Atlanta Local Office Processing

Got 2nd FP notice today


Today we received FP notice from Atlanta local office. Scheduled date is July 14th and we are planning for early FP. Based on RealCanadian's experience we may get our interview call soon. :)

RD Sept 2001
TD Jan2003
FP1 Jan2002

Therealcanadian. You go for interview on July 15th. I hope I hear something before that. I have jsut done one FP so far and that was in Nov '01 so I think that is the first thing I will get...before the interview.
You are right...I should wait for the "official" processing date to move to July so that I can get a definate answer about the interview...atleast one can hope to as my RD is July 2001 and case transferred in sep 2002.

Best of luck to GApeach and TheRealcanadian...veteran's on this site along with me. :)
GAPeach said:
Today we received FP notice from Atlanta local office. Scheduled date is July 14th and we are planning for early FP. Based on RealCanadian's experience we may get our interview call soon.

By all means give the early FP a try; if it's possible see if you can get to the ASC on Buford Hwy early in the morning. My experience has been that it takes 3-4 days to get back the results of the FP, and I think that FP is prelude to interview. Give it a whirl.
waitingforaos said:
Therealcanadian. You go for interview on July 15th. I hope I hear something before that. I have jsut done one FP so far and that was in Nov '01 so I think that is the first thing I will get...before the interview. You are right...I should wait for the "official" processing date to move to July so that I can get a definate answer about the interview...atleast one can hope to as my RD is July 2001 and case transferred in sep 2002.

From what I'm seeing (especially with GAPeach's FP) is that Atlanta USCIS is releasing the backlog and moving forward. I think you will be rewarded soon - and if not, let's see what the processing dates are and start bugging people.

My heartiest congratulations to you and your family. Glad that finally after two years long wait you got the interview. We'll know the outcome in 2 weeks. The countdown begins.

I hope waitingforaos and others get soon as well. I'll be praying to god.

BEST OF LUCK with everything.
you are right you should take all the documents in case. i went to local center in Greer, South Carolina and people waiting for an interview had a box full of papers.

*********sometimes i wonder why the cases for both of you got transferred in so early stages?************any answer?

I wonder if I didnot get a interview call or FP call because I changed address. I had informed them by mail and personally too. Did any of you who have got interview call changed address
waitingforaos said:
I wonder if I didnot get a interview call or FP call because I changed address. I had informed them by mail and personally too. Did any of you who have got interview call changed address

You might want to inquire about your case. As after writing my earlier remarks, i saw my mail. They have requested my fingerprints for the 3rd time. Looks like local service center are speeding up.
I had applied for EAD/AP on June 4th, i got Adavance Parole in the mail today. I also got request for fingerprint for the EAD card.

Don't know what's happening but i was told that they have added new officers to local service center (Greer, SC) to decrease the backlogs. Maybe this is the result of that. Not sure about Atlanta.

I hate to take fingerprints for the third time as it has not been even 1 year that my fingerprints expired. I might as well do it since i am going for EAD.

It sucks.. but i guess things are moving.

At last we received our interview letter today. It is scheduled on 21st July .
After a long wait we got a big relief.
waitingforaos - I suggest you to go to local office and enquire. They may send the letter to old address.

:) :)
I agree

GAPeach said:
At last we received our interview letter today. It is scheduled on 21st July. After a long wait we got a big relief. waitingforaos - I suggest you to go to local office and enquire. They may send the letter to old address.

Congratulations and best of luck on the interview. I spent some time last night digging through the thick "immigration folder" and ended up with a number of folders with all sorts of documents, like copies of all of my approval notices for our Hs and Bs, as well as our TN I-94s dating back from 1998. Got copies of my degree, employment letters, receipt notices, bank statement and tax returns. It's good to have everything ready just in case.

I agree with you on waitingforaos' situation. It might not be a bad idea to go downtown and check to make sure they have the right address, and if you can get an FP scheduled.
Got It!

I got an interview call for 20 July. Its definately a relief. Thanks guys for looking out for me a suggesting ideas.
I have one concern though......I did my finger print in Nov '01 and have just got an interview call. Did not get a letter for FP.

