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CEAC data (Full) 8-1-2014

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thank u bro...please do that for me now ,i'm waiting ,coz its 12 am nw and slp dont come so easily ...please update it for me now let me have a look..and thank u very much for being thr for me always bro!! God bless u.
Only two working week left till the deadline of
September 30th. I couldn't have thought in my
wildest dreams that they could drag me right
till the deadline. You guys don't have any idea
what kind of feelings I am going through
right now. I couldn't find a smiley which could reflect my feelings on this forum!!!!! AP is the
second name for "Sheer torture".
Only two working week left till the deadline of
September 30th. I couldn't have thought in my
wildest dreams that they could drag me right
till the deadline. You guys don't have any idea
what kind of feelings I am going through
right now. I couldn't find a smiley which could reflect my feelings on this forum!!!!! AP is the
second name for "Sheer torture".
I feel your pain tyt !
Everyday when check the forum, I wish to see a positive post from you...
My best wishes from the bottom of my heart bro
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Britsimon hello brother

can you give me the situation of the embassy of my country Morocco= CSB Casablanca for the casse which're stilling in AP and if i have chance to get visa before the daedline because i saw that there are only feeeeew people in this AP in my country can this be a good sign my bro that they will cleared my case AP before 30 esptembre especially that my file was perfect and there were no missing doccements.

by the way in my country even if you missed to bring one paper the will return to you your passport in the day of the interview in order to bring it another day with the passport

i will be waiting for you Britsimon bro i'm going to be crazy

TyT god be with us bro i have a feeling that we will get our visas inchaa lah be sure of that
For all forum friends still under AP, just know
that we got... ...FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES. I was in need and I needed a friend I was alone and I needed a hand I was going down but someone rescued me My God cares too much to say His mercies are new everyday I get down to pray and then help is on its way I walk by faith and not by sight If things go wrong, it'll be alright Cause someone greater is watching over me My God cares too much to say His mercies are new everyday I get down to pray and then help is on its way Now in faith, I believe I got everything I need I walk by faith and not by what I see I got friends in high places I've got someone I can call And I got someone watching over me I walk by faith and not by sight If things go wrong, it'll be alright Someone greater is watching over me My God cares too much to say His mercies are new everyday I get down to pray and then help is on its way I love this song by Hillsong, it reminds me that
our Almighty God is there for me even when i
am down, down, down and i can talk to him
any time...thank u bro ,its will soon be..just that thing turn out difficult for Ap cases this year 2014 ,that no sufficient visa ,that worried my soul everytime i breath...bt i believe God.
Only two working week left till the deadline of
September 30th. I couldn't have thought in my
wildest dreams that they could drag me right
till the deadline. You guys don't have any idea
what kind of feelings I am going through
right now. I couldn't find a smiley which could reflect my feelings on this forum!!!!! AP is the
second name for "Sheer torture".
I saw my case on simon spreadsheet so I guess I m not on AP mine shows ready... I dont know men this is so confusing men....
I saw my case on simon spreadsheet so I guess I m not on AP mine shows ready... I dont know men this is so confusing men....
Tyt also reports his case showing ready. However if you attended the interview and didn't get refused or issued, then you are on AP. they don't always update the status accurately, the only one I really "trust" is issued.
Britsimon hello brother

can you give me the situation of the embassy of my country Morocco= CSB Casablanca for the casse which're stilling in AP and if i have chance to get visa before the daedline because i saw that there are only feeeeew people in this AP in my country can this be a good sign my bro that they will cleared my case AP before 30 esptembre especially that my file was perfect and there were no missing doccements.

by the way in my country even if you missed to bring one paper the will return to you your passport in the day of the interview in order to bring it another day with the passport

i will be waiting for you Britsimon bro i'm going to be crazy

TyT god be with us bro i have a feeling that we will get our visas inchaa lah be sure of that

I made the latest extract available so people could do any filters they want...

Knock yourself out!
@ simon , I was missing a document (police report) but when the received it there were no more visa available for august for my case that is why they put me on waiting list for visa allocation

Yeah, so that is "AP" for want of a better term. When they were waiting for your paperwork that is real AP. We obviously have no way of knowing how many cases are on a waiting list like you.
@britison mr expert what are the instruction when u contact the Dos if u want to talk to an officer mr expert?? Pls.
what about if i call the embassy on monday and explain to them the way i feel now as we have 2wks to sep30 nw and they retain my passport and they put me into this mess ?? Coz this not a dream again this is a nightmared now to me...what u say bro???
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