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    NSC processing time change

    Hello friends: Did you notice that the NSC processing time changed to 210-240 days? It's going to increase forever! It started from 60-90 days, then 60-120 then 90-120 then 120-150 then 150-180 then 210-240. The next time will be 270-300.
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    processing time in NSC???

    You never know You never know their actual processing time. I called them many times, in a week I heard processing time of March, April and Feb! How do you know the actual processing time? There are many explanations about delay at NSC, but I think what I heard directly from INS officals is...
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    Help!! NIW question...

    Why not EB1-EA? Why not EB1-EA? It's easiler for your Dad's case.
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    Any NSC update?

    After Lao-Yi and Tiger King's approval, NSC seems quiet again. Damn INS.
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    self-petitioned NIW approved at NSC !!!

    What area are you working in Congratulations! What area are you working in? It is really rare to hear a CS major to get an NIW approval!
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    EB1-EA at NSC Was Approved!

    Looking for a help from Lao-Yi Lao-Yi, I wounder if you can do me a favor. Can you send me an email at ? Thank you very much.
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    EB1-EA at NSC Was Approved!

    Many sharks So many sharks at NSC! Lao-Yi and Tiger King's backgrounds are too strong. But Lao-Yi's case is still a miracle even it's an easy case.
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    change job before I-140 approved

    Others are better In fact, your past or current employers may not help much even if they are willing to help. It is a common mistake to think that way. Try to find someone outside your community.
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    change job before I-140 approved

    who file the petition Depends on who file the petition. If you did yourself, you should be OK. If university files on behalf of you, usually the employer would revoke the case if you leave.
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    Is outstanding researcher EB1 or EB2

    EB1- (b) OR is EB1-(b)
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    EB1-EA at NSC Was Approved!

    NSC too I am filing at NSC too, self-petition. I called them many times, a week ago, I was told they are processing April's cases. Now, today, I was told they are doing Feb's cases. Never know what they are doing.
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    EB1-EA at NSC Was Approved!

    Self petition? Are a self-petitioner? I filed in May but still pending. What's going on?
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    EB1-OR at NSC approved!

    Congratulations Congratulations, Can you post your qualifications?
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    EB1-OR at NSC approved!

    Congratulations Congratulations, Can you post your qualifications?
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    Does anybody else have this problem?

    You should be OK I got similar problem on AVM too a couple of months. It doesn't matter, just a messaging system problem, you should be OK. The real problem is their processing speed!
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    EB1-EA RFE, help please!!!

    Re: Re: to Brian You can focus on your citations and original contributions. 57 is a very large number that can make this category very strong. You need to submit 10-15 such papers that cite your contributions and highlight them.
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    EB1-EA RFE, help please!!!

    which center Which center are you applying? You background is strong, maybe you didn't present it well.
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    Any update at NSC?

    It's moving now Just called INS, they are processing RD 4/23/02. Finally, it is moving now.
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    EB-1B(OR) Approved!

    Congratulations At least we know there is a move at NSC now.
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    EB-1B(OR) Approved!

    hello yitizhu It's so nice to see you back. Do you have idea what is going on at NSC? The processing date is still sitting at Feb/March. NSC is supposed to be the fastest. My friend filed in Jan and got approved in March, less than 2 months. But now, AVM says it will take 150-180 days to...