processing time in NSC???


Registered Users (C)
Just checking the processing time in NSC, found almost all I-140 went back for several months, like I-140D went back for 5 months, and NIW stayed in March 29, could anybody explain this, why they go back to check cases several months back, is it assumed they have processed all the cases of that months, if not, why they move forward? Could anyone tell me why NIW is so slow in NSC, I heard CSC was the slowest, but they are now processing NIW cases of september now.

I am really confused,

You never know

You never know their actual processing time. I called them many times, in a week I heard processing time of March, April and Feb! How do you know the actual processing time?

There are many explanations about delay at NSC, but I think what I heard directly from INS officals is more convincing. The recent delay is due to the security check added to each application package. Your package is bulk, right, is there a bomb inside?

Who knows whether there is a way to push them?