Any ideas why?

Also, is there a AC21 form that needs to be filled if one has changed jobs?
What other documents do I need to take other than the appointment letter from my new employer

Good luck to all. Do let us know after you go for your interview

It is a good news... At last all of us are getting our long over due chance.
I got FP notice on Wednesday and today I got the interview letter. Your may get your FP notice soon or you can check with ATL local office.

Good luck....
:) :)
I was just checking the thread after the long weekend. Very Happy to know thaw Waiting finally got the interview call. It's a very short notice, however, you guys deserve even better after this long long wait.

Looks like things are picking up at local offices. I am shocked to see my AP approved in 1 month and i going for FP's/EAD to Charleston next week.

Waiting, you could go to local office and request for early FP's. Even if you want to pay $70 per finger print you should do it becuase, your FP's have expired and i don't want that when officers finds out that you don't have FP's current he/she might just approve you/awaiting fingerprints.

Maybe others can shed some light on it. USCIS should have made your FP's current before even scheduling you for an interview.

I am kind of confused regarding finger prints. When I had gone personally to the local office last year...after my FP had expired I had asked the officer and he had said that you donot need to do FP again. My lawyer also tells me that they have not got FP redo's once they are expired...cases are just approved. He is a very well known lawyer dealing with all sorts of cases.

Question for anybody who has switched employers....I know RealCanadian has. What should we do about AC21. Is there anything other than the new offer letter and pay stubs that we need to take to the interview?
waitingforaos said:
I am kind of confused regarding finger prints. When I had gone personally to the local office last year...after my FP had expired I had asked the officer and he had said that you donot need to do FP again. My lawyer also tells me that they have not got FP redo's once they are expired...cases are just approved. He is a very well known lawyer dealing with all sorts of cases.

I think based upon our own experience watching others in these forums we can see that refingerprinting is commonly done. My FP results have been expired for over a year so I think it's a no-brainer that they redo them. I have seen the odd case here where a case was approved with the FP being expired for a few days, but if the FP is expired for a long time I would be highly surprised to see the case approved without a new FP.

What I have seen is that sometimes the interview will happen and only then will the FP be scheduled for a day or two later, and within 4-5 days when the results come back an approval notice gets sent in the mail. District Office procedures are very strange to us EB folks, and EB procedures are strange to the District Office folks. :)

Question for anybody who has switched employers....I know RealCanadian has. What should we do about AC21. Is there anything other than the new offer letter and pay stubs that we need to take to the interview?

That's all I'm providing. My new employer does next to nothing in support of immigration - all they have provided is my title and pay. I have paystubs - it's a W2 job with no end date (they wouldn't commit to the lack of end date, saying I'm at will and that's that.)
I also used AC21

I switched the employer last year and they are ready to give new EVL. I asked my lawyer to send me sample letter and she gave a format letter to INS saying xyz's job still exists and will continue indefinitely... I don't think that what USCIS wants. I am going to ask the employer to give a letter with the same title and job description from labor certification.

I am totally stuck. My previous employer is not co operating as I am an ex employee and the new employer had made it clear when they hired me that “they have nothing to do with immigration”. Couple of questions.

What is EVL?
AC21 – what should we say when they ask why we quit the sponsoring company?
Any in site into AC21 would be highly appreciated. I am planning on taking my offer letter from new employer, all the pay stubs and bank statements showing the pay deposits.

About the finger print…I think I will just go for the interview and see what happens then as I do not think I have any other option.

Has anybody heard of a case being denied during interview?
GAPeach said:
I switched the employer last year and they are ready to give new EVL. I asked my lawyer to send me sample letter and she gave a format letter to INS saying xyz's job still exists and will continue indefinitely... I don't think that what USCIS wants. I am going to ask the employer to give a letter with the same title and job description from labor certification.

I wouldn't sweat that. AC21 says if you are employed in the same or similar job. My LC says "Senior Consultant" but the DOT title appears to say software developer/engineer. My new job is "Java Programmer/Analyst". Basically, same thing. I get requirements, figure out a solution, and then code it.

USCIS cares that you're employed in a similar job. I don't think the format matters all that much.