Buffalo Tracker (please add)

letter of reference after initial assessment


Regarding letters of reference after receiving initital assessment, is it enough if I can furhish a letter of reference detailing my pay, etc from my direct manager?
Or do we have to send in another one also?
I guess the mention of the word "letters" is misleading me.

Also another question that I have in mind is about the address.
Though I had sent in my address change information[only my apt number had changed with rest of the info remaining the same] the authorities updated wherever required with a pen marking out the older one. Now on the medical form [medical report client identification] they still kept the old apartment number.
Now does this mean I really have to call the 1-800 number provided and notify them.
I am concerned about the possible delays in processing if they have to re-send the whole info with the changed apartment number.

I am in Trouble Plss Help !!!!!!!!

Pls Help ! I am in Trouble :

I guess some of you might be in this situation. I had applied for Canadian PR in Jan 2002 and I am on H1 Visa in US. But since few months I am on Bench and now time has come when I have to go to India since it is difficult to leave in US without a Job. So can u pls pls give me ur suggestions regarding the follwoing :

1) Everyone has suggested not to transfer my case to India since it will start from beginning. So if I keep my file here, and in case I get a Interview is there a way I can have it in India??
2 ) If the interview is Waived then can I have medicals in India??
3) As I can see from the Tracking , Novemebr 2001 Cases are now getting an assessment, so on an avearage it is taking around 12 to 13 months for assessment. So is it worth staying that time?? If I deceide to go back then is there a way someone else can do my FBI clearance if they ask to do it again?? I had already sent them FBI Clearance and had given my fingerprints to them.

Any suggestions and reply will be helpful and appreaciated.


You should be hearing from them soon...

I would not make any plans to go home until I heard from Bufalo.

Good Luck....
Thanks Texas

Thanks for the reply,

But my concern is If say I go back to India and then I get the assessment and Interview is waived then does anything else need my physical presence ?? I mean for FBI clearncae if asked again etc ?? What do u think??? My brother is in US so he can also apply on my behalf if reqd.

You will hear from Buffalo anyday. I sent my papers back in September, 2001 and got assessment in September 2002. Exactly one year and one day after.

I am not sure what your assessment will be. But, some are asked to take medicals in 60 days, some are asked to wait for 6 months. Most common things asked are bank letters showing funds and certified letter from current employer...

Sit tight till the end of this month...I am pretty certain you will receive your assessment. A friend of mine also got his assessment one year after he sent his application....
Texas is correct!!!!!!!!

As he said, they are taking 12 months time to send ur medical paper...so dont worry..u will get very soon.
One year backlog

If you call the old service number, there is a message there saying there is a one year backlog in PR processing...

Thanks Manas,Texas & kkim02

I am crossing my finger and waiting for the same but at the same time I am facing through some problem where I am forced to think to go to India while at the same time I want to keep my PR case safe. SO can u give ur option on the following :
1) When the Assessment comes, If there is an interview is it immly within 1-2 months or is it after 5-6 months like medical .
2) Is the medicals and fingerprinting possible outside the country ie India ??
3) If the Interview is waived then do I have to still stay here for some formailties or can I do the other formailties from India.

My brother is in US and he can help in submitting any documents needed.

Pls reply at the earliest !


Thanks Manas,Texas & kkim02

I am crossing my finger and waiting for the same but at the same time I am facing through some problem where I am forced to think to go to India while at the same time I want to keep my PR case safe. SO can u give ur option on the following :
1) When the Assessment comes, If there is an interview is it immly within 1-2 months or is it after 5-6 months like medical .
2) Is the medicals and fingerprinting possible outside the country ie India ??
3) If the Interview is waived then do I have to still stay here for some formailties or can I do the other formailties from India.

My brother is in US and he can help in submitting any documents needed.

Pls reply at the earliest !


