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  1. D

    OCI - New York Tracker

    Tips No acknowledgment for us at any point. It took may be more than two months to see the database show a ref# and then the process was fast! I didn't cancel my Indian passport For those applying now, just used my digital camera to get passport picts to print passport size photos on Kodak...
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    OCI - New York Tracker

    Got OCI and passport in mail from NY Applied end of March. Passports arrived today in mail from NY :)
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    OCI - New York Tracker

    WEbsite info is suff to send passport Does CGINY send an email after website says cards recvd or sending the passport with the status printout should be enough for them to stamp and send the passport back. I haven't decided if I should go personally or mail. I was more so inclined to go...
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    CGI-NY Tracker

    OCI card recvd by CGINY We applied at the end of March. Cards were recvd in NY last week. Baed on the comments, I guess best is to go and collect the cards and pp stamped in NY. For those looking for photos..I just used my Digital camera and got pictures to print on pp size using CVS...
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    India Dual Citizenship Mega Thread (Merged)

    Notary and stamps I had often wondered when a documen says can't Copy e.g. birth certficate and CTZSHP certficate etc how some notaries are putting seals on these documents. So when I walked into AAA office in PA, the Notary said there are some changes for notarization of Govt docs 1) we will...
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    India Dual Citizenship Mega Thread (Merged)

    I am hoping to join next week! I have most everything that is needed for app and will send it to CGINY next week and I guess will join you as wait buddy... So we are supposed to provide fingerprint for a child or leave it blank? Anyone? Did all of you trim pict sizes to 35x35mm.
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    India Dual Citizenship Mega Thread (Merged)

    Cginy NY is asking for two that a sure thing or they are calling back and saying now we need the third one? Just readying my app for next week send off.. Thanks !
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    India Dual Citizenship Mega Thread (Merged)

    NY and check Any news from NY consulate? Who should the check be made out to (Indian Consulate NY)? I am applying for myself +3 members. Do I have to send 3 c. checks for $275 and then one for $15 (mailing etc) to cover cost for all 4 members or the $15 is individual also. Any advice...
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    US Citizen looking for Domestic help

    Folks: My apologies, this post does not belong here but I know some Imm gurus cruise this site and may have some suggestions? Due to some family situation we are looking for domestic help and will prefer that we can bring some one from India for a year or so (not relatives). Any one has...
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    India Dual Citizenship Mega Thread (Merged)

    I checked back this thread after reading news that Govt is again talking about this. You just hope one of the babu/b-cat (drafting the document) has his folks also in similar situation as everyone here. May be he is doing all the running now that this will finally happen someday. Govt always...
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    Philadelphia PA - N-400 Timeline

    May 2nd Oath and Naturalization complete Application started March -04
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    Harrisburg, PA oath dates ?

    Don't worry...There are two oath locations in HBG: Federal court and County court. My friend and us interviewed on the same date one after the other. His oath was done on April 14th in Fed court. Our's is Monday in Dist court. If you didn't recieve the letter and if the officer did tell you that...
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    Harrisburg, PA oath dates ?

    KRAKOW:JFYI our ceremony is in Dauphin county court but not federal court. I saw online while checking directions that they do list May 2 as the date. Hope to see you there..
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    Help N-400 Part 10 Affiliation 8a and 8b Questions

    I listed 5 professional assoc and provided no evidence..They are not interested unless you belong to organizations that are on watch list. Listing or not listing has no impact on ctz.
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    Harrisburg, PA oath dates ?

    Letter arrived for May 2nd Oath Ceremony in HBG! Karakow see you there...
  16. D

    Harrisburg, PA oath dates ?

    Yes in District court in HBG..I think yours and ours may be together..The officer had said to me in May and marked something on paper after looking at a calendar on wall that had some kind of schedule and to my wife April/May to go with me whenever I am scheduled.
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    Harrisburg, PA oath dates ?

    Let us know what you find out. There is oath ceremony on 14th April. I haven't recvd the invite for that but some friends for us it could be either in next few days or could be next month.. or whenever they plan the next one!
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    Phili Interviews

    No! The officer said Oath letter will mailed. One of the things that may be helpful is there is a parking lot (/hour rate) just behind the Callowhill office. Very convenient! The funny thing was we had updated our address but officer said our information did not make into the files so she...
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    Phili Interviews

    Time to interview: About 1 year from time when we filed. Filed 17th March 04. We Live in HBG area too. I hear they are moving faster now. There were about 20 candidates in morning for the interview when i was scheduled to go through the process. Good luck with processing..
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    Phili Interviews

    Finsihed with interviews for me and spouse. It took us 10 min at the DO for both of us after our names were called, the officer was very efficient. She updated all the info that had changed since we filed apps. in March 04 and we were done. For those changing address, or worrying about its...