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CEAC data (Full) 8-1-2014

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ameen escorot...let just believe and wait bro we soon win the battle!! @ nav2014 yes is on web ,www.ceac.state.gov! U remove the four zero and enter just ur number ...but where u did ur interview?
congrats bro! They will contact u soon for pick up bro, if they don't u check at the embassy then...how many days u have been on Ap then bro? Pls share ur experience to help others...congrats ,congrats, congrats.
any news brother cuz i saw in the case numbers that i have in my liste are moved updated from time to time by the way did you call the us departments in usa or not because i made 5 calls but noooo response only a answering machaing says that you can call us another day and i have sent an email to the embassy in my country and i had recieved a auto reply said that my email was recieved in they will answer me as soon as is that what did you recieve bro when you sent them an emails or what
my god be with us really i'm going to lose my mind with this AP especially that my file was perfect and i saw people got thier visas front of me in the day of interview and when my turn come he throws me into that jail that's unfaiiiiiiiiiiir we hope the best for us in the nearly days inchaa lah
how are you today bro i saw that you are not here since yesterday i hope that a good thing have been happened to you case bro anyhow can you tell us what's it just to say congrttttttttttion for you maaaaan ok
@escorot how are u, i was just in a bit worried and stressed bro and praying to the almighty Allah let our case resolved in time and visa locate us...but anyway still have time and my faith getting growing everyday...so what ur last status updated bro??
bro i'm tired of this waiting now ,i just want sep30 to past nw ,coz i don't know why they kept my passport for so long like this and put me in to this nightmared ? Its unfair!! But God is watching i know i am qualify and no fake document along and no document missing...why? I'm tired of this mess and waiting nw!!
bro i'm tired of this waiting now ,i just want sep30 to past nw ,coz i don't know why they kept my passport for so long like this and put me in to this nightmared ? Its unfair!! But God is watching i know i am qualify and no fake document along and no document missing...why? I'm tired of this mess and waiting nw!!
hello bro me tooooo i'm going to be crazy especially that all my doccuments were good.as you said we still have time and i'm praying/praying and praying asking allah to pass away that nightmare really i lost the test of eating and sleeping since CO throws me into that jail
by the way BRITSIMON if there are lot of case numbers are refused during the interview in septembre in africa.is that can be a good thing for the whom in AP becouse i have a liste from differnets countries in africa thier case numbers has been refused in the time of interview

i sent a email to the embassy in 9/9/2014 till now all what a recieved from them is just an auto reply said that we will response you as soon as possible is that what do you recieve when you sent them an email or they answerred your email by another response
TyT here they are some of case numbers were refused during the interview time all of them are from africa and if you want me to send you the case numbers are under AP i will do it ok just to see the movments from time to time ok

by the way BRITSIMON if there are lot of case numbers are refused during the interview in septembre in africa.is that can be a good thing for the whom in AP becouse i have a liste from differnets countries in africa thier case numbers has been refused in the time of interview

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