Buffalo Tracker (please add)

After medical

Can any one please tell me how much time it takes to get result after doing medical.
Re: Received Passport with Stamp!!!

Originally posted by MEOW_MEOW
Applied in May 2002.
Number assigned : November 05, 2002.
Medicals done on : November 02, 2003.
Mailed the FBI Clearance/Indian PCC on Dec 24th 2003
Received the request to pay ROLF: Jan 21 2004.
Mailed the Cashier checks for ROLF on (by Regular mail): Jan 26 2004
Passport Request received on : February 02 2004.
Express Mail(Passport+photos):February 05 2004.
Received by CIC :February 06 2004.
Got the passport with stamp(EXpress mail) :February 14 2004.
(I should land on or before Nov 10 2004).

Planning to Land during the 2nd Week of March '04.

Thank you guys!

I have a similiar time-line. In fact I mailed my ROLF on Jan 10 and the consulate has still not replied. BTW The consulate did not ask for Indian PCC at all.

I am getting a bit anxious.

Should I fax a an enquiry to the consulate ? Does it help any ?
Medical Examination

Hi All,
I was shopping around for Drs in and around Massachusetts. Cheapest one in MA is $300. I heard one Dr in NY charges only $170. Any idea why there is that much difference in fees? Anybody has any experience with this NY doctor? (I mean, you go for the cheapest guy and any problems thereafter, I’m just shooting blanks)

Here is what I learn about Dr Fees( might be useful for others in MA region)

Stamford, CT- Dr. Konandreas - $350 for adult and $125 for Kids
Brrokline, MA- Dr Brodie - $400 –adult and $100 for Kids
Brrokline, MA- Dr Zheng - $300 –adult and $100 for Kids
New York, NY- Dr. Wong - $170-adult and $90 for Kids
Edison, NJ- Dr. Weiss - $280-adult and $140 for Kids

Got the passport request


apply around june,2002
file no. nov. 2002
assessment with interview waiver oct.2003
did the medical with the NY doc (he is good and efficient, btw) in Dec,2003 and finish the FBI check
mailed everything back to buffalo in early to mid Jan,2004.
passport request letter dated feb,09 2004
just got the news today since I used an attorney.

glad it is finally coming thru...
Re: Medical Examination

Originally posted by jomkj
Hi All,
I was shopping around for Drs in and around Massachusetts. Cheapest one in MA is $300. I heard one Dr in NY charges only $170. Any idea why there is that much difference in fees? Anybody has any experience with this NY doctor? (I mean, you go for the cheapest guy and any problems thereafter, I’m just shooting blanks)

I did my medical with Dr.Wong, he is good doctor, dont keep you too long in the office (my family of four out in 35 minute ;) you save parking time in NY), he send medical back to consulate as he promised.
Dr.Wong is very good!

From Chinatown, Mass take the Fung-Wah Bus to NY (10$ one way fare) and Dr.Wong's office is very close to this bus stop. He sent the papers in 3 days and there was no problem. The nurses are very good -- the Front office lady Ms.Maria knows Hindi and she loves Indians.

I am going to land in 3 weeks.
Re: Dr.Wong is very good!

Originally posted by MEOW_MEOW
From Chinatown, Mass take the Fung-Wah Bus to NY (10$ one way fare) and Dr.Wong's office is very close to this bus stop. He sent the papers in 3 days and there was no problem. The nurses are very good -- the Front office lady Ms.Maria knows Hindi and she loves Indians.

I am going to land in 3 weeks.


did you able to track the passport when buffalo sent you back after stamping, reason I am asking is, I send my passport on 2/10/2004, they received it on 2/11/2004, What you think, when should I get my passport back ?
Passport return

Hi RahulatDC

I sent my passport on 7th and they received it on 9th and have included a express return USPS envolope. Since then I am waiting to get my passport back.

Please let me know once you get your pp stamped. I will do the same.

Re: Passport return

Originally posted by baig110
Hi RahulatDC

I sent my passport on 7th and they received it on 9th and have included a express return USPS envolope. Since then I am waiting to get my passport back.

