like you. Get urself busy, dude, No future for you in this world. :D :D
FunnyWait said:
I have said several times that he has been posting good info but he insists that others should agree with him all the time. If you show any indication that you don't agree with him, you will find your name in his signature !!


No flames, but I don't see anything wrong with that. This is democracy, you may do the same or others may. I don't recommend you doing it but If I were in that situation, I will just ignore the post and move on.
rgeneblazo said:

No flames, but I don't see anything wrong with that. This is democracy, you may do the same or others may. I don't recommend you doing it but If I were in that situation, I will just ignore the post and move on.
That's what I try to do but whenever I post (not related to JoeF at all) JoeF replies back with name calling. He called me names this morning and then the whole thing started.

He doesn't allow a good discussion to happen. He also must understand that this is democracy and others are allowed to have different views than his.
JoeF said:
If you were in my company, you would get fired for using company property for non work-related stuff.
So when did you fire yourself for using company property for non-related stuff ? You post here all the time.
FunnyWait said:
Any reason? As a moderator I hope you know that you are not allowed to take any sides.

I am "allowed" to do whatever my access permits. If you feel that my actions are unfair then you can ask Rajiv to revoke my access.
TheRealCanadian said:
I am "allowed" to do whatever my access permits. If you feel that my actions are unfair then you can ask Rajiv to revoke my access.
I did not know you were granted an access to use one set of protocol to one and other to others.
TheRealCanadian said:
I am "allowed" to do whatever my access permits. If you feel that my actions are unfair then you can ask Rajiv to revoke my access.

Same justification, Can u spell out few reasons about ur one sided actions regarding your favorite JoeF? Has Rajiv has given JoeF free ride on this forum ? If YES, please say so. But real answer is "NO". Its you, who is bringing disguise to your "moderator" role with your actions and Rajiv's website is suffering because of it

And with your One sided actions, members are getting disinterested in this forum and who is responsible for it?? Guess what ??Its YOU. But who cares, thats the way this forum is for a while... RIGHT :D :D
Wow! So much bitterness.

Hey, I side with JoeF.

He can at least get his sentences right unlike the other guy who should consider taking grammar lessons.