Thanks Manas,Texas & kkim02

I am crossing my finger and waiting for the same but at the same time I am facing through some problem where I am forced to think to go to India while at the same time I want to keep my PR case safe. SO can u give ur option on the following :
1) When the Assessment comes, If there is an interview is it immly within 1-2 months or is it after 5-6 months like medical .
2) Is the medicals and fingerprinting possible outside the country ie India ??
3) If the Interview is waived then do I have to still stay here for some formailties or can I do the other formailties from India.

My brother is in US and he can help in submitting any documents needed.

Pls reply at the earliest !

Hey Buddy,

I think you have to wait for 6 mnoths MIN for Interview if required.
You can have medical from any designated physcian around the globe but for finger prints U need to get it done from US. What I suggest is that if you plan to leave for India then get your fingure prints done from US & ask you brother to mail them to FBI when he recieve the docs asking for those.
If your interview is waived then U are OK any where in the world & need to mail the passport to Buffallo when asked.

I think this answers your concerns.

Regards & Good Luck. Wish for me also, my repeat medical was sent on 01/10/03 & I have my fingures crossed.

Hi SafdarAli,

What do you mean by "my repeat medical was sent on 01/10/03 "?? As i've done my medical (10/15/2002) around the same time as you, i've not heard anything so far. Did they ask for any additional documents when they sent the medical paper w/assessment??? I've sent my additional documents on 10/15/2002 and it was received on 10/18/2002, but how can I be sure my doc. were placed in the proper place??

Thanks and wish you good luck,

Thanks SafdarAli,

That is the best reply precise to what I wanted to know. Now my only constarint is the Interview. If it happens immy in 1-2 months after assesment then I have to stay else. I can go if it is 6 months mim as SafdarAli is indicating.

Thanks a lot. It will be further helpful to know from those who have got an interview about when did they get them?? Immly after Assesmet or within 6 months??

Is there a way I can go to Buffalo and find out with them personally?? Did anyone try that option?? Do they give advice on cases ??
How long after Medicals are submitted !!

Hey All,

I have submitted my Medicals on July 15, 2002 and have not heard anything after that. What could be the matter? It has been 6 months ! I have sent them faxes in Nov and Dec of 01... No Reply from them.

Anyone in a similar situation please comment. If anyone knows any reason also please advise.


Hi Idmello,
They take about 6-8 months for the security check. So if you sent in your results in july, you should be hearing from them sometime around Jan-March. so hang tight. And don't worry-you are just a few weeks from being asked to submit your passport.

usually it takes two months after medicals..

not sure why your case has taken so long. You are right, they are not responding to faxes.

Wait for a few more weeks and if no answer, send a certified letter to the consulate asking about the status of your case.
new bee


Need your help

I received medical forms 01/15/03, interview waived.
Advised to wait 6 months before submitting medical forms.

Change of address does not reflect on the medical forms, still refers to the old address. I called the 1 800..number given on the medical forms, doesn't work.

I sent a fax reg. birth of my baby before the initial assesment( 6 months back). Looks like they have not updated the records and they have not sent the medicals for my baby

dont know what to do..

Please advise

Thanks SatisJha and Texas !

Thanks guys for your updates! Have another question.

I applied in July 2001 and my interview was waived and I have completed my Medicals. The the law says that... "for those who applied before Dec 31, 2001 and a selection Decesion is not made by March 31 2003, then the new law will apply with the pass marks of 70"

I am confused here. Will I be re-assessed with the new law if I do not get a decision by March 31? What does "Selection Decesion" Mean?

Please advise.

Regards and Good Luck to all.

Thanks SatisJha and Texas !

Thanks guys for your updates! Have another question.

I applied in July 2001 and my interview was waived and I have completed my Medicals. The the law says that... "for those who applied before Dec 31, 2001 and a selection Decesion is not made by March 31 2003, then the new law will apply with the pass marks of 70"

I am confused here. Will I be re-assessed with the new law if I do not get a decision by March 31? What does "Selection Decesion" Mean?

Please advise.

Regards and Good Luck to all.
