140-->NVC-->St.Louis-->NVC-->Consulate Tracker Part5


apparantly there is a 1-800 number on the money order that one can use to check if it has been cashed.. I didn\'t have the copy of the MO (thanks to attorney) and never checked.. but if you have the MO, the instructions should be on it.
Thankyou, RaviPK, i don\'t know my I-140 Receipt no. how can i send the reconfirmation letter

My company don\'t give the I-140 Receipt no.. What should i do now??
Thanks you guys

Moulin Rouge, you are absolutely right about the visa number part! That\'s exactly what NVC told me. I didn\'t realize that part was also part of review.
NVC forwarded case to Chennai

Hi guys,
When I gave a call to NVC, they have informed that my case has sent to Chennai consulate on 06/04/2002. I am updating cptracker regularly and my id is \'pujpran\'.
I have few questions.
1) Based on the discussions done by our various friends.......my interview should be in August. Is my guessing right.
2) When looked at the chennai consulate website, they have not yet publichsd July appointments list.
3) How is the situation now at varous US consualtes in India? Has it really affected IV interviews?
4) I was told that PCC from CGI should be OK for Chennai....It is only problem for Mumbai consulate.
Thank you,
Atlast St. Louis cashed my MO. How long it takes to reach NVC?

Packet 3 sent to St. Louis on May 20th.
MO cashed: June 10th.
NVC Received: No Idea how long it takes NVC to receive packet3 from St. Louis.
manish, I am getting PCC from local police station in my native place.

Physical presence is not required, Paisa is required. Myself and My wife lived in several places in India after age 16, I am not planning to get PCC from all those places. I am going with PCC from native place local police station.
Tme to Receive P3 by the lawyer and what to expect after posting it back

I-140AD April 30th \'02
NVC RD May 8th
NVC Posted P3 somewhere in 3rd week of May \'02
My case has been created and I got the case number too BMBxxx...
How long does it take for the lawyer to receive the case I have already filled up DS230 PartI and II and the Lawyer just needs to post all the papers within a day. Secondly assuming my Lawyer posts the P3 this week(assuming he gets it) when can I expect an Interview roughly.

NVC Sent file to chennai on June 4th 2002

Contacted the NVC today and was informed that my file has been sent to Chennai consulate on the 4th of June.
While contacting the chennai consulate to determine an interview date, shall i give them the reference of the I 140 receipt date. Will that suffice as I don\'t have a NVC case date..


No Title

If you look @ a posting made by "svj" in august interviews for Mumbai, he had sent an email to Mumbai asking them about the interview the next day his file was sent by NVC. So, going by that I though every other consulate in India should have this info the next day.

Anyhow I have sent an email to Chennai this morning. Will post what they reply to me
Consulate says my interview will probably in September...

My case was forwarded from NVC to Tokyo consulate on May 3, I sent my P3 to the consulate and they received it on May 24.

Asked the consulate for my interview date last week (hoping that it will be in July or August)and they said that they will request visa number for me in July and the interview date will be in September!! I have no idea why it takes so long for them to do this. Oh well.

I know most of you are going through the consulates in India, which seem much more organized and efficient, but I\'m posting this info just in case someone else is reading this board is going through Tokyo...
Sydney is no better than Tokyo

Mitsy, I am having same problems at Sydney. They don\'t take calls, no web site update, don\'t answer "case specific" e-mail inquiries and say it will take 10 days to reply fax inquiries. Well, once this is over, I am going to lodge a complaint with the Consul general with a copy to DOS, Powell\'s office. I will ask them to have a look at the Indian consulates and see the quality of service they provide. A guy who had an interview last month in Sydney got less than a month\'s notice and they never replied a single fax or took his call. That says a lot about how our our tax dollars and $260 processing fees are used!
Reconfirmation letter reached NVC, I hope to receive Packet3 in a couple of weeks!

thanks jonnal for the format for the letter.
Thanks RaviPK. I have another question

My I-140 petition has reached NVC. Now, should I wait for NVC to send a request for confirmation or can I send the letter right now??? At what point of time did you send it??
Also, should I send the letter or should I aks my lawyer to send it???
Can I fax it???
please let me know. Thanks
Whiterose and others, a question please

I was waiting for my case to be reviewed. When I called NVC, they told me the paper work had been done on May 24(they received it on May 7), and my case was in their administrative processing line. However, they just refused to say the words"the review has been finished". I am confused. What is my status now? reviewed or not? what did they tell you when you called about the review. thanks.
Thank you WhiteRose for your prompt reply.

I will certainly keep in touch.Well, I am not able to participate regularly in the chat.
White Rose, do you have any format for getting PCC in India.
Do I need to get PCC in India from all the locations what I have metnioned in Point # 20 in DS230 PartI ?

Can we start a separate thread for all the CPers of possible August interview at Chennai ?

Thanks to all fellow CPers for their valuable inputs.

Guys, Need help on PCC.

I got my PCC in Feb of this year, and I am expecting either Sept/Oct interview, that is more than 6mo after issue of PCC. Does anyone have any idea on timeframe for the validity of PCC?