Buffalo Tracker (please add)

Fingerprints report

I had submitted fingerprints to the FBI on October 25th, 2004. Its now more than 8 weeks, no response yet. Is there anybody in this forum who have submitted fingerprints in the same time line, have received the report back or are still waiting for the report? I was just wondering if I should just sit and wait or do something about it.
Hi Guys

When I got Initial Assement in May 2004. It just said that my interview is waived, need to go for medical and send some more documents. It did not say anything to send RPRF fee. Will there be a seperate request to send the fee before requesting the passport or fee and passport will be requested at the same time.

gc212: You should have mailed your RPRF fee with additional docs. Anyway, you can mail it as soon as you can if you are in a hurry otherwise just waite and they will mail you a request..
Thanks Johar Ali

Thanks Johar Ali for an early reply.

Do you have any idea if RPRF fee request will be before passport request or together?

Thanks again.
Ktym said:
I had submitted fingerprints to the FBI on October 25th, 2004. Its now more than 8 weeks, no response yet. Is there anybody in this forum who have submitted fingerprints in the same time line, have received the report back or are still waiting for the report? I was just wondering if I should just sit and wait or do something about it.
It took nearly 9 weeks for me, you may get it any moment.
you can even find out by calling Customer service.
Moving to Canada from US

Hi Guys
I am interested in getting details on moving to Canada from US. Is there a website that has information like moving household stuff, car, tax implications, what to do first, next etc. etc.

gc212: I hate to tell you but mostly the RPRF request will come before the passport request. Why don't you mail them the RPRF instead of waiting for hte request. This way you could expedite the process. Good luck,
Hi all,
I have been an avid reader of this wonderful forum for the last 3 years, previously for US-GC DOL and now for Canada PR. I have dropped the idea of US GC since I am in 6th year of H1B etc etc. Cannot take any more of never seemingly endless looking DOL/140/485...
Only now I decided to take an active part in this forum.

I am also in the same bandwagon like US2Canada, trying to get more info on moving complete household stuff. I am planning to sell my house here and move all stuff to vancouver, buy/rent a house there.
Also planning to change my career and do business in Canada. Gotten tired and bored of software. Want to take some more challenges..

Want to make some good friends with guys in vancouver or planning to be there shortly. Presently I have no one in vancouver.
Thanks to all active participants who have made this forum the best in class I have seen so far.

My time line:-
AOR : Nov 2003
IA: Jun 2004
Medicals: Aug 2004
Documents: Sept 2004
Added newborn: Oct 2004
Newborn Medical: Nov 2004
Pass Req: Pending

I think this post may not be very appropirate for this forum but I thought someone may know the answer.

My friend and his wife want to visit usa but his wife is pregnant. If the women dilivers the baby here in USA (like emergency) then child I assume will be USA citizen. Could there be any problems in terms of their visa when they arrive in the country since wife is pregnant? I think they have health insurance which can cover in any country as well.
medicals not sent by the doctor

I got my IA in late nov. and I have done my medical exams few days after recieving the note. But it has been already one month and doctor has not even reviewed the results.

Every time I call, I can only talk to receptionist and lots of blah blah like results did not come, now holidays. This doctor does has time to see more patients for immigration but no time to review the results and send them to CIC.

Is there any thing which I could do speed up the process?
anonymous12: Your friend baby will be a US citizen by birth. There should be no problem just because some one is pregnant. There is no suchdicrimination in the US.

Handle you case with the doctor in a very nice way if it is still not working out then call BBB. Once they have mailed the results, post his details here for the benefits of the others. Good luck...
Hi everybody.
I was asked to do my medicals and submit my documents. I'm totally confused, I have a couple of questions regarding the paper work that I need to submit. PLEASE someone suggest me what to do....

1. One of the documents asked was W2 forms. It was specifically mentioned that I should submit ORGINALS. But how can I send them my originals?. Did anyone have such a issue. I'm not sure what I should do. Could anyone please advice. Should I contact CIC about this.

2. I have my doc's appointment for my medicals. Will the doc send the medical result to me or will he send it to CIC directly.

3. I stayed at two different places in India before I came to the US. Should I get Indian PCC from both places (or) from my native town (or) from the place I last stayed. Is there any particular format in which I need to get the PCC.

4. I posted my fingerprints to FBI on 26th Dec. When can I expect the result?.

The letter from the Buffalo Canadian consulate did not says if my interview is waived or not. So, should I assumed that I will have a interview. I expect my paper work to be done and submitted latest by Feb. In that case any idea when I may get a call for interview.
wilsondavid said:
Hi everybody.
I was asked to do my medicals and submit my documents. I'm totally confused, I have a couple of questions regarding the paper work that I need to submit. PLEASE someone suggest me what to do....

