140-->NVC-->St.Louis-->NVC-->Consulate Tracker Part5

thanks for the valuable information

so according to the analysis,you are going by the NVC review date rather than the date case was sent to Chennai. I did do some analysis using cptraker.com and what I found out was that the cases sent to Chennai by May 15th where scheduled for July interviews. Eg UGC1 I guess.

One thing is for certain I guess. The day NVC sends the case to Chennai they also send and e-copy. This is what I think. Any inputs more than welcome
targetgc and rekhak

Got an email message from chennai saying that they have received our case. Just to let you know, NVC sent my case to Chennai on 06/12. It was on 06/13 that I had sent my mail to Chennai asking whether they have received my case and when I can expect the interview date.

Although they just replied that they have received the case this proves that NVC does send some electronic copy of the our papers to Chennai too. But, they did not comment on the approx month of my interview. I am going to send them a email in a week or so to ask them an approx month of my interview.
Good luck GC1 ..

Your case is moving pretty fast,hope you can make it for Aug\'interview..
No Title

yep.. that means that the NVC finally created a case for you. Now you can call in business hours and get the case number

Monitor it for around 3-5 days.. If it changes to "an information sheet regarding AOS..." it means that a reconfirmation letter is sent to you. Played wisely, you can fax in a reply and deal with that in a day rather than waiting for the letter to reach you , mail back, reach them and process.

If you dont get that message (or after the info sheet is processed) you will always hear "connecting to operator..." until the end of time.
analysis for chennai interviews

June-- scheduled interviews for nvc reviewed by April 8th
July--scheduled intervies for nvc reviewed by may 9th
August-- Guess reviewed by june 10th
september--Hope reviewed by july 11th

expect all people who have had review done by now, to get august interview. Awaiting review by nvc received june 7th, expecting september interview if reviewed in the next couple of weeks.
gcseeker1,rekhak, I got email response from Chennai that they have not recvd case yet.

My review done on June11. So rekhak, according to your analysis ,
for August, case should be reviewed by june 10th . Mine is borderline as it was reviewed on June 11 th. So you think I will make August?

I really need August as I will be leaving in July end for attending couple of weddingsand plan to get back August end. You think consulate will consider this ? pls let me know as I am really getting anxious.
Question Moulin Rouge

I sent my P3 Jun 7th to St.Louis. Is there a way to call them or track the process until it reaches NVC.

moulin rouge, thanks so much

I wish you the best luck in your CP.
at the same time, i also selfishly wish that you could hang around here so that I could ask questions later. :)
thanks again!
targetgc, as your review is completed on 11th .....

NVC will forward your case on coming Wednesday ie 19th. So if you email consulate next week, may be on Wednesday, then you will get answer. You will be lucky if you get August. Hope(and pray) for August.
tahnks svj. i will email them next Thursday and put in a request for August a little later.

I am sure there are a couple of cases where Mumbai has agreed for advancing the interview date, I am anot sure if Chennai can do the same. Any idea??
Thanks Miami!

But I am not sure whether I get interview date in August. I expect NVC review
done by July 10th. I think it will be in September.

Good luck to you.
No Title

cpindia.. no.. only things you can do is track tme mail via the courier tracking #) and then keep a tab on when your money order gets cashed.
moulin rouge

Hi MR,
I called NVC today after business hour and the automated message changed to sth. like "if you wish to speak to an operator, call back in our business hour...".
Does this mean that my case has been created. What is the next step I should expect and what message should go with that?
Again, your help is really greatly appreciated!