Please let me know once you get your pp stamped. I will do the same.


Meow_meow and one other user send their passport respectively on 6th and 9th Feb, they received them back on Feb 14th, both of them sent an express mail to receiving them back, That means they return passport back usally on Friday (it take 12 hrs for express to reach the destination).

Send them a fax, I'll upate my status as soon I have any information.
Re: Re: Passport return

Thanks Rahul,

Will send them a fax on Monday. Are their anyone else who are in the same boat?


Originally posted by RahulatDC
Meow_meow and one other user send their passport respectively on 6th and 9th Feb, they received them back on Feb 14th, both of them sent an express mail to receiving them back, That means they return passport back usally on Friday (it take 12 hrs for express to reach the destination).

Send them a fax, I'll upate my status as soon I have any information.
Need Help Medical and Marital Status


I had made my inital application in Feb 2002 and got the File # in June 2002, the inital assesment was recived on Feb 2004 (after two long years).

I got married on Dec 2002 and informed RPC about the change in Marital Status and ha asked them If I need to do anything else, but I have not anything till now regarding this matter.

The inital assement letter says that RPC expects to finalize my application without interview right now and they deserve the right to call me for the interview in the future if necessary.
Along with the letter they have sent

1) Medical form for myself only, the marital status is shown as
single on the form.
2) They need additional background information

My question is how do I get my wife's Medical done.

I had not paid my Right of Permanent Resident Fee , which I will be paying for myself soon along with additional backgronund information.
What should I do for my Wife's processing and Right of Permanent Resident Fee, Should I pay or not?

Inform them again with the Marital Status

Fax them and let them know.. I didn't pay the ROLF until i was asked to do so! On receipt of the medicals and other docs like PCC, finger print, Bank Statements, i was asked to send the ROLF fee. So, first concentrate on adding your spouse and later complete the Medicals.
Got InitialAssement, need add a baby

Hi, all.

Just got my initial assessment. This is my timeline, hope that it
can give some help:

Applied: Late March, 2003
AOR: May, 2003
IA: Feb, 2004 with waiver.

I need add a baby who was born three month ago into my
applicaton, anyone knows if adding a baby will delay the process
and how long can it delay if so?

Thanks for help.

GO Inital Assement:worried


Applied: Fen 2002
AOR: June, 2002
Got Married in Dec 2002 , informed RPC and requesting them to send forms and instructions about change in Marital Status by faxing them and sending them a letter, but have not recived and Acknowledgement

IA: Feb, 2004 with waiver.

1) I have to complete my Medical In Next 60 days, the Medical form say thatmy status as single

2) I have Provide background information , that includes personal history, past address in next 90 days

How Do I add my wife to the application?How should I proceed from this point , as I have already informed RPC about change in my marital status.

What else can I do?


I was in the same case as u are now a while ago.

I applied in June 2002 got married and added my spose in August 2003. In Nov 2003 I got a letter waiving my interview and just mdeical forms for myself and the status still showed single. My spouse and I were asked to do finger print from out home country.

I did my medical and send all the required information with the ROLF. I fax them in Jan 2004 request to know if the got my medical result and also asked to know when my sponse should expecting getting his medical form. About 3 weeks after the fax we got his medical form in the mail.

So I would advise you to go ahead and do your medical and get all the documents they need to them...since you are the principal applicant I believe yours is the most important.

I hope I have help in answering your questions.
For Faithfully

Thanks for the information,

How did you add your spouse to your application?
Can you please provide me in details the procedure and the forms that you used for adding your spouse to your application

After Medical


My online status changed to decision Made on feb 10th I did not get any letter from CIC ... how long it takes to get the letter asking for passports?
You will get notice for ROLF first

...if you haven't paid it, i got the notice to pay ROLF after 4 days of Status update - Decision Made on the Website. I got the passport request after the receipt of ROLF by CIC, in 10-14 days
Re: You will get notice for ROLF first

Mine is showing since Dec 13th onwards. still I did not get any paper from Canada consulate. On Thursday i sent fax, i am waiting for the response.