1. One of the documents asked was W2 forms. It was specifically mentioned that I should submit ORGINALS. But how can I send them my originals?. Did anyone have such a issue. I'm not sure what I should do. Could anyone please advice. Should I contact CIC about this.

2. I have my doc's appointment for my medicals. Will the doc send the medical result to me or will he send it to CIC directly.

3. I stayed at two different places in India before I came to the US. Should I get Indian PCC from both places (or) from my native town (or) from the place I last stayed. Is there any particular format in which I need to get the PCC.

4. I posted my fingerprints to FBI on 26th Dec. When can I expect the result?.

The letter from the Buffalo Canadian consulate did not says if my interview is waived or not. So, should I assumed that I will have a interview. I expect my paper work to be done and submitted latest by Feb. In that case any idea when I may get a call for interview.
To answer your questions in short, for,

1. Submit your notorized W2 for all the years requested. Those should suffice
2. Doc should directly send the medicals to the CIC...they approved list of doc should have already done that before, and will be aware of the this
3. Get the PCC from Indian Embassy or Indian Consulate..it takes them few weeks to get them done (depends upon where your passport was issued)
4. FBI currently is taking 8 weeks or so to get the fingerprints done

Others: The letter should state that the "interview is not required currently..but can be requested if they want it.." something to that effect...
wilsondavid: The following question was not answered by SSMDelhi.

I stayed at two different places in India before I came to the US. Should I get Indian PCC from both places (or) from my native town (or) from the place I last stayed.

NO, get it from the embassy and it is cxetralized system so PCC is issued for whole country at once, otherwise it will be a crazy thing...
Can someone please tell me how many copies of the various forms are required per applicant. i.e. do they require more than one copy of any form for an applicant.

FBI Fingerprinting - Is it required to be submitted along with the initial IA? Or can that be submitted at a later date when requested by the Consulate.

Photos - Can someone suggest a good, economical plc to get immigration pics taken.

How long does it taken after filing the IA to get a file #?

And what if something is missing from the IA? Does the Buffalo Consulate assign a File # and request the missing docs. or is it start from scratch? How do I know if my IA is just sitting without a file # becoz of missing docs?

Please help. Thanks.

Can someone please tell me how many copies of the various forms are required per applicant. i.e. do they require more than one copy of any form for an applicant.

FBI Fingerprinting - Is it required to be submitted along with the initial IA? Or can that be submitted at a later date when requested by the Consulate.

Photos - Can someone suggest a good, economical plc to get immigration pics taken.

How long does it taken after filing the IA to get a file #?

And what if something is missing from the IA? Does the Buffalo Consulate assign a File # and request the missing docs. or is it start from scratch? How do I know if my IA is just sitting without a file # becoz of missing docs?

Please help. Thanks.
Can someone please tell me how many copies of the various forms are required per applicant. i.e. do they require more than one copy of any form for an applicant.

One application for every applicant, you can keep copies if you want

FBI Fingerprinting - Is it required to be submitted along with the initial IA? Or can that be submitted at a later date when requested by the Consulate.

Please see other posts, there are several replies on this, you can do it either way, just remember if your case takes too long they might expire so wait till they ask

Photos - Can someone suggest a good, economical plc to get immigration pics taken.

It depends on your area, there are postings for the bay area in the other threads

How long does it taken after filing the IA to get a file

Seatch the Buffalo tracker thread you will get sites where people have posted their processing times

And what if something is missing from the IA? Does the Buffalo Consulate assign a File # and request the missing docs. or is it start from scratch? How do I know if my IA is just sitting without a file # becoz of missing docs?

They will request it, if you don't get a file number for some reason after a long time based on other people's processing times you can fax them, but usually its hard to get a response.
Please help. Thanks.
They return the documents if anything is missing
this happens within a month

they donot cash in the draft you send,unless all
docs are there
Finally got the Fingerprints report from the FBI, it took 9 weeks. With this I would have submitted all the additional documents that were requested based on IA, medicals completed. But again I have a new born and its almost a month, still haven't received the birth certificate, unbelievable. If the child was born in India I could have got the birth certificate as well as passport in one months time.

My time line:

Application submitted in Feb 2004
AOR- Feb 2004
IA - Oct 2004
Medicals - Nov 2004
Additional documents submitted - Dec 2004
FBI Fingerprint report will be submitted in Jan 2005
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