Buffalo Tracker (please add)

Tracker Update

name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n)
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -> N
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001> 09/11/2001 -> 04/20/2002/remedical 06/18/2002> interview waived> waitinf or landing papers

ldmello--------> 08/2001 ---> 10/12/2001 -> 05/23/2002 -> N
raj1008--------> 08/02/2001-> 10/26/2001 -> 07/21/2002 -> Y (7-10mnths)
appeal1232001 -> 08/17/2001 -> 11/10/01-> 09/09/2002 -> N
lonely_indian -> 09/17/2001 -> 11/2001 -> 09/03/2002 -> ?
shamim----> 09/19/2001-> 11/13/2001 -> pending
t_p99-----> 09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
dhaka101--> 09/2001 ---> 11/2001-----> Pending
samy_2002-> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> Pending
shyamku---> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
Jalma----->10/2001 ----> 11/28/2001--> pending
mm_ll----->10/12/01----> 02/07/02----> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001 -> 12/04/2001 -> pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim-------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------>11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002 ->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002 -> Pending
Reddy_ca--->09/16/2002 -> Pending

Guys, I am still waiting. I will update tracker list as soon as I will hear something.

Have a nice day!!!
Hi Everybody:

I have updated my status(under login: afs32)....

name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n)
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -> N
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001> 09/11/2001 -> 04/20/2002/remedical 06/18/2002> interview waived> waitinf or landing papers

ldmello--------> 08/2001 ---> 10/12/2001 -> 05/23/2002 -> N
raj1008--------> 08/02/2001-> 10/26/2001 -> 07/21/2002 -> Y (7-10mnths)
appeal1232001 -> 08/17/2001 -> 11/10/01-> 09/09/2002 -> N
lonely_indian -> 09/17/2001 -> 11/2001 -> 09/03/2002 -> ?
shamim----> 09/19/2001-> 11/13/2001 -> pending
t_p99-----> 09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
dhaka101--> 09/2001 ---> 11/2001-----> Pending
samy_2002-> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> Pending
shyamku---> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
Jalma----->10/2001 ----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001 -> 12/04/2001 -> pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim-------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------>11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002 ->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002 -> Pending
Reddy_ca--->09/16/2002 -> Pending

Hope to hear more good news from other folks.


Nee info

Gurus pls let me know,

Is it TRUE that we CAN have only one PR
Either US or CANADA???

Let me know......

Can't we maintain BOTH?

Here is one more - Waiting 'N' Waiting

My application was received at Buffalo : Oct 5th, 2001
I received file no. : Nov. 15th,2001
Sent 6 faxes since then, but no reply back from them.
Not able to get status from e-Status also.
Since then no news, waiting & waiting for the rest
Anyone has idea as how to get status.
Prad :rolleyes:
Hi Everybody:

Adding my status (under login: pkapur)....

name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n)
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -> N
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001> 09/11/2001 -> 04/20/2002/remedical 06/18/2002> interview waived> waitinf or landing papers

ldmello--------> 08/2001 ---> 10/12/2001 -> 05/23/2002 -> N
raj1008--------> 08/02/2001-> 10/26/2001 -> 07/21/2002 -> Y (7-10mnths)
appeal1232001 -> 08/17/2001 -> 11/10/01-> 09/09/2002 -> N
lonely_indian -> 09/17/2001 -> 11/2001 -> 09/03/2002 -> ?
shamim----> 09/19/2001-> 11/13/2001 -> pending
t_p99-----> 09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
pkapur----> 10/5/2001 --> 11/15/2001 -> Pending
dhaka101--> 09/2001 ---> 11/2001-----> Pending
samy_2002-> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> Pending
shyamku---> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
Jalma----->10/2001 ----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001 -> 12/04/2001 -> pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim-------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------>11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002 ->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002 -> Pending
Reddy_ca--->09/16/2002 -> Pending

Let us hope for the best for everybody and keep posting any news or idea if anyone has.


why impatient yaar!!!!!!

Hi Prad,

Well if you look at the tracker info, one of our friend, who received his AOR on Nov, 10, 2001 got his result. Now we are waiting for shamim and Tp_99 to get their result, then comes your turn. But don't forget to update your result as soon as you receive it.

There is nobody between me and you, where I can get the latest information from.

I hope you guys will get through within a month.

Good luck
AOR date of Dhaka!!!!

Hello Mr Dhaka,

Can you please let us know on what date you received your AOR in November, 01. This will give us some idea about where we are now.

No need to fax to immigration people, when all of us are here to help each other.

Jalma:) :)
AOR in Nov

Hey Guys,

I received my AOR in November of 2001 also and have not received anything else from Canada yet. I did get a letter in August after I inquired about my status, and it stated that they will basically let me know as soon as possible and that they have a backlog. I was also told not to send anymore faxes as it slows down the process.

Hope this helps and I will keep you informed of any developments.



name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n)
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -> N
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001> 09/11/2001 -> 04/20/2002/remedical 06/18/2002>
interview waived> waitinf or landing papers

ldmello--------> 08/2001 ---> 10/12/2001 -> 05/23/2002 -> N
raj1008--------> 08/02/2001-> 10/26/2001 -> 07/21/2002 -> Y (7-10mnths)

appeal1232001 -> 08/17/2001 -> 11/10/01-> 09/09/2002 -> N
lonely_indian -> 09/17/2001 -> 11/2001 -> 09/03/2002 -> ?
shamim----> 09/19/2001-> 11/13/2001 -> pending
t_p99-----> 09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
pkapur----> 10/5/2001 --> 11/15/2001 -> Pending
Jalma----->10/2001 ----> 11/28/2001--> pending Texas----->00/2001---> 11/2001-> pending
dhaka101--> 09/2001 ---> 11/2001-----> Pending
samy_2002-> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> Pending
shyamku---> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending

Suny------>10/26/2001 -> 12/04/2001 -> pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim-------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------>11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002 ->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002 -> Pending
Reddy_ca--->09/16/2002 -> Pending:p :p :p :p
Well small congrats :) to you on receiving file number. But strange also, taking such a long time. I beleive there is very long queue of Desis for Canada.

finally received file number on 9/30/2002.

Hi gsingh72!

Does it say how many weeks you have to wait. In one of these forums somebody said you have to wait for 52 weeks from AOR date. I also applied for Canada PR in December 2001 and got AOR in MAR 2002. It said wait for 30 weeks for assesment. Please post your details.

Yeah , it says I have to wait for 30 weeks for assessment. But I guess it is taking about 1 year seeing all the posts. Also file number is taking between 4 to 6 months nowadays in Buffalo...seems many people have applied there.

Add my info to the tracker...

Applied on 10/16/01
AOR on Jan/07/2002

Nothing till now.......
Hmm.... when can something happen????
case approved as per online status on sep 30 2002
waiting for visa and landing papers by written from canada INS

sivak_c---> 07/06/2001> 09/11/2001 -> 04/20/2002/remedical 06/18/2002>
interview waived> sep 30 2002
Congrats sivak_c, You must be really feeling great.

Please let us know which site did u check your status on coz the www.cic.gc.ca site for the last couple of days has been saying that the online status check is temporarily not available.

Good Luck with the LANDING !
Again sleeping.............

It seems like canadian immigration people again went on long vacation since none of the case was approved since 9/9/02 (as per this forum).

Shamim, tp_99, Dhaka , pKapur any comments....

Have you guys heards anything from them yet or still waiting......